
Chapter 4: Prince Li Wei

" What time does the prince get off from school? I'm asking you to accord my schedule". I asked the imperial princess in an interrogative tone.

"... My nephew, the prince doesn't go to school". The princess answered my question in a reluctant tone.

I was shocked at the response I received from the imperial princess.

" He doesn't go to school? May I ask the reason why?" I demand the reason from the princess in an interrogative tone.

" I'll explain everything tomorrow! You may take your leave now!" The princess simply said to me and added nothing more.

I sensed in her reply that she didn't want to talk about it now, so I didn't insist further on the matter.

" Okay! I'll be here tomorrow at 10 a.m.!" I paid my respects to the imperial princess and headed towards the exit.

" Okay! See you tomorrow, Ying Yue!" The princess said in return.

In the Hallway, I encountered Concubine Chu Hua once more.

" Leaving already?" Concubine Chu Hua asked.

Why had I encountered her again? What did she want from me this time? I muttered silently to myself.

" It's you again! What do you want this time?" I asked the concubine in an indifferent tone.

" You must be so happy right now. After all, starting tomorrow, you'll be the young prince's new nanny. But, there's something they didn't tell you, something you ignore. When you'll get to know what it is, you'll quit this job on your own. You'll run away like the other nannies before you". The concubine said in an irking voice.

" I don't care! Whatever they're hiding from me, nothing will make me leave my job. Nothing! Not even you!" I said in an indifferent tone.

" You won't say the same thing tomorrow!" said the concubine in an irking voice.

" Concubine Chu Hua, why do you hate me so much?" I asked the concubine in an assertive tone.

" I don't hate you! Don't think you're so great that you deserve my attention! I can't stand your guts". The concubine responded to my question in an assertive tone.

" I like your honesty. Let me tell you something though. Your enmity towards me is mutual. If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave. See you around, Concubine Chu Hua!" I walked past her.

You won't stay here for long. I can promise you that! Concubine Chu Hua silently thought to herself.

Ying Residence

" Congratulations sister! You made it! I'm so proud of you!" My big brother greeted me with balloons in his hands.

In front of me was standing my big brother, Ying Jie. Ying Jie has always been so good to me and always supported my decisions. Ying Jie is naturally beautiful, but up to this day, he still hasn't got a single girlfriend.

" Thank you, big brother! How did you know? I haven't told you anything yet". I asked him in a confused tone.

" There was no need to tell me. I knew you would get the job. You're my sister after all and nothing is impossible for my sister. My sister can conquer the world with her own two hands". Ying Jie said in a proud tone.

" You're so poetic today brother. Anyway, there's something I need to talk to you about". I smiled brightly.

" What is it, sister?" Ying Jie asked me in an interrogative tone.

" It's about the job. One of the job requirements is for me to stay in the imperial palace". I answered in an assertive tone.

" Stay in the imperial palace? You won't come home anymore? I'll be very lonely!" Ying Jie said with a sad expression on his face.

I knew he'd make that face! I took the right decision in the end! I silently muttered to myself.

" Don't worry, brother! I won't go anywhere. I'll come home every day after work". I said in a reassuring tone.

" I made this cake especially for you. Eat up! Tomorrow is your first day of work". Ying Jie said joyfully.

He recovered so fast. Wasn't he crying just a minute ago or was I simply imagining it? I thought to myself.

Fifteen minutes later, we got to the dining table and started eating. I finished my plate way before my big brother did as I had to get up early for work tomorrow.

" Thanks for the food! It was delicious! I'll go to bed now! Good night, brother!" I exited the dining table.

" Good night to you too, sister!" Ying Jie continued eating his meal after he had wished me a good night's sleep.

Li Imperial Palace

Prince Li Wei Pavillon

" Wei, guess what? A new nanny will be coming tomorrow to take care of you. She'll be a mom to you and will love you dearly. She'll give you a lot of care and affection. She's a very nice girl and I'm sure you'll love her just as much as I love her". The princess said with a smiling face.

(When she was talking, Li Wei wrote something in his diary stating: She'll never love me. No one will ever love me, because I'm a bad kid. Li Mei was devastated at what LI Wei has written in his diary and hugs him). She tells him the following words: You're not a bad kid, Wei. You're not a bad kid and you're wrong. I love you very much, my baby nephew! I love you a lot and your dad loves you too. Not to forget that your grandmother also loves you deeply.

Concubine Chu Hua Pavillon

" What are you so happy about, Chu Hua?" Concubine Ah Lam asked her in a curious tone.

" I'm excited about tomorrow. Aren't you excited?" Concubine Chu Hua asked Concubine Ah Lam joyfully.

" Why should I be excited?" Concubine Ah lam asked Concubine Chu Hua in an interrogative tone.

" Tomorrow, we'll welcome the new imperial nanny and will also bid farewell to her on the very same day". Concubine Chu Hua said in a joyful tone.

" What are you planning to do?" Concubine Ah Lam asked her in a curious tone.

" Tomorrow will be Ying Yue's first and last day in the imperial palace. When Ying Yue will come to know about Prince Li Wei's condition, do you think she'll accept him and take care of him? Of course not! She won't stay any longer! She'll leave him and run away just like all the others". Concubine Chu Hua said with a cunning smile.

" I have to go! Have a good night!" Concubine Ah Lam stood up and headed towards the exit.

(Concubine Ah Lam exits Concubine Chu Hua Quarters).

" I sure will!" said Concubine Chu Hua with a smile.

Ying Residence

" Sister, wake up! Today is your first day of work. You don't wanna be late". Ying Jie called out my name repeatedly.

" What time is it?" I asked my brother half awake.

" 8:00 a.m.!" Ying Jie responded in an assertive tone.

" Already? I have to get there by 10. I'll have a quick bath and join you in the dining room after I'm done". I jumped out of bed.

" Okay! I'll be waiting for you in the dining room. Don't take too long!" Ying Jie exited my bedroom.

A few minutes later

Ying Dining Room

" I'm done eating! I'll be going now!" I took my bag and headed toward the exit.

" Wait for me! I'll get going too! I'll drop you off!" Said my big brother in an assertive tone.

" Thanks a lot, brother! You're the best!" I said thankfully.

Thirty minutes later

" We're here! Do your best! You got this!" Ying Jie said to me in an encouraging tone.

" Thanks, brother! Let's both do our best! I'll see you at home!" I walked off of my brother's car.

" See you later!" Ying Jie drove away from there.

Li Imperial Palace

" Ying Yue, you're here! I was eagerly waiting for you. Follow me, please!" The princess greeted me with a smile upon my arrival to the imperial palace.

" Right away, your highness!" I followed right behind her.

Li Imperial Study

" First, let me introduce you to Empress Dowager!" The princess introduced me to her mother.

" Ying Yue greets the Empress Dowager!" I bowed respectfully before the empress dowager.

Empress Dowager was a natural beauty. I understood right away who the princess got her beauty from.

" Lift your head!" The empress dowager said in a commanding tone.

" Thanks, your majesty!" I said thankfully.

" Second, let me introduce you to Li Wei, my baby nephew". The princess introduced me to the young prince next, the one I'd be taking care of.

Prince Li Wei:?

" Nice to meet you, Prince Li Wei!" I greeted the young prince.

Prince Li Wei:?

" Why isn't he saying anything? Is he sick? He hadn't said anything when I greeted him. What's wrong with him? Does he have some kind of problem?" I asked the princess in an interrogative tone.

Princess Li Mei: …

" Why aren't you saying anything? You can tell me if there's some kind of problem". I asked the princess once more.

Princess Li Mei: …

" If there's anything wrong, I have the right to know. Does the prince have some kind of illness?" I asked the princess out of patience.

"... About that, my nephew, Li Wei is deaf-mute". The princess responded in a reluctant tone.

The next chapter is expected to be released on August 31st, 2020!!!
