
Chapter-8: The First-High School pt-3



Under the applause of multiple students, Ichihara Suzune elegantly bowed to thank the audience as she walked off the stage. 

Suzune could be described as someone whose solemn face displays a stern impression, especially with her tall frame and willowy limbs. Although, the description "beauty" would have done her justice as well.

Suzune seemed mature, perceptive, intelligent, and a person who is good at analysis.

'Impressive indeed, her ideas are similar to my own unfortunately a relationship of mutual benefit between Magician and normal people can't be achieved any time soon, at least not until various countries stop their continuous experiments on weaponizing magic.'

Suzune was selected as Course-1A representative, she was also expected to report to [The Student Council].

"Erik-san, I am heading towards the cafeteria so would you like to join? We will go to the Public Morals Committee after that."

"Sure, I don't see a reason to refuse. What about you Juumonji-san?"

"I will be heading towards the Cross-Field Club first."

"Hmm....see you afterwards then."


Erik and Mari stood up and walked towards the cafeteria, the other students also dispersed from the podium and went to explore the school campus.

Both of the course-1A students soon arrived in front of the cafeteria and entered the place.

They walked up to the purchase counter, Mari ordered some pasta while Erik just ordered for a cup of coffee. Both of them sat on an empty table near the left corner.

Both of them sat in silence as Mari focused on her food whereas Erik enjoyed his coffee, a peaceful atmosphere surrounded them as both of them relaxed.


Unfortunately, the peace was meant to be destroyed as was human nature. A soft yet cheerful voice could be heard near their table.


Mari had finished her food and had already taken care of sanitation but she didn't expect for her middle-school friend to find her so quickly, especially here in the cafeteria.

'So this is Saegusa Kouichi's daughter.....' Erik turned his head towards the source of the voice, only to see a beautiful girl standing near their table, hands behind her back and a sweet smile on her face.

Mayumi was a young lady who is known for her beauty. It is stated during her internal monologue that she stopped growing (height) in her third year of middle school, which makes her slightly shorter than average.

Her limbs were described as quite long despite her short stature, and her chest is also large in proportion to her height.

Considered as a prodigy in the magic community, she is called the "Elven Sniper" for her talent in long-range precision shooting. She is also known as the "Elven Princess" for her beauty and magical ability. 

'Hmm....beautiful and talented indeed!' Erik had already used his [Hollow's eyes] ability on both Juumonji and Watanabe, to see their magical capacity and talent.

He used his ability on Mayumi and saw a bright humanoid figure while pure yellow colour, a light shine could be observed on her soul, signifying her special eyes.

Just like Mari and Juumonji, Mayumi too possessed a very strong soul.

"Mayumi! I couldn't find you on the podium. How have you been!?...."

Mari stood up from her seat and gave Mayumi a hug, apparently, both of them went to the same middle school and had been friends for 2-years now.

"I have been fine! What about you? You also seem to be fine....." True to her personality, Mayumi didn't leave the opportunity to tease Mari by hinting towards Erik.

"You!....sigh, I apologise for her behaviour....."

Mari turned towards Erik with an apologetic smile.

"It's okay, I can see that both of you haven't seen each other for a long time. You guys catch up, I will be heading towards the Student Council Room."

"Hmm....okay, I will see you there."

Erik stood up from his seat with a nod and moved towards the exit of the cafeteria leaving the two girls to catch up.

Mayumi quietly observed the handsome man who had politely excused himself from the place so to allow both of them to catch up with each other.

Unlike others, he didn't try to engage in a conversation with her or spoke any pleasantries, rather wished her and Mari well and went on his way not to mention that he had been sitting on the same table as Mari.

"Who is he, Mari?..."

"Erik Saltzman of Course-1A, the representative of [The Public Morals Committee]...."

"Hmm....you were eating with him?"

"What? I was hungry and we both had to report to the committee and Student Council...."

"Anyway, Ichihara-san is the representative for course-1A, she really is very smart and talented."

"Which rank did you achieve?"

"Oh, let's see....Watanabe Mari rank:-7 and me? Rank:-6...."

"Check for Erik and Juumonji..."

"Okay.....Juumonji Katsuto? Rank:-3!..."

"What about Erik?..."

"Ah...Erik Saltzman? Rank:-2! He scored highest marks in practicals!...."

"Well, now I know why he was chosen as the committee representative...."

"Well, let's discuss all this later! How have you been all this time Mari?....."


Erik moved towards the Public Morals Committee room to receive his gear and report to duty. Various eyes looking at him due to his handsome features and long hair, even the calming aura that surrounded his body, the counterpart of his other-identity.

'After school, I need to find out Yotsuba Miya. She must be admitted into a hospital near the Shiba residence, I only have a few months to track her down and get her ability, her body will break soon.'

'Maybe I should visit the Baldy and get him to track her down....Nah! It may alert Tatsuya and I don't want him to interfere.....I must do it by myself.'

'Maybe the city server has the data I need, I should give it a visit....'

Sorting out his priorities, Erik arrived before [The Public Morals Committee Room], he twisted open the doorknob and entered the room.

Multiple eyes converged onto him, a total of 25-people sat around a large conference table and all looked towards him, waiting for him to introduce himself and the reason why he entered the Committee room.

Erik stood straight, his body had appropriate sturdiness as he spoke in a calm manner.

"Erik Saltzman, [Representative of The Public Morals Committee], reporting for Duty!...."


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