
Celebrating ------ Part 2

Voice Of Love: " Undress my mind, show the world what I posses for you ~ Ayra Chole "


        Make You Feel By Alina Baraz & Galimatias ||

Coming back to the broken castle, Ayra watched his back with a tight frown as she was driven away towards the edge of the balcony. The air around them became a little chilly since the rain were pouring down for a long time.

She wandered now what was lingering in his mind. Cedric led her to stop by the railings from where they could watch the wild, wet sight of this palace. The sight over blacony wasn't any special one yet precious. Half moon that illuminated from the smoke of clouds helped the space to showcase a little. This forest had a different kind of white flowers that only bloomed through rainfall. The beautiful part of those flowers were that they all bloomed together and created an appealing look to the eyes of beauty lovers. Having no smell was one of their uniqueness.
