
Mission Impossible

Making sure that we still remain unspotted, we circle the entire settlement once more to find the best way to approach this ugly thing. It's really kind and generous to use words like settlement or village when describing this gathering of mud heaps of various sizes. I don't think anyone would even dare to bring out the term reef here.

But, such trashy architecture suits this waste of an aquatic race well. At first, I was really wondering if things wouldn't suddenly turn around when we would discover some greater cause for their military campaign, or even a simple, logical reason involving two or more sides, but I'm glad that they are just bastards with a superiority complex. They have clearly been evil even without Umbra's influence.

Thanks to that, I don't need to feel that bad about them. It certainly helps.

Therefore, we can give our all here without any worries. I'm pretty sure that even meeting their leader won't change anything. I have a feeling that he isn't really controlled or brainwashed by the evil goddess but is following all the orders of his own volition. It would have been a different case if that dude was forcing all his subjects to fulfil that grand plan of theirs.

So, after finishing our last scouting attempt, we pick the safest route and approach the first line of ugly clay huts. There are no walls or defences and it's quite obvious why. What help would they be when the entire thing is underwater? Unless they surround their settlement with a dome-like shield similar to the one at the Merfolk town, the enemy can approach from literally any angle besides the ground level.

Meru leads the charge while I follow after her with Cornelia, making sure that my loving magician wife can keep up with the quick pace. Safi and Emi swallow Neira for the moment and slither over the seabed like a sapphire-emerald river that has picked up a body with its strong current. Thanks to everyone's efforts, we manage to slip between the buildings before anyone notices our approach.

Letting the Dark Elf lady out of their slime, my jelly companions start looking around to watch our surroundings and the rest of us gather in one place.

"What's the plan now? Are we going to split and divide their attention so that you can have an easier time getting to the ugly bastard?" Cornelia asks while fixing her diving suit a bit.

"I don't think that will be wise in this case." Neira rubs her chin while pondering.

"I agree." I nod. "Most of their forces are certainly out but that doesn't mean we can underestimate them like this. We don't know what kind of tricks they are able to pull to defend their capital and the palace. Plus, some platoons might be stationed in the area. We can't end up withdrawing or we won't have a second chance to take him down."

"That's true. Their security won't be ever as lax as right now. They might have heard about us but they shouldn't yet consider our guerilla group as dangerous to their operation, not to mention their main settlement. We need to avoid detection at all costs and reach the palace without getting spotted. Only then do we have a chance to assassinate the emperor," Meru joins in.

"What if we don't find that prick in there?" Cornelia glances at her.

"If he is any similar to the common Sahuagins, then the chances of that are close to zero. I wouldn't expect the strongest person in their tribe to move an inch from their grand throne unless something critical happens. They would much rather order the weak subjects to do everything in their power to achieve that," Meru replies.

"So, unless we are extremely unlucky, things should be fine." I brush through her dark hair. "It's not like we can comb through this entire mess in search of a single entity. The risk of getting discovered is too high. Betting on what Meru said is our best option. If we don't stumble on that bastard in the palace, we will then see what can be done. We'll either wreck this entire place or try to lure him out somehow. Time will be against us from the moment our presence is made known."

"Too bad he isn't a female. It would have been a piece of cake with your senses primed for finding new women." Cornelia smirks at me and I chuckle lightly. "But, what can we do? We have to work with what we have. We are too deep in this already."

"Alright. I think we should let either Safi or Emi consume some guards until we learn more about the palace and this settlement. Maybe we will even gather some information on the emperor himself," Neira suggests.

I snap my fingers at her. "That's a good plan. I doubt the common Sahuagins will know much but it might be different in the case of the palace sentries or servants."

"Also, while we are at it, we should try to learn where they keep the kidnapped females if any have been brought here. I don't dream about finding any of my friends among the captives but I feel like we should rescue them as soon as possible. They definitely suffered a lot already." Meru glances at me with a calm expression.

Swimming a bit closer to her, I take her fierce cheeks into my palms. "We are going to save as many people as possible. I promise. Freeing them before could be a decent tactic but we will have to leave that for after we deal with the emperor, unfortunately."

"Yes, I understand. And I'm sure that everyone will be more than eager to take revenge on their assailants. Giving them the opportunity to do that, we should be able to secure at least a few dozen warriors that will help deal with the remaining Sahugains in this settlement," she says, looking me deep in the eyes.

"Killing two birds with one stone, huh?" I smile at her warmly. "We'll do exactly that. Let's get to work, then."

I lean in pretty much at the same time as Meru does and we share a brief and tender kiss. She actively pursues my lips with closed eyes, enjoying this gentle show of affection and care in silence. I get to have the final peck on her soft mouth and she withdraws with a darker shade blooming over her cheeks. Meru is as calm and fierce as always, but she seems to be getting better at showing her feelings.

Catching a teasing smile on Cornelia's lips, I roll my eyes at the charming magician and we refocus on the task at hand. Safi moves first since she has the lowest chances of being spotted in this environment and we follow after her. To watch our back, we send Emi to be on the lookout for any sudden enemies. That way, both sides are as secure as they can possibly be.

We hop between the quite disgusting houses and buildings one by one, keeping a watchful eye on our surroundings. Since the entire race is unfortunately made up only of males, many of my abilities and skills will be of no help if we get discovered. I still have Charm Magic at hand, but it's going to be risky when faced with more than one person that finds us here. So, it's best to not tempt fate and move slowly but surely. Even a single dead body or trace of blood might give us out.

Thankfully, as shit as everything in this place looks, the streets aren't that bad. I wouldn't call the ground here clean but it's at least isn't unbearable. They certainly don't care much about hygiene but they still avoid poisoning their environment with too much waste and trash. We do pass by some houses that make it tough even to remain next to them for too long but the majority of them are decently bearable. As long as we don't step or swim into literal shit, things are good.

Soon, we find our first opportunity.

Safi spots a lone wanderer on the path we are following. I order her to make sure that there definitely are no other Sahuagins in the close vicinity. Three minutes later, she confirms that with great confidence so we decide to capture our first target. He seems to be somewhat intoxicated, judging by the unstable way he is swimming through the neighbourhood so that's a perfect occasion.

We set up a trap for our new friend and surround him from all sides, keeping ourselves hidden behind the muddy architecture. When our target takes an uneasy turn into a narrow alley, Safi drops onto him from above like a sheet of material and immediately envelops the poor guy with her slime. He doesn't get to utter a sound before he gets locked up inside a giant sphere of sapphire acid.

Meru quickly rolls them behind the nearest structure and we group up to keep watch. It takes a little while for the bastard to fully melt so that Safi can use her new ability to inherit his memories. It's quite a fascinating sight, to be honest. There's just something mesmerising in observing how things quickly melt in powerful acid.

With most of his body gone, Safi quickly processes what she has gained and shares her discovery with us. Our first prey turns out to be a low-rank so there's nothing too useful that comes out of his fish brain. At least, we get to learn the layout of this horrendous settlement a little better. It will help us traverse these streets faster and safer. Other than that, this guy confirms that there's no big army stationed in the capital, so there's that.

Revising the memories of the village, we resume our journey to the palace. Thanks to the gained knowledge, we are able to steer clear of the more populated areas or places where the more skilled and sensitive individuals often show up or reside. There's no doubt that we have to avoid elites as much as we can. It's a miracle no one discovers us just by scent or something but I guess its presence isn't that shocking if they have many captives from other races around.

Things progress quite well, without any major interruptions. The deeper we traverse, the bigger the buildings we stumble onto. It's a great change for us since it makes it easier to hide from their sight. Unfortunately, that also means increased activity and presence. We have to slow down a little bit and be even more careful about passing any intersections and open areas.

So far, from all the structures we've taken a peek into, we haven't found any captives or survivors. I don't expect to but it's not a problem to do a quick check just in case. Only higher-ranking Sahuagins can keep captured slaves in their dwellings or the prisoners are all held in one place, hopefully not that far from the palace. Our first guy knows nothing about that but had the desire to possess a few slaves so there might be a possibility like that.

Before we reach the half-point, the second opportunity presents itself in front of our eyes.

This time, we aren't lucky enough to find a drunk worker but a patrolling duo strays off their path, clearly to rest on the side, where no one can see them being lazy on duty. It might be risky taking down actual guards since someone could notice their subordinates going missing but the potential information that we can steal from them is very promising and certainly worth it.

So, we devise a quick plan to deal with them without causing too much chaos and get ready for action. Safi and Emi are going to play the main roles, naturally, but Cornelia will have to step in as a supporting character. Their guards are lowered but I'm not going to underestimate possibly trained soldiers. One mistake and that's all.

Everyone takes their assigned position and we wait for the perfect opportunity to strike like a pack of hungry predators stalking their poor, unaware prey. It's somewhat exciting, especially since all of us share a special sixth sense that connects all of us. We can effortlessly communicate with just thoughts and intentions, making it so much more deadly. It's almost like a hivemind but without the control part.

When they glance at each other, preparing to return to the main street, that's when Cornelia lets go of the spell she has been keeping in wait the entire time. Almost instantly, clear ice forms around their ugly mugs and seals their hideous fish mouths up, preventing them from uttering any possible words or screams.

As they grab their new muzzles with pure shock in their eyes, Safi and Emi slither to their legs and wrap themselves around their bodies like constrictor snakes, starting to spread their slime to cover their respective prey wholly. They capture their targets in no time and Meru jumps in with me to collect the gear they have dropped in the meanwhile. I hastily store everything in my spatial ring and we move a few buildings away to let our jelly duo consume their second meal today.

The lucky star seems to be shining onto us because we learn that one of those bastards was assigned to patrol the area next to the palace in the past while the other one was replaced due to his lazy nature, being found out taking naps during work by a quite ferocious superior. We carefully study all the information they can provide us before continuing ahead, taking about twenty minutes total.

Some data might be outdated but the general plans of the outer palace and its surroundings are extremely valuable. This will give us higher chances of sneaking in without any confrontation. While they do not know any secret entrances or hidden passages, we are now aware of all the possible ways to get into the big, hideous pile of shit.

Additionally, we confirm that the members of other races are imprisoned in the dungeons of the place we are heading to. Though, calling them dungeons is an exaggeration. Even if the guards we have captured don't have any recollection of them, their imagination and assumptions make it pretty clear that we should expect primitive tunnels dug in the seabed rather than something more proper. But, I guess it fits the savage horror theme in the end.

That piece of news clearly brings some hope and joy to our fierce sharkgirl even if she tries her best not to show them openly. I can sense it well and so should the other girls so I give Meru a few compassionate pats before we move on. Things are looking better and better. We now only need to kidnap someone knowledgeable about the inner palace, which might prove to be a challenge.

But, nothing is going to stop us. We check our surroundings and head out, even more determined to make this operation a complete success. Now, we are getting into the central areas of the Sahuagin capital and the architecture actually improves a little bit, even though things are still made of ugly mud that looks like faeces with different colours. The buildings are slightly less blobby and more shapely but not by much. It's enough to notice, for sure.

We somehow cover a lot of distance without having to sacrifice any poor fishbrains to the two Slime goddesses in our group. I'm sure they taste awful so I'm very thankful for that. Emi and Safi won't ever complain on their own. They are too obedient and loyal to me as their master and caretaker. I still can't forget how easily Emi suggested splitting her own core for materials just because it might be useful for me that day when we went to the Monster Taming Guild.

So, we finally close onto the grand palace from its western side. The poop-like structure is set on a raised platform, reaching high enough for the ground level to be even with the roofs of the tallest little clay huts. We will have to make a sprint for it and hope that we aren't noticed while swimming up there. After we get near it, the worst part will be behind us.

We spread out a little to give it a try at the same time and spent about half an hour waiting for the right time to make our move. We don't really have any special techniques that could help this situation but Neira prepares some kind of a spell for us so there's something. It's supposedly meant to make our movements quicker.

When the moment can't be more perfect, we rush out of hiding and sprint for the edge. Immediately after I get into the open, something like a violent current or gust of wind hits me in the back and I zoom forward much, much faster than I ever could in this aquatic form.

Glancing to the sides confirms that everyone is experiencing the same thing and we shoot towards the palace like humanoid torpedoes, silent and deadly. Passing the edge of the platform, we instantly turn for the nearest balcony. We have picked a moment when no one should be on the ground but it's better not to tempt fate.

Unfortunately, I notice movement on the terrace we are aiming for. A shoulder of a fishy individual shows up and it's clear that the rest will soon move into the open too. If that happens, we are as good as dead. It will be hard to silence that bastard from this far and everyone realises it in a flash.

Cornelia clicks her tongue and starts preparing a spell mid-flight, which causes her to take longer than she expected, but something suddenly flies past us in a flash and slams into the guard that has just stepped out. The green rectangle that has just whizzed by my side is clearly Emi, who spread herself wide and thin, catching Neira's current into her flat form like a stormy wind into sails.

Thanks to that smart play, she hits the guard like a mischievous bedsheet that has broken free from the clothing line, pinning the ugly guy to the wall behind him. We reach them a second later and find him wriggling in her grasp.

Sensing her intentions, I quickly grab the draconic hilt and shape up a simple rapier in a blink. I stab the captured Sahuagin right in the heart through Emi's slime. He soon stops struggling and I slowly draw my weapon back, letting the emerald girl's acidic body remove all traces of blood and other things from the blade before it makes contact with water again.

Seriously, she has gotten so smart after this evolution.

We hide to the best of our abilities and wait for her to consume her prey. Quickly skimming through the new memories, she shares with us quite a lot of valuable information. First, we know where to find the throne chamber, which is big. Second, we know the way to the dungeons, which is great too. And third, we have confirmed that his majesty the emperor of shit is present in this monument of stool.

Our operation is secured. Now we just have to somehow get to him, which won't be easy.

~So far, things are going better than perfect. Let's quickly take down the fat bastard and get out of this disgusting place,~ Cornelia says through the Whispers to reduce the chances of getting discovered as we've agreed earlier.

~I agree. As much as I love this voyage alongside all of you, I've had enough of this obnoxious race. I kind of miss my clean studio too,~ Neira adds.

~Let's do it, then. I owe you a big, long bath after all of this ends.~ I chuckle silently.

~With a lot of scrubbing?~ Cornelia glances at me with a sly smirk.

~I will scrub you until your legs give out.~ I wink at her.

Her cheeks flush with a rosy tint and she looks away. We wrap up our flirting there and focus all our efforts and attention on the upcoming assassination. I never expected to be part of a special forces team tasked with the removal of a target with high standing but it certainly feels like it right now.

Maybe we should name our group SEALS, huh? Should work with our current environment and members.

Jokes aside, Safi and Emi check the chamber past the edge of the balcony and we move inside. The general layout of the palace is known to us, and we have an idea about the number of sentries stationed inside, but things aren't certain. Their timings aren't either. It's unfortunately not a game where the guards circle their area of surveillance with perfect patterns. It would have been so much easier if that actually was the case.

~We definitely won't be able to avoid contact completely so let's deal with any enemies swiftly and keep moving. Try to silence them, then restrain or kill, and let Safi and Emi get rid of the evidence. Ready?~ I ask while moving my gaze over all the beauties gathered near me.

The all-powerful women nod and we step into the quite ugly corridor. Thankfully, even though they certainly don't need these, the residents have inserted decorative glowing gems into the uneven walls so there's enough light inside to make out everything that's necessary and spot movement ahead of time. Otherwise, only those with Darkvision could avoid being at a disadvantage.

We rush ahead without wasting time. There don't seem to be any doors or gates in here so we are able to keep a steady pace. Safi and Emi still take care of spotting and checking the rooms we pass as we stop before crossing any openings. It doesn't take long before we stumble on our first opponent, who I assume is some kind of a priest judging by the increased amount of tattered rags covering his hideous fish body.

Neira causes him to spin in place before he notices us, Cornelia freezes his feet and head, and Safi swallows him whole. We don't even slow down and continue as if nothing happened. Emi takes the lead for a while, letting her best friend finish her meal, and we press on.

Luck really is on our side as we manage to deal with all the threats on our path without any issues and soon find ourselves close to the throne chamber in the very middle of the palace. We spot an actual, sizable gate made of some hideous rock and two guards by its sides.

The girls hastily repeat the same tactic for the n-th time to take them down efficiently but I quickly stop them with a mental note.

I have an idea.

They jump onto the guy on the left while I cast Confusion first and then Daydream right after onto the one on the left, reaching for the spells under the Charm Magic category. Safi eats the first guard, starting to consume him as fast as possible, and I catch the other bastard's spear and shield before they fall to the ground and make unnecessary noise. The second guard floats in front of the gate while making weird, awkward movements, clearly not in the right state of mind.

~Why are we sparing the other one?~ Emi asks curiously, showing up next to me.

~This gate is the only entrance. We need either to be fast or smart about this if we want to take down the emperor before he reacts. And I think the second option is much safer,~ I reply and pat her jelly head. ~We are going to learn the usual procedure from the one Safi is melting and use this one here to sneak into the throne room under a pretext instead of breaking in.~

~That's a smart plan. We have to reduce our disadvantages as much as possible. This great Shaman is certainly a troublesome foe.~ Meru nods.

~Yeah. From the other memories, he doesn't seem like an individual takes any shit from his subordinates. If we fail to assassinate that guy, things are going to get heated,~ Cornelia comments.

~Thank gods we have you with us, then.~ I chuckle and she snorts at my little joke.

Safi quickly fishes out the important information and lets us know about the way to get in without being too suspicious. I then take control over the living Sahuagin and ingrain my orders into his little brain through Command Monster. We don't need to charm him for this since he will be dead right after the emperor.

We take our positions, familiarised with the layout of the throne chamber, and our slave walks away to fulfil his role. We watch the brainwashed Sahuagin hit some weird stone plate on the side of the gate with his weapon a bunch of times and a mighty voice reaches our ears from behind the massive doors. He then hits the plate in the same way and the right wing opens up a little.

Our temporary ally swims inside and we wait for a bit, giving him time to take the attention of the emperor, just as we've planned. After counting to twenty, we exchange nods and rush inside through the gap he has left specifically for us. Since we need to reach the throne in a flash, Neira casts another strong torrent and we bolt forward with Meru while the other girls prepare long-ranged attacks.

Right after getting a glimpse of our target in the massive, dark hall, a weird, nauseous feeling overcomes me and I lose my balance in mid-flight. Something flashes with blinding, violet light from underneath us and I take note of a gigantic array made of blood covering the entire chamber, from the gate to the steps leading to the throne. My eyes widen immediately as I recognize the patterns at once.

"What?!" is all I can utter before the purple effect takes over my vision and something tugs on the pits of my stomach.

Experiencing the same effect but backwards, I'm suddenly in front of a completely different scenery. One thing is for sure, I'm definitely not in the weird, chaotic realm of the evil Goddess. I'm still floating in the water and if I'm not mistaken, there's an ugly, Sahuagin colony like a hundred metres in front of me. The same one we have just infiltrated.

"Master?!" Safi's shout reaches my ears and I glance around.

We find each other's eyes and she sighs in relief. Everyone is with me, from what I can quickly confirm. But, we are not alone. There are hundreds of Sahuagins arranged in rectangular formations all around us. It's an entire army of those bastards wherever you direct your gaze.

"Did you really think you could walk into my divine palace without me noticing?" A deep, unpleasant chuckle echoes through the air and we all look up.

"Ah, shit…" I chuckle wryly.

A Sahuagin twice as big as the usual ones floats above one of the legions. He has ugly, murky black scales and is hideously fat. If I'm not mistaken, he wears a robe made of various pieces of skin gathered from different aquatic races and wields a dark, sinister bone staff surrounded by a purplish aura. A menacing and prideful expression decorates his repulsive mug

Emperor Evilfish is here and he has brought friends. A lot of them.

"Well, I guess we did. It certainly felt like things were going pretty well," I answer his earlier question with a smirk, giving my companions time to recollect themselves fully after experiencing the violent transfer.

Another deep chuckle reverberates through the water. "Fools. No one can escape the emperor's all-seeing gaze. Your silly attempt at infiltrating our holy land was nothing more than a pathetic dream. You have reached this far only because I allowed you to."

"If you knew about us from the very beginning, then why haven't you taken us down much earlier, you fat bastard?" Cornelia shouts at him, showing up by my side.

She still looks a little sick so I support her and activate Rejuvenate in the meanwhile.

"For entertainment, of course." The emperor laughs sinisterly again, certainly enjoying doing that often. "Not often do we get unusual guests such as yourselves in these regions. What are you even and how are you able to survive underwater? Except for one of you, the rest does not belong to this domain. Yet, a bunch of lesser beings are attempting to sabotage the great ruler of all the seas."

"Rather than entertainment, it's more like you were just buying time for your underlings to gather. Was the thought of facing those lesser beings alone that scary?" I ask with a snicker.

"Insolent insect!" He booms with fury. "I do not need to dirty my own hands with entities such as yourselves. There are certain requirements to be met for a god to involve himself with the useless matters of mere mortals. Time is of no matter to me, contrary to you, for whom it is rapidly running out. I have sent my warriors after your allies long ago and it's now time for me to end you too."

"Fuck," I curse under my breath.

~It's alright. Lianne or Alyssa would immediately let us know if things were more than they could handle. They must be holding on well,~ Cornelia says to me through Whispers.

~You are right. We need to bring that fucker down right now. They won't be able to withstand the assault forever. The ship is their biggest worry,~ I reply with a calming sigh.

~There are so many of them. We might be in trouble too, Master,~ Safi comments.

~We are out of options, unfortunately. He got us good. We still have a chance of getting rid of him pretty quickly but I thought of a backup plan. Meru, you go for the prison and free as many people as possible. We will try to take him down here or stall him for as long as we can. We definitely need numbers the most right now,~ I explain.

~But, Alastair—~

~No buts. You are the strongest of all my mates here, and definitely faster than me too.~ I send some appreciation her way. ~Don't worry. I'll try to leave him barely alive just for you.~

I sense lots of worry flowing back to me but Meru nods after a brief moment. ~As you wish.~

Neira helps her take off and Meru surges forward like a bullet, heading towards the town.

The big bastard turns after her. "You dare to turn your back on the empero—"

"Eyes on me, you fat fuck." I immediately appear in front of him and he blocks my sword with his staff. "I will be your opponent."

He releases a gurgling noise of clear annoyance and pushes me back with pure strength. "I'm going to turn your skull into a bowl into which I will defecate after feasting on your flesh!"

"Ugh. Did you really have to ruin one of the favourite lines I always wanted to say with your disgusting scat fetish? Not cool, bro."

There is no answer to my comment other than an enraged shot which feels like casting so I get ready to handle whatever spell he is readying up for me. With a quick glance around, I confirm that each of my lovely companions has taken one direction from themselves and begun their clash with the army of angry Sahuagins.

No matter how amazing they are, I have to be quick. Repelling tens if not hundreds of assailants is not an easy task. Especially when you aren't fighting in your preferred environment. Even Cornelia's raised ice power and efficiency and Neira's general magic boost won't guarantee anything.

The emperor finishes his brief cast and a massive, purplish shadow resembling a giant shark surges my way out of his staff. Right after I avoid the ominous projectile, the spiritual shark turns around and starts chasing me. I hastily start swimming in an attempt to run away long enough for the spell's effect to wear off but it doesn't seem to me waning no matter what.

Deciding to take a different approach, I bolt towards the laughing maniac and lead the magical monster right back to its creator, slowing down enough for the jaws of the fierce shark to keep closing right after me in an attempt to bite off my legs. The emperor manages to dodge the chomp but it throws both of them off and I make use of the given opportunity to extend the whip sword that I have prepared while escaping and wrap the chained blades around the shark. With one strong tug, I reduce it to a purple stain and go after the big boss immediately.

He also starts swimming but in the opposite direction and sends a bunch of sharp water discs my way to slow me down. I manage to dodge most of them and parry a few of the leftover ones with the retracted sword. The impact is nothing to scoff at. This bastard might not be willing to face me head-on without his goons but he is plenty strong.

Since I don't really have any good and reliable ranged attacks, I can only chase after him and try to take a good swing at that ugly fuck. The next time I catch up to him, I reform my weapon into a massive scythe and aim to slice him in half. But, he reacts in time and a dark bubble swallows him whole. My blade pierces through its membrane but it gets completely stuck.

"Haha, insect! You have fallen into my trap!" he announces with joy.

"Sorry, but no." I snort and cancel the current form of my weapon, surprising him slightly.

I manage to shape up a greatsword and graze his tail before he gets out of my reach again. He gurgles in annoyance and casts another quick spell. An ungodly amount of black ink explodes from the skull at the top of his staff and swallows us both like a quickly expanding cloud. My vision is completely blocked.

"Damn you. It will take hours to brush this shit off my teeth afterwards." I cough a few times, catching some of the initial ink in my mouth.

Something flashes purple in that pure darkness and I bend myself just enough to avoid a ray of energy shot right at me. Suddenly, he appears right next to me and I manage to block one mighty swing but it pushes my guard up and he slips a quick stab in. The ugly skull atop his staff hits my abdomen and I groan heavily as a numbing sensation spreads through my entire body with the use of some kind of paralysing spell.

He rushes forward with me still nailed on his staff and we exit the black cloud right before slamming into the ground. I grunt from the impact and try to find the strength to swing at him but some weird, purple energy surrounds his entire body and swirls around his staff, flowing into me like violet lightning, limiting my movements greatly. There's no doubt that this is Void Magic given to him by the bitch of a goddess. I can see the evil glow in his eyes.

"Al!" Cornelia shouts from the side with lots of worry in her voice.

The ground shakes as she annihilates another thirty or so enemies with a single swat of her hand. Even though her ice skewers her targets with pinpoint accuracy, she still is surrounded by an almost unending swarm of Sahuagins serving as nothing more than cannon fodder to buy time for their boss.

My other charming companions struggle with their own battles and are aware that they can't take away their attention from them without risking getting bested. I know that they have sensed my position but I'm really glad that no one is recklessly rushing in. It's not as bad as it looks, even though this weird energy certainly hurts like a bitch. Just a little bit more and I'll get used enough to it to stab that fucker right in the guts.

"I changed my mind. I will ruin all your females in front of your corpse before moving on to the other idea. It's not every day you get a chance to taste a surface dweller without them drowning before it even gets to the fun part." The emperor cackles in a hideous manner.

"I'll bite your dick off before you get a chance to look at any of them!" I shout at him and quickly reform the artefact blade in my hand.

He keeps laughing while raising the intensity of the magical discharge assaulting my chest, which slows my movement even more. But, I'm not going to be stopped by a little bit more pain. Shaping up my trusty whip out of the pinkish mist, I get ready to—

"Hands off our Great Patron, you ugly bastard!"


Something suddenly smacks right into the emperor, sending him spinning away. I blink a few times as a weird, elongated creature of quite the size casts a deep shadow on me. It's big enough to easily swallow me whole and long as hell. After examining it in more detail, I notice a weird rein made of seaweed coming out of its jaws, held by a person floating above what turns out to be a giant, ferocious eel.

"Fei?" I furrow my brows.

The raven-haired Mermaid smiles at me brilliantly. "I apologise for being late, Great Patron. The water currents just didn't want to cooperate with us."

Before I get a chance to say anything else, a loud, booming sound of war horns resounds throughout the area one after another and a wave of valorous female voices fills the water. Multiple giant eels rush towards the battlefield with webbed nets attached to their long backs. Numerous Mermaids, Merfolk, Sea Nymphs, and some other individuals tightly hold onto the ropes to avoid getting left behind due to how fast the massive beasts are moving. They are clearly using the eels like APCs or tanks.

A small army of mixed aquatic races joins the fray and wreaks havoc in the backlines of the Sahuagins. Merfolk warriors jump right into that chaos while Divas use their powerful voices to disturb and hurt their enemies. Some Tritons start throwing tridents and spears from afar while more and more people reach the battlefield.

Feir shows up right in front of me and reaches out. "I'll leave the explanation for later, Great Patron. We should take care of the urgent matters first. Matron Mother is currently engaging the emperor."

Accepting her help, I shake my head with a wry smile.

Things might have just gotten really crazy.

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