
The Shadow of Death...

"I won!" Moby celebrated with a laugh.

"W-wait what!? how!?" Mason blurted in surprise, still unable to believe what just transpired.

"I just did this," Moby responded with a smirk, using his devil's hand before surrounding it in a shroud of purple demon energy as he made it slowly become more visible in order to sell his story, making Mason even more shocked than before.

"So, the attack was just my energy, but I made it so weak that it became pretty much invisible to the naked eye. I figured this attack out earlier in the day and found out that it was pretty useless seeing how weak it was. So, I never actually expected to use it! And when you set up the rules of the spar, I knew that I could use this new skill to win so I upped that bet because I was certain of victory! So, what do you think? Not bad right?" Moby explained with a smile.
