

"You really do not hold back your punches do you Lex." Ceeret took back the sword from Lexine's neck. 

"What better way is there to win?" Lexine threw back.

"But you lost."

"Same difference." Lexine stuck out her tongue at Ceeret. Ceeret raised her sword and pointed the hilt at Lexine. 

"Don't make me bust out my kung fu."

"That's enough, ladies." Lady Briks cut off their conversation. "I do not know what kind of sword teaching you have undergone, but it is clear that you at least know some basics." She turned to Lexine, "As for you, you have improved from the first day you came to this class. Good job."

Lexine smiled at the praise, almost going as far as puffing her chest out and raising her nose up to the sky. 
