

Quira left the room a few minutes after Lexine fell asleep. She was carrying the necklace she had gotten from Lexine carefully in her hands. She was walking to the small house library where she knew Taevlin would be reading at that time.

She paused at the door for a second, took in a deep breath, and knocked before opening the door.

Taevlin and Artin were in the room. Artin was writing in his journal as per the norm of his evening chores.

Quira bowed at the waist, "Lord Taevlin. I would like to discuss something with you."

Taevlin looked up from the book he was reading, 'Yes?'

Quira had her head bowed and her lilac hair was covering her face like a curtain. She peeked at Artin as if asking if they could speak in private.

Taevlin noticed her gaze, 'You do not need to be worried. Whatever it is, you can say it in front of Artin.'
