
His first mission

Zane passed the Armament lab when he heard a sharp inhale of pain. It was low and muffled but still audible.

His feet turned and he headed into Xavier's lab.

He froze at the door, Xavier stood hunched over his workstation, there were various tubes and containers in front of him and he held a cloth, trying to dab at the wounds on his back. The large, angry welt of lashes marred his back.

Zane let out a shuddering breath, causing Xavier to turn at once, and upon seeing him reach out to put on his shirt. Zane stepped forward, "What is that?"

"Why are you in my lab?" Xavier said, a small smile playing on his lips, "Have you not heard of knocking, privacy."

"Xavier, I asked a question. What is that on your back?"

"What's on my back? This lab is dark, you must have seen something wrong."
