

Lexine trembled as she looked at their attackers. The scent of blood became stronger as they trudged forward. They were close to fifteen in number, and all were male or looked to be male.

However, the thing that shocked Lexine to the core was the pair of wings that were attached to the back of one of the attackers. His wings were pitch black, nothing like the colorful pair of wings she had seen from other sylphs. In fact, she had never read anything about sylphs having black wings.

Artin grunted as he pushed one of the males away from him. The male that had jumped on him was the one with the pair of wings. Thanks to that, he was a bit faster than the others. His hair, which was black like the others' hair, had been shorn on one side, and the other side fell to his nape.

"We should be careful of them." Artin manifested his music trunk and pulled out his weapon. The weapon glistened in the sun. "They reek of blood that is not their own."
