
First Fight

"I want my body to be nice and lean, I want my hair to be dirty blond, My eye's will be the silver eye's like Ruby's, I also want my body to be covered with tattoo's." Kira

[Oohh i like it senpai so how about haha you're you know what] Ayano

"Well it's not gonna be as small as my past life you can bet that much, Hmmmm well let's say '10 inches' so i can have that big dick energy" Kira

[Ara Ara whatever you say senpai it shall be done, So tell me what bloodline will you like to start out with senpai] Ayano

"I said the silver eye's bloodline so that Ayano" Kira

[Fufufu no senpai the eye's are a part of you're body so there is no need to add it as you're bloodline, So please choose one] Ayano

"R-really oh OK soooo hmmm will the bloodline i choose alter my body?" kira

[No senpai you don't have to worry about that] Ayano

"OK cool so i want the saiyan bloodline that way i can pass of as a Faunus, And i'll also get zenkai boost's to help me get stronger" Kira

[Ooohhh nice choice senpai, OK so you will be a dirty blond saiyan, Hmmm so basically you will be a half saiyan, what color do you want you're tail to be] Ayano

"I want my tail to be black, Also will i be using 'KI' or 'Aura' in this world?" Kira

[You can use both, Since you have the silver eye's and Saiyan bloodline] Ayano

"Awesome so when will we get there?" Kira

[You still haven't decided where you would like to go and at what time or age senpai] Ayano

"Oh right put me in a forest near vale, About two year's before the main story begin's. I will also like to be 14 when i reincarnate so i can be about 16 when the main story begin's." Kira

[Hai Hai, OK senpai it shall be done] Ayano

[We will arrive in 5 minute's senpai so while we wait i will explain the function's of the system] Ayano

[System's function's are] Ayano

[Status] You can check you're status here and see what skill's you have.

[Inventory] You can use this to see what all item's you have here as well store stuff here.

[Shop] This function is where you can buy skill's as well as item's

[Lottery] It is exactly what it sound's like you can get lottery ticket's to earn the chance to gain item's such as bloodline's weapon's and much more

[Mission's] Here you will be assigned mission's to help improve you're self

[That's all there is senpai, I hope you enjoy it] Ayano

"This is amazing OK so when will we arrive" Kira

[We are arriving now senpai brace you're self] Ayano

"Wait wha" Was all Kira was able to get out before hitting the ground hard.

"Wha-what happened" Kira said as he woken up. It seem's that he was in a crater, regaining his sense's he finally remembered were he was.

"Oh my god, Ayano are you there?" kira

[Yes senpai, I will always be with you forever and ever fufu] Ayano

"Oh thank god, Phew OK so let's find somewhere to stay for the time being. Oh and Ayano can you bring up my status please." kira

[Fufu of course senpai anything you want] Ayano


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Saiyan]


[Exp: 0/10

[Shop point's: 10,000]

[Stat point's: 10]

[Health: 100]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS }]


"Wait what is the {Will of the god's} skill?" Kira

[It would seem the God of reincarnation has blessed you with a skill that is really powerful. {Will of the god's} allow's the user to create a domain around his/her body to be able to detect what ever enter's there domain. Also it allow's the user to put great pressure on who is ever in there domain, Even going as far as to knock out someone or something.] Ayano

" whoa that sound's amazing, OK well then i need to find somewhere to set up camp" Kira said and then he proceeded to walk around until he found a cave.

"HAHA finally i found something" Kira said aloud happily.

"GRRRRR" Came a sound behind him.

[Senpai lookout!!!!] Ayano shouted out inside kira's mind.

"Wha-oh shit" Kira said barley able to dodge the claw that was aiming at his throat.

"ROOOAAARRRR" Was the sound that cam from the monster.

"OH SHIT, it's a beowolf fuck i'm not ready for this" said Kira

"RRRAAAGGHHh" The beast proclaimed before rushing at Kira.

"Ayano put all my point's in to strength, NOW!!!" kira yelled

[It's done Kira, what are you gonna do] Ayano

"I'm gonna punch it" Kira said activating his {Will of the god's} skill. The skill slowed down the beowolf a lot so Kira rushed toward's the wolf and the met head on. the beowolf tried to bite at Kira but with his skill activated he was barley able to dodge to the side, Then Kira put everything he had into his right hand and punched the beowolf with every thing he had sending it flying smashing up against a tree, Kira heard a loud 'CRACK' when the wolf made impact. The beowolf was starting to get up but before it could Kira ran over to it and kicked it in the head, before climbing on top of it and caving it's face in with his fist.

[S-senpai that's enough it's dead] Ayano

"Yeah my bad Ayano" Kira

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

"Oh sweet i leveled up open my status for me please Ayano" Kira said


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Saiyan]


[Exp: 53/100

[Shop point's: 10,000]

[Stat point's: 20]

[Health: 140]

[Strength: 24]

[Agility: 14]

[Vitality: 14]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS }]


[Senpai also completed a quest will you like to see it] Ayano

"Yea please" Kira


[Mission completed, kill you're first grim]


{Weapon ticket} This item allow's host to create any one weapon he want's.

{Outfit ticket} This item allow's host to make any outfit he desire's.


"HAHA awesome OK so i want to use the weapon ticket" Kira

[OK what weapon will senpai like] Ayano

"Hmmmm i want

Phew i never gave people enough credit for this.

writing is hard but fun

Any tip's will be appreciated

AND the {Will of the god's} skill is bassicly a skill from another fanfic but i forgot the name soooo idk well anyway's


MR_No1creators' thoughts