
He is Back!

Voice Of Love: Pains don't wipe away your love for someone. If you are successful on that, then you were never been in love ~ Shanz Williams Raith


       Tornado By Little Big Town ||

 < A:N: Theme Song For Shanz & Jessie's Duo >

Jessie was awakened by the thrashing sound that came out right outside of her door. When she was fully aware and creepted near the door, Shanz's furious voice came from outside. Unfortunately she missed the most important part from his conversation. Jessie never heard why did Shanz punished Mr. Allen or why Mr. Benjamin was removed from his respective position. All she understood that she was here because of Prince Shanz. She didn't even hesitate to grab the food cutting dagger from the room and sneaked at a corner to jump on him right after he walked in.
