
11 - Guild Defend

Magnus was quite disappointed as no one in the Lifestyle Class reach Intermediate Level. He wouldn't accept anyone lower than that, it hard to grow Lifestyle Class players. Especially those people who's not as dedicated as him. They just told them to apply to their guild once they reach intermediate on a skill. As for Priest, as Magnus said no one applied.

After the recruitment process all the official members headed to the inn for a little drink and also for a brief meeting. After making the new members as elites he immediately checked their guild status.


Guild Name : Immortal Bloodline Sect

Level 2 [Privilege...]

Reputation - Unknown (means no NPC or players know the guild. Effect - Less guild missions)


Guild Master - Mystic Warriors Level 45

Core Members:

-Fiery Wing Level 33

-Mighty Connor Level 35

-Moonlight Level 51.

-Lonely Man Amidst The War Level 38

-Rose Level 30

-Lilac Level 30

-Violet Level 30

-Undying Pest Level 40

-Endless Battle Level 40


"Now that we have enough member we can start the Guild Defend Mission." Fiery Wing suggested.

"Of course, but first we should introduce ourselves. We couldn't fight in battles without knowing our comrades right? I'll go first, I'm Mystic Warrior a Level 45 Lifestyle Class Pugilist. I'll be your Guild Master from now own, I'll hope for your cooperation." Magnus said as he stood. But no claps could be heard as he expected. The joyful noise turned to complete silence, they just sat their and stared a Magnus. Only Fiery Wing and Mighty Connor is chuckling on the other side.

They were silent because they didn't expect such and expert to choose Lifestyle Class. Though some of them beat him at some extent its because they used Skills[1] while Magnus didn't.

Magnus stood their awkwardly, and finally he came in realization and said "I'm sorry should've taken it off earlier." He then took off his Bandit Mask[2], revealing his handsomeness to everyone.

Again everyone stayed silent even Fiery Wing and Mighty Connor didn't spoke anything. They're smitten by his handsomeness as well. The boys thought 'How come such perfect man exist? Its not possible, he should've some flaws.'

The girls on the other hand have different reactions. The flower trio grinned, not only their Guild Master is professional he's also good looking. While Moonlight just stared their day dreaming, her face is already red without her knowing.

"Ahem! It okay Guild Master. My turn now, I'm called Fiery Wing. I'm a Level 33 Thief, I think my main role would be researching details or strategic planning. I'm not really good at playing Thief, I'm supposed to be a mage." Fiery Wing said. Fiery Wing is also quite handsome, he also have this scholar aura around him. He's probably in his 20s.

"Im Mighty Connor, Level 35 Mage. I'll be the main DPS[1] aside our archer. I can kite monster as well." Connor said with vigor. He's the same age as his best friend Fiery Wing.

"I'm Moonlight, Level 51 Archer. I'm a DPS, I'm used to being alone so cooperation skills may lack, I think that's my only flaw for now." said Moonlight with a confident smile. The others, especially the boys listened intently, but when she looked at Magnus she was utterly dissapointed. He's not even looking at her, he's just nodding his head while browsing to his skill stats. Well since he's the who tested all of the fighters here, he knows everyone's abilities much less their names.

Everyone then proceeded to introduce themselves. Turns out both their tanks, Undying Pest and Endless Battle, is a retired military official. They're already in their 60s so their childs decided to let them play games since it will remove the handicap of being old in game. They can also reminisce their past, specifically their time in the army.

The three flowers is next, they're also quite famous as Fiery Wing and Mighty Connor knows them. They have quite a number of supporters.


After a while of chatting, they finally talked about the Guild Defend mission. This is their first mission as a group so they planned it out. As Fiery Wing said, he will be explaining the details.

"I already researched it in the forums. The game producer put some informations about it. First after we enter the dungeon we'll be teleported in a dried canyon. We will have to defend our 'Guild House's there. The 'Guild House' is at the end while on the other end will be monsters. There's three waves total, first 25 Golemites, second 50 Golemites, and last is still 50 Golemites and a Golem Boss. Their defense is relatively high so it would be hard to penetrate through them. Though their damage and speed is slow, defending against a horde of them with only the 10 of us is quite a challenge. Especially since this our first team up, and also we only have one chance so mind your decisions. So the plan is, we take tanks in front and they'll use Taunt to one target. Unless we kill it, the tanks won't take another one. The DPS, I, Moonlight, and Connor will concentrate all our power on the Golemites the tanks are attacking. The healers will cast buffs before the battle starts, but don't use your best buffs yet as its very mana consuming. Let's save that for when we really need it. One of you healers should heal only one person at a time, you're only allowed to heal the two tanks and Guild Master as they're in the front lines. Don't mind me as well, I can take care myself. As for our Guild Master, you're role would be taking care of two or three Golemites at the same time. Just neglect the one we're fighting against. You'll have to make sure that no ther Golemites pass us. Does everyone understands?" Fiery Wing said, after his long explanation.

Everyone nodded, the plan is quite simple but it sounds effective. Nevertheless, a group of 10 experts should be enough dealing a 10 man dungeon. The level of Golemites also depends in the average level of the players on the group. As for the Golem it has a fixed Level 50, though it pretty weak the sheer number of them is quite terrifying.

They would immediately lose if one golem stepped on the safe spot near their 'Guild House's. Defending it would be quite challenging. Though others still doubt if its okay to let their Guild Master face 2 or 3 Golemites at once they still did it, nevertheless.

"Okay, accept the party invitation and I'll start the dungeon." Magnus said. Then after everyone accepted the party invite, he used a Dungeon Activator Stone provided by the quest.

Then all 10 of them teleported inside a canyon, a dried one. At the end a Guild House with 2 HP on its top, at the other end an entrance seemingly its for monster.

"Dungeon Start! Wave 1" a neutral voice was heard, indication that the Dungeon has officially commenced.

The ten stood exactly where the safe spot is. At the other end the Golemites started to spawn. 4 metes tall, round, short legs but long arms, made out of rocks. Their Level are ranging from 38 - 48, with HPs and defense of 500,000 and 1000 respectively.


Moonlight tried to shoot an arrow with her silver tier bow. Her base damage without a skill is just 1100, with a skill she can a additional 200 - 500 damage. But with the power of a better arrow, such as Hellborne arrow, StarFire arrow, Frost arrow, etc. If all that adds up her damage could reach 2000+ damage per arrow.

Sadly, with a defense so high, she can only deal 365 damage. As Connor tries to deal damage as well, he finds that he could deal 800+ damage per skill.

"Okay now we have to start fighting them, lets advance!" Magnus shouted as they run forward.

Undying Pest, Endles Battle, Fiery Wing, and Magnus are in the frontlines while the rest are at the back. The Amethyst Three already cast a buff to them, they got their quarter staffs and cast an Holy Impact to the Golemite that's fighting their tanks. Their damages however are a pitiful 1, nevertheless its still beater than nothing.

Their DPS kept doing their jobs, while Magnus kept are fighting 3 Golemites at a time. He deals 1700+ damage each strike, thanks to true damage that ignores defenses. Unless the Golemites has Block that can nullify damage or Parry which reduces and deflects damage, they're is basically a punching bag for Magnus. The only annoying thing is the Recoil damage, the Golemites passive which deflects 10% percent damage dealt.

The only difference between Parry and and Recoil Damage is that the former uses the damage reduced as damage to the opponents, while the latter has fixed 10% of the damage dealt.

Luckily they have a very professional healer.

If not, Magnus is already long dead. After just 7-8 strikes with a damage of 1700+, the recoil would be 170 per strike, his HP is just 1300+. Moonlight on the other hand only needs to be casually healed, as well as Connor.

The 10% percent recoil damage wasn't included on the forums introduction. Now Fiery Wing started to revise their plans.

"Healers, keep the tanks HP on 50% and above. The Golemites doesn't deal much damage so leave the tanks for a while. Focus your healing on the DPS instead, especially our Guild Master as he deals most damage." Fiery Wing exclaimed.

"Yes!" the Healers said in unison.

The pressure now is on, but its not for the tanks nor the DPS, but to the healers. Should they heal to much and they would waste mana. Should they lose focus once and someone would die. The fight kept on getting wild. Luckily, the healers has huge Mana Pool.

For them to save more mana, they decided to assign who they'll heal. Lilac and Violet will focus heal on Magnus, while Rose is healing Connor and Moonlight. While for Fiery Wing, the Silver Tier weapon he bought from Magnus is called Vampire Dagger. Its special skill Life Drain which heals the wielder 10% of their attack each strike a life saver for him. The the 10% recoil is practically useless to him. Unless he engage to more Golemites at the same time, there's no need to heal him.

Lucky them only 5 Golemites would spawn every 5 minutes, which is enough for them to finish two Golemites and help Magnus kill the other 3. Thanks for Magnus, the fight went smooth. A few minutes later they almost killed all the Golemites and their only down to last one.


As Moonlight's arrow flew to the sky and hit the last Golemites a notification indicating that the they completed the first wave resounded.

"Wave 1 complete! You're rewarded 5 minutes to regain your mana!"

"D*mn that's pressuring, thanks for the heals girls." Magnus said as he smile to the girls, which made them blush.

[1 - Skills, Magnus didn't use any skills and just fought barehanded. Also if he was to use any, it would only be the Frontal Kick]

[2 - Bandit Mask, It looks like Kakashi's mask from Naruto Shipudden]

[3 - DPS, literally means Damage Per Second. They're the main damage of the team.]

[* - I decided to put things like this, it seems professional...hehe]

I was really inspired knowing that someone reads this cr*p, so I decided to write two chaps yesterday. Here they are! Have a nice day!Peace.

Zen_KIcreators' thoughts