
He is worth a lot..

" What was that?" James blurted in shock. 

" I don't know!!!" Lilian replied back in a panic. 

She was so startled by the sudden sound that she was not in a good state. 

" Isn't that coming from that room?" James asked her with a frightening look.

Lilian couldn't help but gulp in horror. Hee heart was beating fast..

She turned her head in fear as she saw how scary he looked. 

' Oh god... it's over...' Lilian closed her eyes in despair..

James without waiting any longer chased down the sound that was coming from the other room. 

' Lilian i hope you are not playing with fire...' James thought feeling anxious.

He went on to check on that other room with red eyes ready to tear down the whole place.

" James... Stop .. There is nothing in that room." Lilian said anxiously. 

Her voice sounded disturbed as she said. 

She tried to act calm but her body language said otherwise. 
