
Scare tactics

"Is everyone ready?" Whis asked as he stood in front of a group of people, this group consisted of, Kira, Goku, Vegeta, Android 18, Android 17, Master Roshi, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo

"Yeah!" Goku

"Wait, there's only nine of us here, where's the last person?" Kira

"Oh yeah, now that you mention it, Tian is supposed to be here," Goku

"Oh, about that, you see Beerus didn't want to take any chances, so he picked the weakest one out of the group and decided to swap him with a stronger fighter," Whis

"Oh? And who might that be?" Kira

"OHOHHOHOHOH, well I'll be, is that another monkey?" Rang out a voice

"What the!!" Vegeta said as he whipped his head around, same as the others

"Freiza!" Goku

"Oh your finally here, come now, we need to get going," Whis

"Wait what! You expect us to fight alongside Freiza!" Krillin

"Yes, that won't be a problem will it?" Whis said staring at Krillin

"U-uh of course not!" Krillin

"Well then, let's get going everyone!" Whis said as he started transporting everyone to the tournament

After around three minutes they all arrived, and when they did they all saw fighters from every universe, Kira walked away from the group a little bit, he started to take in the sight of all of the people, all of the people who he was about to fight against

'Ayo, so how should we do this?' Kira

'What do you mean?' Ban

'Like, do I just go full power and take everyone out? or do I just fuck around the entire time?' Kira

'Hmm, I think you should scare the shit out of everyone, that way they just try to avoid you, this way you can pick off a few people, but also you can keep the plot the same,' Venom

'Hmmm, yeah that sounds cool,' Kira then started to think over what he should do to scare everyone

'Hmmm, it has to be scary enough no one will want to mess with me, hmmm, maybe I could,' Kira started thinking over all of the skills he has

'That's it! I hope this works!' Just as Kira thought that a voice rang out causing everyone to tense up

"Okay everyone, the tournament of Power will now commence!" The Grand Preist said this caused everyone to about to start fighting

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Was the sound that rang out from all across the arena, cries of pain and struggling was let out as an invisible force pushed everyone to the ground, well, everyone but one man

"HeheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Was the sound that came out of Kira, this sent a chill down everyone's spines

Kira was facing away from everyone, but he slowly began turning, until he was halfway turned around, the only thing people could see was a smile on his face, a smile that consisted of nothing but teeth

"K-Kira! what the hell!!" Beerus yelled out towards Kira from the stands

"Who is that?!?!" Champa

"His strength is incredible" Heles

"..." Kira only stayed quiet as he released the pressure from everyone

"W-what the hell was that?!?!" A random fighter said

"I-i don't know, but I'm getting the hell away from that guy!!" Another fighter

'That really worked, wow,' Kira thought as his face went back to normal

'What did you expect? I mean you mixed your Will of the God's skill with your Haki skill, and don't even get me started on you using Venom to make you smile like that, I mean bro, you even managed to force down Jiren, not to mention you forced down your own teammates,' Ban

"Hmm, well then, I guess I should start taking some people out to past the time," Kira said as he blitzed towards some random fighters

Kira then spent some time fighting some people while toying with them, he was having fun messing with a group of people, but that's when he heard a shout

"HAAAAA YOUR TAKING MY ON AND ONLY AWAY!!!!" Kale shouted as she started to transform, she went into her Super Saiyan transformation, she then started to walk towards Goku

"Her transformation is like Kira's! It just seems a lot less powerful, and she doesn't have any of the platings like him," Vegeta

"Goku!!" Kale said as she arrived in front of Goku

"Goku, back off, I'll take care of her," Kira said appearing behind Goku

"Aww, but I was looking forward to fighting her," Goku said as he stepped aside

"Goku!" Kale

"You're fighting me now, my name is Kira, heh, I don't know why I'm telling you this, it's not like you can hear me when you're this angry," Kira

"Goku!!" Kale said as she went to go past Kira towards Goku, but she was easily stopped by Kira who held her in place by grabbing her left shoulder with his left hand

"Heh? Goku!!" Kale shouted as she took a swing at Kira who simply caught it with his right hand

"Sigh' children," Kira said as he twisted her fist and sweeping her left leg, causing her to flip and land on her back, Kira then let go of her hand, she quickly sprung up towards Kira ready to punch him, but Kira simply dodge all of the strikes she threw at him, he even went as far as closing his eyes while he dodged

"You need to calm down, otherwise this power of yours will consume you, I'll give you two minutes, if you arent calmed down by then, then I'll have to knock you out of this form," Kira said as he continued to dodge all attacks

Two minutes quickly passed, but Kale showed no signs of calming down, so when Kale went to hit Kira again, He sidestepped and punched her in her gut, causing her to fall out of Super Saiyan

"'Sigh' She's going to have to get that form under control, and fast if she wants to stay in this tournament," Kira said as he grabbed Kale and brought her over to where Goku and Caulifla were fighting

"Hey! I think this belongs to you!" Kira said as he threw Kale towards Caulifla, who got thrown to the ground after being hit with Kale

"Ugh, what the hell! Kale! what did you do to her!" Caulifla said as she saw Kale was unconscious

"She was out of control, if she were to be left to run around in that form, she will eventually destroy everything around her, including her self, so next time she freaks out like that, try and calm her down, it seems your her anchor to sanity when she enters that form," Kira said as he then disappeared


Sorry for the late chapter everyone!!

School has been a bitch lately

but here y'all are, I know it isn't the best, but I hope you all enjoy it!!

