

"I believe so. It was foolish to think that other people would not have discovered a method of entering into this side of the gate as we did." The emperor pointed out.

"Even if that is the case, we don't know anything about the attackers. They left no trace behind and don't leave anyone alive. It is a stroke of luck that we had survivors from the Hitsman pack in the first place." Timaeus tapped on the armrest of the chair using his finger.

"Then, how about strengthening our defenses. If such an attack happens on our side of the gate, we will have people who will be in charge of recording the attackers. I don't know how you will go about it on your side though." Leilani turned her head to the emperor and empress. "since you are in the pinnacle of leaders, I believe that you can make them listen to you."

"Without a doubt." The emperor bobbed his head up and down.
