

There was no way Lexine could mistake the body that lay on the stony ground. The silver hair was strewn on the ground, the color closely resembling Taevlin's own locks. Even if it were not that, the body was wearing the exact same clothes that Marissta had been wearing the day before. Her sunken cheeks were slightly parted as if she had been screaming before her death.

Lexine felt bile rise up her throat. She pushed it down, not wanting to upset those in the room with her.

The man who was kneeling next to Marissta raised his head when he heard Lexine utter her name. There were tear lines dried upon his cheeks and his eyes were beet red.

He looked at Lexine with a frown on his lips before looking down at the dead girl.

'My humble apologies, Queen Dowager. I must request to leave and give respects to my dead one in hopes she will lie in peace.'

He did not look up at the Queen Dowager as he said these words. 'I understand, do not remain kneeling my child.'
