

Immediately after they walked into the room, a ball of fur plopped itself into Timaeus' chest. He barely had time to react before he had cupped his hands together to prevent the little one from falling down. He took a small step back due to the force the ball of fur had fallen on him.

From the room, a boy ran out. He was holding a toddler in his hands, and there was another child who was holding onto his left leg as he walked. His hair was tousled, and he had deep black eye bags underneath his eyes.

He stood at the threshold staring straight at Timaeus' golden hair. Tears pooled into his eyes, dripping down his pale cheeks. He shook his head suddenly and bowed his body deeply. "S-sir. I greet you sir." The little toddler who had been rocked quite suddenly began to cry due to the action.
