

Timaeus shook his head, awed by the amount of childishness his elder sister seemed to have at that moment. He turned to Lexine, the perpetrator of the sudden change in her demeanor, "Don't instigate her," he rubbed his forehead using his thumb and forefinger. "If she does decide to help you, the whole gathering will go down in flames.

"Now, now Timmy. This sister will actually behave today. It is a big day after all. I heard that the head of the other species has finally decided to make an appearance for the first time."

"I thought that he refused all of the times that great grandfather welcomed him. What made him change his mind?"

Leilani shrugged, "Beats me." She pulled on Kivuli's arm, trying to pry him off of Lexine. "Can you let go of my niece now? It is now time for us to go to the hall."

"As her escort, aren't I supposed to be glued to her side?" Kivuli pulled his lips up in a smirk
