

It was, however, all very interesting. Despite this, by the time Lexine was a few pages into the book, she felt her head ready to burst. She wanted to confirm which year all these things that were recorded had happened to check if they were in line with the history she knew. Unluckily, dragons and drakkons did not have a sense of time before the great war, the method they used to record their history, the dates they used, they were all very different. She would be unable to uncover if all she was reading was true or false.

Wanting all this information to sink in first, she propped her chin on her palm and looked at her female housemates. Quira had her hair covering her face like a curtain, hiding her features. Her hands fumbled with the melody sheets in her hands. Her fingers seemed to have very little grip for when she picked up a book, it would slip and fall. Quira was not like this at all when it was just the two of them. Lexine sighed.
