
Fan Rou VS. Soru

Yanlu Rou massaged her temples. She knew that if even if the friendship between the Su and Rou would be maintained, there would be an underlying hostility. After all, as a celestial family, they wouldn't be willing to swallow this down like something never happened. Furthermore, she very much knew the old ancestors of the Su family, so she was aware that a headache was coming on their way. Of course, if they survive this calamity, that is.

After the little extra scenario was done, the emperor looked at the devil who was having a number '3' on his forehead. He was a bulky figure with a large sword on his back. He looked so arrogant as if everything was below him and even heavens wouldn't dare to look him in the eyes, by his delusion.

"Suro, it's your turn." The emperor called out his name and said, "Don't disappoint me like what Maymar did."
