
You Better Not!

What if he left already? Tianshi Xue asked herself.

She shook her head as she ran through the long hallways. She was finally earning her cognitive map of the palace and was easily navigating. She even used a shortcut that would prevent her from using the main staircase. She was afraid that she would trip and roll down to the ground in her haste.

"I'm so stupid!" she muttered to herself. What was the matter with her? She should have just spoken with him earlier. Now she looked crazy as she kept on huffing for breath, the servants turning their heads as she passed them. She ignored their curious and shocked looks and went ahead.

THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. You are NEVER going to do this again!

Her legs felt like they were ready to collapse beneath her. They threatened her with every step but she persevered. It was all rewarded when she pushed through one of the doors and out came on the side of the palace's main entrance. 
