

Once Kira spoke them words both of the armies ran at each other starting a bloody war, Kira started to walk towards Adam who was standing in the same position with his sword in his hand

"Oh, so you're approaching me?" Adam

"I can't beat the shit out of you if I don't come closer" Kira

"Oh ho, then come as close as you want," Adam said as he began to approach Kira as well

Kira then ran at Adam at a blinding speed only leaving an afterimage behind him, appearing in front of Adam Kira threw a punch with his right hand, Adam somehow ended up blocking it with his sword, but in the process, Adam's sword was destroyed, Kira sent Adam flying backward, but he managed to catch himself by digging his finger's into the ground

"Damn, what are you?!" Adam said as he stood up

"Did you not hear what they called me?" Kira replied as he started to approach Adam

"Yeah they called you Demon King, but I've never heard of anything like that before" Adam

"Well, let's say a Demon King is basically the same thing as the God of Darkness," Kira said causing Adam's eyes to shoot open

"Your lying! if you were really as strong as the God of Darkness, then you'd be able to kill everything on the battlefield!" Adam

"Oh, I could, easily at that, but where would the fun be in that?" Kira said as a smile crept on his face, hearing what Kira said, Adam's face quickly turned into one of fear, he didn't want to believe what Kira had said, but a part of him knew that it was true

"Your really treating this as a game!? If we don't kill you here the-" Adam was saying, but Kira had cut him off

"Shut up, look at them," Kira said confusing Adam until he turned his head and saw that Erza was getting mulled by a large group of Grimm

"What, you want me to see her die or somethi-" Adam was saying until his jaw dropped, right before his eyes Erza started to regenerate

"This is what they get for serving me, they become immortal, as well as stronger and faster, you will be just like them," Kira said as he shoved his fist through Adam's chest

"Gugh, Hahaha, Salem is going to have one hell of a time with you," Adam said before he swiftly died

"Arise," Kira said causing Adam's body to quickly start regenerating

[Pick A Name]

"Hmm, I could just call you Adam(G) but, I think that's kinda lazy of me, so let's go with Ronin" As soon as Kira said the name, Ronin immediately kneeled in front of him

"It is my pleasure to serve you My Lord" Ronin

"Hehe, that's what they all say for the first few days, then they start talking shit, well anyway, EVERYONE THE FIGHT IS OVER!!" Kira called out as he raised his hand in the air using {BloodBending} he instantly killed every Grimm on the battlefield

"Aww, I was just getting warmed up," Ban said as he walked closer to Kira with the others

"So how does it feel to serve Kira Adam?" Blake

"Adam is no longer my name, master gave me the title of Ronin for the rest of time" Adam

"Oookay? was he always like this?" Ban asked team Rwby(G)

"Yeah pretty much" They all responded at the same time

"Well anyway, it should be about time for the dance so let's go," Kira said as they all exited the dungeon, seeing that it was in fact almost time for the dance, Kira went and hopped inside of the shower, he then started to think if he should wear the same suit he did on his and Ruby's date, or if he should get a new one, but after thinking it over he decided to just get a new suit

"Ayano, buy a suit" Kira

[What should it look like?] Ayano

"I want the overshirt to be red with flower designs on it, I want the undershirt to be black, the pants will also be black, the shoes will be black and red in color, also buy a red and black Masquerade mask" Kira

[Understtod] Ayano, once she said that Kira was consumed in an bright light, after a minute the light died down, looking at himself in a mirror, Kira had to admit that the suit was really good looking, walking out of the bathroom he said to the others

"Alright everyone imma head out now, don't cause to much trouble," Kira said as he then exited the room, walking over to team Rwby's room he knocked on the door, waiting a few minutes but there wasn't a response, But he wasn't worried as he could sense her already on her way to the Dance. so he decided to just meet her there

Taking his time to walk over there, he noticed Jaune and Pyrrha walking towards the dance, so he decided to just walk with them

"Hey y'all, mind if I walk with ya," Kira said grabbing there attention

"Oh Kira, no not at all, actually I wanted to ask you something," Jaune

"Hmm, what's up?" Kira

"Well me and Pyrrha was wondering if she could join us in our training sessions" Jaune

"Hmm, Really? sure I don't see why not, but why would you?" Kira

"Well your quite literally the strongest person at Beacon, so I'd be stupid not to learn from you, I mean I under a month Jaune became like a completely different person!" Pyrrha said making Kira think some stuff over

"Hmm, you know what, how about I start giving all of team Jnpr lessons?" Kira

"Really? that'll be awesome!" Jaune, after that we all arrived at the gymnasium, saying goodbye to Jaune and Pyrrha Kira went to find Ruby, seeing her, he put on his mask and walked up behind her

"Guess who?" Kira said as he covered Ruby's eyes with his right hand

"Kira!" Ruby shouted as she removed his hand and jumped into his arms

"Hehehe, what did you miss me?" Kira

"Always!" Ruby said as she got out of his arms, looking at her, she was wearing an all-red dress with a huge rose on the front of her left shoulder, she had on red knee-high boots, as well as a red ribbon around her neck

"So, how do I look?" Ruby said shyly

"hmmm, almost as cute as you do when you're asleep.....that was creepier then it was supposed to be," Kira said getting a laugh from Ruby

"Hehehe, it's fine, you look cute when you're asleep as well," Ruby

"Well then, it would seem we're both weird, come on let's go get some punch," Kira said, they then went to the punch bowl where the rest of team Rwby was, seeing us Yang and Weiss's faces lit up

"Kira! you like singing don't you?" Yang

"Uhhh, yeah why?" Kira asked but only to get no answer-back, Yang then went and grabbed Kira's arm and dragged him up onto the stage of the gymnasium

"What are you doing?!?!" Kira

"Well, the singer me and Weiss booked couldn't show, soooo, we thought that you could do it!" Yang said as she handed Kira a guitar and said

"Wing it, also don't mess up, Ruby's watching!" Yang said as she walked to the microphone and said

"Hello everyone, I'm Yang one of the one's who helped put together the dance, but that doesn't matter right now, why you ask, well that's because it's time for our special guest to come and sing for us, so without further ado, everyone please welcome ur schools very own Ace Kira!!" Yang announced to the entire room causing everyone to cheer, walking up to the mic Kira couldn't help but think of kicking Yang's ass, taking a deep breath in, Kira played one of his favorite songs from his past life

"Fly Me to the moon

Let me play among the stars

Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars

In other words, hold my hand

In other words, baby kiss me" When Kira started singing his voice captivated the entire room,

"Fill my heart with song

And let me sing forevermore

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true

In other words, I love you" Kira continued the song, further enticing the crowd, after this verse was over he went on to play a solo on his guitar, he then finished the song

"Fill my heart with song

And let me sing forevermore

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

In other words, pleasе be true

In other words, I lovе you" When Kira finished the song the room was deathly quiet, then one person started to clap, which in turn made the entire room start to applaud, deciding to play a few more after he played some more he said goodbye and got off of the stage, walking over to Ruby Kira couldn't even say anything before she rushed at him and latched onto him

"That was AMAZING!!!" Ruby said as she looked into Kira's eyes

"Haha, thanks so Ruby, Wanna Dance?" Kira

"Yes!" Ruby Answered immediately, she then dragged Kira onto the dance floor where they began to dance

"Hehehe, we need to do this more often," Ruby said as she hugged Kira while Dancing

"Yeah, that would be awesome," Kira said as he continued dancing

They continued to dance for a while until eventually, Ruby got tired, leaving the dance they walked back to Kira's room when they got to Kira's room they both laid down and went to sleep


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Mutated Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote/Original Devil]

[Level: 94]

[Exp: 1853/10,000

[Shop point's: 742,184]

[Stat point's: 210]

[Health: 1,719]

[Strength: 400]

[Agility: 353]

[Vitality: 223]

[Summons: Ban, Erza, Itachi, Yami, Pikachu, Alpha, Omega, Ruby (G), Yang (G), Weiss (G), Blake (G), Helies, Vallen, Ronin]

[Girlfriend: Ruby Rose]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: SSS } {Flying: SS } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Death's Call: SSS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging: A} {Spider sense: SS} {Water bending: SSS} {Presence of a God: SSS} {Transtep: A} {Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: S} {Fire Bending: SSS} {Dragon Fist: B} {Hell's Gates: D} {Devil's Charm: D} {Demonic Magic: D} {True Desire: D} {Demonic Contract: D} {Telumkinesis: EX} {Energy Drain: A} {ID Create: EX} {Depiction of Nature and Society: D} {Law Magic: D} {kaio-ken: D} {Shadow Clone Justu: D} {Elemental Magic: A} ]

[Transformation's: {True Demon King: Stage One} {Great ape: B} {Armored titan: D} {Susanoo: S} {Ikari/Wrathful state: SS} {Super Saiyan: SSS} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart} {Unlimited kunai} {Elucidator} {Train} {Yami no ha} {Dragon blade}]

