
The scion

"This is unbelievable!!!!" 

Cheng Tao's shriek echoed in the silent corridors of the archaeology department.

"For god's sake don't shout, Senior Cheng," Lee Tae Min muffled his senior who was shouting at the top of his lungs, "Classes are still going on,"

Cheng Tao pushed away the arm which covered his mouth and asked in a low yet baffled tone,

"Can you believe it Tae Min? Yesterday, Lily said that she wants to check the DNA of general Guan and today she brought the samples. How's that even possible?" His anticipated voice was laced with excitement. "I always admired General Guan and my god I can't believe it-"

Lee Tae Min stuffed his noisy senior's mouth with a steamed bun to have a moment of peace. 
