
Cabernet Sauvignon

I realize that the sauce is almost done, so I start the pasta. It's not long before dinner is ready. Plating it, I set it on the table with the bottle of cabernet sauvignon that I used earlier in the sauce. Following the sound of music, I find him still playing. Sitting there with his eyes closed, his fingers glide gracefully across the keys. Without any sheet music in front of him, he plays every song by heart. I hate to interrupt but if I don't, the food will get cold. Clearing my throat to get his attention, he stops playing and turns around to look at me.

"The food is done, whenever you're ready."

"Sure. Let's eat."

 We both sit down to eat and he pours us both a glass of wine.

"Oh, I shouldn't drink since I'm driving."

"No, I shouldn't have assumed."

"It's fine. I'm sure one glass will be okay."
