
Amber City

(Dead: Soulless Myths/Humans)

A warm breeze went around our bodies. All around us the dead were roaming around in the dark. We could see the whole city light up in a magnificent amber glow.

~So this is why it's called Amber City~

"Beautiful." I expressed myself.

It looked beautiful until I found out where it was coming from.

"I don't think it's as beautiful as you might think it is Min."

When Ava had said that I looked carefully and in one of the dead's necks a parasite was pulsating like a heart somehow inside an Amber Gemstone.

"Ew never mind."

One of the dead passes right in front of us not even noticing us. When he passed by his eyes looked lifeless with a physical form. When I was listening I thought they would look more dead or maybe ghost-like.

"Now it's time to find Isra."

The compass on the back of my hand changes in a new direction.

"Let's go Isra's this way."

We head to our right running.
