
Chapter:43 Killing Daichi pt-2

(A/N:-Before we begin with the chapter, I just wanted to say that at the end of the chapter, there is a bit of inner-monologue that Erik does, I have taken a few lines from the song "Hollow" by Fabvl and Rustage and used Saber of Red quote.)

(A/N:-The Monologue shows how Erik's conviction within his ideals is growing stronger and stronger as we speak, it adds to his character building.)

(A/N:-Join discord for more discussions and photos...)


𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕔𝕜! (Knock!)

𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕔𝕜! (Knock!)

"S-Someone is there!....." A woman wearing a violet coloured dress with a silver fan attached to her waist slowly pointed towards the door with a trembling expression.

After escaping the bloodbath of the main hall, following behind Juumonji Katsuto only did she, along with the other survivors arrived at the storage room, this place was used to store the various equipment required to maintain a 5-star hotel.

A few of them were wounded by the falling debris since Katsuto couldn't them from every single piece of debris after the ceiling was destroyed.

They had taken refuge inside the place and were recovering from the damage they sustained from the attackers.

Hearing the knock of the door, everyone grew stiff while Katsuto calmly stood up and walked towards the door. A few more individuals who could use magic also stood up with there C.A.D firmly raised in front of them.

Knowing that as long as Katsuto was alive, no one would be able to harm the others, these individuals decided to assist him and keep him alive no matter what, most of the Juumonji Clan elders who attended the party were already killed thus leaving only a few who could assist Katsuto.

ℂ𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜! (Click!)

Katsuto calmly grabbed the handle and pulled, ready to cast a spell if needed. As soon as the door opened, just enough for him to take a peek outside.

His eyes widened ever so slightly, Mari and Naotsugu could be seen standing outside the storage room.

There wasn't even a scratch on their bodies, not that Katsuto was surprised by this fact considering he first hand knew just how capable both of these individuals were, even so, he looked around, trying to find if someone other than them was also out there.

"Are you two alone? Where are Erik and Mayumi?....."


"Here! We are alright....."

Before Mari could open her mouth, a voice interrupted her mid-sentence. Mari immediately recognized the voice that belonged to Mayumi, her best friend.

"Mayumi! Are you okay!?...."

The three of them snapped towards the source of the sound, ready to attack in case it was someone other than Mayumi.

Due to the short-circuit, the whole hotel was running on back-up electricity while emergency lights illuminated the various floor, the visibility provided by these red lights wasn't very viable but it was all they had.

Mayumi walked forward under the red lights, illuminating her beauty in her red dress, her crimson eyes.


Mari immediately moved forward and gave her best friend a tight hug, making sure that she wasn't hurt in any way.

"I am fine Mari....."

Mayumi smiled at her best friend's concern and told her that she was alright.

"Where Erik?...."

After making sure that her friend wasn't hurt, Mari immediately asked Mayumi about Erik, as much as she remembered, he was with Mayumi when the ceiling collapsed.

"I am here....."

A voice resounded near Katsuto and Naotsugu, both of them froze up as their senses finally registered the presence of another person beside them.

'He was able to get this close without us noticing!....."

'If he hadn't spoken, I doubt we would have known that he was standing beside us....."


"You alright Erik?...."

Mari ignored these factors and directly asked him about his condition, in case he was injured.

"Yes, we were able to escape from the main hall without much problem....."

"Though we should first discuss how we will proceed from here onwards, I don't want to give the attackers time to regroup....."

"Hmm...indeed, let's go inside and come on with a viable plan!...."

Mari immediately chimed in at the chance to get back at the attackers who ruined her night.

The five of them entered the room and gathered around a relatively empty corner of the room.

"So....how should we go about this?"

Naotsugu decided to begin with the discussion about their counter-attack on the attackers.

"First of all, tell us everything you know about the attacker Katsuto-san....."

Erik calmly pressed Katsuto for information about what was going on and why were the Juumonji Clan being targetted.

"Sigh...Daichi was my childhood friend and my cousin's fiance, a few years ago an individual invaded the Juumonji clan and somehow managed to make it into our information achieve, he stole all that information and escaped..."

"I was ordered by the council to hunt down the intruder as I did, a squad of 13-people including me were dispatched to deal with the intruder, we managed to locate him and pin in within a confined area..."

"Unfortunately, somehow that intruder captured one of the members of our squad, that member was my cousin....."

"We were pressed for opening up a way for the intruder otherwise he would have killed my cousin, we didn't have much time and the other squad members were more inclined towards sacrificing one to save everyone....."

"I tried negotiating with the intruder to get him to let her go, unfortunately before we could reach any kind of arrangement, my cousin decided to kill herself so to not become the leverage due which I would have to let the intruder go....."

"I used my magic to stop her but I couldn't reach her in time, she died and the intruder was then "caught" by us....."

"We returned to the clan and Daichi got to know of what had happened....."

"He rushed out of the compound, towards the cemetery in his car. On the way, he was attacked by the organisation behind the intruder and his car exploded....."

"We were informed of this attack and immediately rushed towards the accident scene, the car was totally tattered and destroyed..."

"We tried searching for Daichi's body yet it was decimated behind recognition. A funeral was organized for both my cousin and Daichi, whom we had assumed to be 'dead'...."

"I never knew he was alive all these years, he blames the clan for what had happened to his fiance and has joined [The 7-Kings]..."

"His goal is probably to kill me and the politicians within this room to set authorities on odds with my clan..."

Even though Katsuto spoke in a calm manner, the slight tremble within voice was enough for the other four to perceive the emotions he was feeling.

Anger, due to the betrayal of his friend....

Sadness, due to the current condition of his friend....

Guilt, due to not being able to save his cousin.....

Self-loathing, due to the fact that his friend had suffered all this time.....

Helplessness, due to the fact that he had to kill his friend.....

Looking at the suppressed emotions that Katsuto was feeling, Erik thought to himself.

'This is what the world has become.....'

'Brother kills brother....'

'Friend betrays friend...'

'Everyone is selfish...'

'Their interests....'

'Their life....'

'Their benefit.....'

'Humans are humans. Deciding on what's wrong and what's right is entirely circumstantial for us....'

'Basically, we're just like animals, only a little bit smarter. All our actions are based off self-interest.....'

'We'll forget the favours we owe, but we'll hold onto grudges forever. Such self-absorbed idiots aren't worth protecting.....'

'This world is a sick place, living in fear, it's a disgrace.....

'The weak and the poor are the victims of war.....'

'And the conflict arising from disdain...'

'Every single scream lights up in the sky in a wretched chorus, war begets war, self-inflicting like an Ouroboros...'

'Humans are a greedy race, see a kind that's far from flawless, they can learn from just what this hate has taught us....'

'I'll become the cure to this crude plague, people are the victims, I'm doomed to save.....'

'I will show them the truth, people are all just blinded by reality...'

'How can you be happy when your happiness is fantasy? I'm here to break the fallacy, my plans will stop the casualties...'

'The Earth can be heaven, this will be our final tragedy.....'


(A/N:-Word count without A/N:- 1.4k)

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The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server which welcomes more authors to join.

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