

Lexine awoke with a sinking feeling in her stomach. She was a naturally lazy person, so when anyone planned for her to do work that was not part of her plans to laze around as much as she could, she felt something akin to a foreboding premonition.

However, that evening, she ignored it and got out of bed. She tried to remember what had woken her from her slumber, but her mind came up with a blank. The sun had already set in the horizon leaving her I'm the darkness of her room. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stretched her tired limbs. 'I have to stop getting kidnapped. It takes a lot of energy.' She took out her phone from her backpack and turned it on. It was at seventy percent. It was times like this she was glad she had saved up for months to buy a new phone that did not drain as much power as her previous phone did.

If she were at home, she would have played one of the many instruments her father had laying in the house. He loved playing instruments and would splurge to buy them.

It was a constant source of joy in their house. Her mother loved to sing, so while they played instruments, she would sing. They had a lot of complaints from their neighbors, especially when Lexine was learning how to play the drums. She was a noisy mess. In a way, her father taught her everything she knew about playing instruments. However, after her father's death, she rarely played the instruments. In addition to this, although her mother kept all his instruments, she stopped singing. Once or twice she would find herself humming, however, even subconscious movements can be stopped.

Lexine's finger itched and she drummed them onto the back of her phone, making a soft rhythmic sound.

'Why on earth am I remembering this now?' Lexine thought as she rubbed her eyes. Her hair was sticking out in all directions and her eyes were bloodshot. She licked her chapped lips and opened her music app, going directly to her rock playlist to play Radioactive. Of course she could play Kpop or some of the fifties music she had, but at the moment, she had a lot of energy drained and wanted something noisy.

She opened up her notebook to see what information she had so far about this new world. It wasn't much since she had only been at the school for less than two days, and had been kidnapped twice in those two days. This school really was scary. 'I have to find a way to protect myself while gathering information. Maybe I should take up my housemate's offer on that. They did say they'd help me after all'

She was brought out of her thoughts by a loud knock on her room's door. If it wasn't as loud as it was, then she would have missed it over her loud music.

She opened her door and found Desire out her door. Her hair was back to its normal black color. She smiled at Lexine. "It is almost time for dinner, I have been sent to fetch you." She spoke normally which Lexine was extremely grateful for. She definitely couldn't take the mental conversations that, she felt, invaded her privacy.

Lexine opened the door wider to let Desire inside. "Oh. I just woke up. Just give me a second." She turned off her phone and the music. Desire looked scanned the way Lexine was dressed. She had not changed from her shorts and large tee. Her eyes then landed on the gadget in her hand. After Lexine held it, all the music in the room came to a halt.

"What is that gadget you have Lexine?"

Lexine turned to look at her confused. Then turned back to look at her phone. She raised it up for Desire to see, "You mean my phone?"

Desire cocked her head to the left. Lexine frowned internally. She made even a confused look gorgeous. "Phone? Does it store musicians inside of it? It seems too small to do that."

Desire's question made Lexine laugh. "No. No. It's just a recording. The musicians sang a song and I saved it on the phone."

Desire sighed. "I do not think I quite understand what you mean. However, the rest are awaiting us. Let us leave. Do you need to change, I can wait for you."

Lexine looked down at herself. "Nah. I look fine."

She donned on the sneakers she had taken out of the wardrobe that morning and followed Desire down the stairs. "Christana informed us of what happened to you today. I hope you are alright?"

"Just peachy." Lexine skipped down the stairs after Desire. "I mean, I can understand why they did it. They thought I was planning to harm Sevin. Not like I can though. I would be a measly human ganged up against a werewolf after all."

Desire nodded. In her mind, she thought of Lexine's insanely high energy signature. Did the human really not know how high her energy signature was? "Where were you all day Desire? I didn't see you at all after the spar."

Desire kept silent for a few seconds longer than Lexine expected making Lexine feel like she should not have asked questions. Lexine just wanted to break the silence that had fallen between them. Looks like it failed. When she was about to tell her to forget the question, Desire spoke up.

"Sylph mother came to visit Principal today. She wanted to see Taevlin, and I had the duty to follow him."

Lexine's mind envisioned the gray-haired brute who had kidnapped her. "Is she the mother of your kind?"

Desire shook her head softly, "No. She is our Queen."

"Then why would she be visiting Taevlin and not all of the Syl-" Her question was cut off when Christana came bounding to her, Adley was following behind her. They had reached the last stair.

"Lexine Woods!" She jumped on Lexine giving her a hug. "It is not fair! I want tea too!"

Lexine's face fell blank. "Tea?"

"I want more too! Christana finished all of mine!"

Christana turned her head to glare at Adley, not letting go of Lexine, "I did not!"

Artin came running after them. He pointed a finger at Christana, "How dare you throw a fireball at me child. I want tea too!" Christana stuck her tongue out at him and turned to look at Lexine.

"Don't listen to them. I got to you first. I get all the tea." She then proceeded to cup Lexine's ears using her palms.

Cardial came bounding after Artin. "No! I deserve tea. I shall monopolize Woods and make her my tea maker."

Desire stepped aside as Lexine tore herself from Christana. "What are you all talking about. What is all this fucking talk about tea?"

Adley proceeded to tell her everything, from trying the tea, to loving it then losing it to their housemates. Lexine could not help but laugh. They were making such a racket because of tea!

"I am not making anyone anything." She wiped a tear from her eye. Of course, Lexine was too lazy to do any work that did not benefit her in the slightest. Christana's eyes teared up.

"But, you made Adley some."

"She showed me where the ingredients are."

Cardial had a finger on his chin, thinking. "What you are implying is that unless we have something to offer in return, you shall not make us that drink?" Lexine nodded in agreement. "What if you make us the tea in return for the lessons we will be giving you to assist you in our world human?"

Lexine was ready to retaliate, telling him that in no way was she going to need any of their help in all they had offered to assist her in. However, she froze as her mind reminded her of her second kidnapping. She remembered the way she felt helpless in the mercy of Sheea and her allies. So she snapped her mouth shut and her eye twitched in irritation.

She ground her teeth before replying. "Alright. It is a deal. A cuppa a day each."

"Deal!" He stretched his hand out to shake her hand but she glared at him.

"I will make each one of you a cup tomorrow morning. So ensure there is milk in the fridge. I finished it all earlier."

They all nodded, excited. Lexine rubbed her temples. She was not going to have peace of mind in this place was she?

She pushed them into the eating area. "Let's go and have dinner now, please. My nap starved me."
