This is important info that you need to know right away about Inkgames.
1: It hasn't launched yet. Launches in December 2020
2: Yes I've made money from this before launch. It is strictly from referrals. You DO NOT have to refer people to make money though.
3: Do not overthink this. It's as simple as it sounds
4: I explain A LOT of the details on my podcast. If interested, go listen. If not I will eventually explain them here.
5: As mentioned in Part 1, this is an invite-only platform, meaning you have to join through a referral code. Mine is
6: Joining is free, making money is NOT. You have to purchase a zipcode in order to make money.
7: The zipcodes will begin to earn you money once the platform launches. I suggest you buy them zipcodes before everyone gets wind of this opportunity. I have 5 myself.
8: Making money from the zipcodes isn't guaranteed but it is VERY probable that you will. It is based on purchases made through the inkgames platform. If this purchase happens in an area owned by you? You get a percentage of the pay!
9: #8 Really sums it up and shows how simple it is to make money in 2020.
10: The zipcodes rarity also plays into how likely that area will be of making money. It's based on a rarity system with gold being the most likely and most expensive zipcodes. This is based on population, probable gamers living in the zipcode and income of that zipcode.
11: #8 and #10. To go into a little further detail, we're talking a billions of dollars gaming industry that's projected to double within 2 to 3 years.
12: Purchase once and own for ever? That means you will get a return of investment and continue to earn, the rest is just profit. (BIG TIP: invest the profit into more zipcodes so that you never have to work for money again!)
13: Inkgames is having a summer sale on zipcodes right now. Well, I'm having my own sale! Check out my Instagram @dsomm23 for details.
14: #12 also, invest this money into stocks with dividends so that you can gain multiple streams of income! Do your research so that you can get dividend payouts every month! It's possible!
15: I know I'm talking a lot about the aspect of making money with inkgames but seriously check it out. It will be more to offer than just making money. We're talking game creation, playing and streaming. Monetization isn't the only thing but it is a very exciting thing that only inkgames is offering people.
This is a short chapter but I wanted to get straight to the point with you guys.
The next chapter will be inkgames zipcodes explained! EDIT: The next chapter is a question to you guys. Chapter 4 is going to be zipcodes explained.