

Artin walked into his quarters and shut the door behind him. The darkness of the room greeted him and he let his eyes adjust to the lighting. He did not bother with the lamps as he trudged to the shower. The two fire stones on either side of his room lit as he walked inside, illuminating the room. His body felt heavy and he was exhausted. However, he was satisfied with his short but exciting adventure of the day. He would need to jot down all the interesting attributes he discovered about humans. They were highly intriguing creatures, to say the least.

History had the wrong information about them. According to Historians, humans were bloodthirsty creatures on the brink of self-destruction. The elites wanted more power than they could handle while making the common folk believe that anything beyond human understanding was dangerous and should be handed over to them.

Many of his kind had been burnt to death at such times, being labeled as witches. However, long before that, they co-existed in perfect harmony with humans. That was before some humans coveted what they did not have and could not acquire.

The humans he had seen though, were nothing like history explained. They were not bloodthirsty creatures. In fact, they were quite bland. The school he had attended for the day had subjects that were not in the least intriguing to listen to. In addition to that, in the history books he had managed to peruse through, nothing was recorded about the war that had taken place.

It was almost as if it had been wiped off of the grid. This irritated Artin to the point where he wanted to pull his flaming hair right off his head. The history he knew and the one they were being taught was completely different. Was it a cover-up?

When Principal informed them of the task they were assigned to, he was beyond overjoyed. It was no secret that humans were not friends to anyone on their side of the portal.

Taevlin on the other hand was annoyed. The sylph had a distaste for anything he considered to be trivial. With his energy signature, Artin could understand where he was coming from. He was a well-bred warrior, and as such, he liked flaunting his strength if it came down to it. At the same time, the gray-haired man was smart. He plowed through books getting as much knowledge as he could. If he was not in the school library, he was in the training area. He was a simple Sylph.

More than once, while they were lounging in the house sitting area, his nose would be stuck in a book. He hated the fact that he had been sent to get a student from the human realm. If it were up to him, he would not have gone.

Artin could tell though, that he too had been intrigued by the measly human. She was not even aware of the power she carried in her body. The fact that she was able to, more than once in fact, bring all of them to attention was proof enough.

They were all prideful creatures that refused to bow to anyone who was not higher in the hierarchy than they were. Since Lexine had a higher energy signature than any of them, it simply meant she was higher in hierarchy than any of them. Thus they were inclined to listen to what she had to say even if it made no sense.

Her energy signature was going to make it difficult to keep her safe. Artin let his thoughts fly as he took out a notebook.

The human world had been cut off from their own years before he was born. It was said that the humans were jealous of the power they could not have and created firepower to kill them. The Door makers at the time decided to converge their power and shut their world from the rest of the species. Thus The Gate was created. It successfully divided the human world and their world. When it was implemented, the humans who were in their world stayed there and those who were on the other side were shut there.

However, what he witnessed when he went to the earthen world, humans were very weak. They could hardly pose any threat with the limited amount of energy signature they had. However, their traditions were very intriguing. Most of them were very loud. They were numerous in number which would have most probably been recorded as their way of trying to raise an army.

He sighed. None of them looked like the type trained to fight. In fact, they seemed to have too much weight to even carry themselves around. In short, they would be utterly useless on a battlefield.

Lexine Woods, however, was not like most humans he had met. While they were at the school gates, he could feel her presence. It was stronger than even his and that was a feat on its own. She, however, did not seem to notice, and this made her even more intriguing than the other humans.

Principal assigned him Sevin and Taevlin with the task of ensuring she was welcomed, and no one figured out she was human. That would take them into a fit of rage directed upon the school administration seeing that humans were a despised race on their side of the gate.

Artin ran a hand through his flaming red hair. This was going to be difficult considering he was two grades above her. He could probably get Christana to look after her while they attended their classes. Although she was very careless, she was wonderful at taking care of people. She would ensure no one found out she was human else she would have a hard time at the Academy.

With that as his last thought, he flipped open a journal left to him by his great grandfather and scribbled down his finding of the day. Be as it may, he was already intrigued by the human who went by the name Lexine Woods. Seeing as she was superior in terms of energy signature, he would strive to the best of his capability to ensure her flame was not snuffed out before she was able to achieve greatness.
