
Talks of Tomorrow

They decided to get some new clothes first impressions are important after all so generous donations from people of Vale who don't trust banks very few people had a bank card which made it very easy for them to get the cash. Walking out of the clothes store they're both wearing what they wear in there new clothes Roman wore a red-lined white suit with long black pants and black shoes. His accessories included a small gray scarf, black gloves with buckled sleeves, and a black bowler hat with a small feather tucked into its red band, and Neo wore a white cropped wide, broad-tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single gold button, and large pink cuffs. She wears brown pants with a dark belt that has a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt under it. Under her jacket is a brown corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hips. She also wears a multitude of black beaded necklaces, which hang haphazardly around her neck. Neo also wears black and white spat styled under the knee boots alongside black gloves. |AN: I didn't leave myself many options for author notes these descriptions are bright to you by Fandom.com|

A quick stop by the weapons store for Neo and they decided to plan out there next step

"So should we go and grind our levels up or start a gang if we start a gang we will have less time to level up for a while well it gets started, which might be the best idea it will give us experience and resources for me to make things."

{We should probably get started with making the gang mass firepower help with a lot of things}

"I can make that easy just need to mess around and figure out exactly how dust works then I can probably make things way better then Atlesian tech"

{How would you, I know your crafting skill let you make whatever you imagen but what sort of stuff could you make.}

"Armor that can take far more damage than just about anything on this planet can produce, weapons that could set the atmosphere on fire, a sword that can reduce this planet to dust, guns that make Atlas' best weapons look like peashooters, and so much more," Roman says grandly.

{Ok sure} she types out not believing him.

"You will see it when I make it the problem is I know a lot about some big secrets but nothing about many others."

{Like what you know can't be that special.}

"Like a centuries-long war between 2 immortals that we're husband and wife, the wife is unkillable can use magic and can control grim and wants to gather 4 relics summon the Brother Gods and kill them or make them kill her in ether case all of humanity on this world will die, the husband is killable but his soul laches on to a like-minded individual and combines with them changing his personality who had powerful magic used a majority of it to make the fore maidens and has continued to decrease as he continuous to reincarnate. He also wants to unite humanity call the Brother Gods back so he and his wife can die," Roman explains with a smile.

Neo stares at him with a blank look on her face processing what he said after a few minutes she types {How would you know this and who are they?}

"The same way I know the fates of countless other worlds and how many other heroes died the wife is named Salem and the husband is currently named Ozpin."

{How did the Salem become immortal,} Neo asked.

"Salem deceived the gods to bring Ozpin back to life after that failed she led a rebellion against the gods got humanity wiped out and magic was taken away, Ozpin was also cursed by the gods for not stopping Salem."

{Well shit is there some way to deal with Salem or are we just fucked.}

"There are other ways of dealing with immortals, I could make a weapon that makes unhealable wounds, I could throw her into a star or a black hole fat lot of good her immortality would do her there, I could cut her up and put her in boxes barely big enough for the parts put in them and bury them around the world."

{So she can be dealt with are we going to do something about her because she wants to wipe out humanity and if you didn't know we are human?}

"All worlds have there owned stores and their heroes we just need to play our part and it should work out."

{What is our part, Roman?}

"We are going to be a criminal organization hired by one of Salem's pawns to assist in the fall of Beacon."

{Why are you telling me this, you probably don't randomly just go telling people this information.}

"You are my partner if I know what you are getting into and don't tell you at the start how will you be able to trust me in the future. Once you find out I knew you probably would start doubting if I have told you everything I would understand if you left after knowing all that."

{Are you kidding me this will be a blast not to mention you promised to show me things beyond my imagination wich is hard seeing as I have an overactive imagination."

Tried a different style please tell me if I should use this more obviously not a full chapter of dialogue, I will try not to do this again but no promises I edited the other chapters I hope they are easier to read.

Will00creators' thoughts