
You Have To Pick Me (Emperor Yang x Li Xiu) Can Skip.

[ Continuation of 310. ]

Before even the guards get to react, the door of the bedroom opened. To Li Xiu's surprise, the emperor was still fully clothed with his armor. "The princess is requesting entry. What are you doing?"

Then the guard who had been adamant about making her leave bowed his head. "I thought you were already resting, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Nonsense, I would have gotten up if our guests demand to see me." Then he stepped out of the way. "Your Highness, please come inside."

Li Xiu was too frozen to speak, but she willed her feet to move. She had not been thinking so much before coming here. This was the first-ever real-time that would come inside a man's bedroom. She looked around and saw that the emperor had not unpacked and his suitcase was closed but unlatched.

"What can I do for you tonight, Princess?" asked the emperor as he shut the door behind him.
