
Chapter 20- Milia

Mylo stepped out of the capsule and headed to his desktop. He connected to his banking account to make sure he received the money he exchanged in the game.

"Good, let's head to the gym first and then buy some groceries."

Mylo wore his sports wears and left to the closest gymnasium to his house.



"Hello, I would like to register for a gym membership."

"Okay, would you like to get the regular membership or the VIP membership?"

"The regular is fine."

"No problem, please take a sit while I get the form ready for you."

"Thank you."

Mylo was heading towards the resting area right next to the reception, as he was walking there, he saw a beautiful woman sitting alone. Both of them crossed eyes. Suddenly the woman started waving at Mylo, which made him confused. 'who is she? Does she know me?' he thought.

"Isn't that Mylo! It's been so long! Why haven't I seen you at work for the past few weeks?"


"Ah? You might not remember me since we never talked at work. My name is Milia. I'm one of your many coworkers."

Hazelnut eyes, a small round nose rests above a plump reddish lip whose white teeth blinds whomever looks into it, depicting her well formed jawline into a beautiful portrait. She had brown hair reaching down her shoulders. Perhaps her friendly representation and naïve smile made Mylo less warry. He could tell that her actions where does of a genuine person. The complete opposite of Amilia whom he had briefly met in game. Strangely enough, they both had somewhat similar names and had a fairly similar look. But Mylo, did not speculate any further, how can such a lovely person be affiliated with such a shrewd woman.

"I see."

"So? You haven't answered my question. Why haven't you been to work for the past week?"

"… I don't work there anymore."

"Why is that?"

"I ended up making more money playing Second Chronicle's."

"Oh! You made the right choice, this game is already making unparalleled waves around the world and making many people rich. I also play it! what's your in-game name? Want to play together? I'm a cleric , I could support you sometimes?"

"… My in-game name is Cosmo. I rather play alone… but I guess it wouldn't bother me to be in a party from time to time."

"Cosmo? I feel like I heard it somewhere… anyway, my in-game name is Lovovo. Il make sure to add you when I go online. Hehe."


"Are you also here to register?"


"But you're so skinny. Not like me… I'm so fat."

Mylo could see her expression getting more depressing. He knew exactly what it was. In today's age of social media it wasn't uncommon to see women distort their body image, society plays a big part in how they felt. Contrarily to what she thought, to others, she obviously did not look as big as she depicts herself. Rather most would look her way, not because of discuss but rather interest.

"Young lady, you have to understand something. I could tell you that your 'beautiful' and that you are 'perfect' the way you are ten times a day, but would that really change the way you look at yourself? You have to understand something, society has sent a unrealistic standard of beaty into woman. Trust me when I tell you that those standards are nothing else other then nonsense. I'm not going to stop you from working out, I do think everyone should exercise regularly but I do believe you are stressing over something non existent."

Mylo comment made her blush. She tried to reply back but took a relatively long time before she could actually form a sentence. No one has ever spoken to her this truthfully and with so much sense.

"W-w-w-what are you s-saying!"

"In short, be careful about what you believe. Your thoughts run your life"

That simple sentence was enough for Milia, to completly re-evaluate her way of thinking. She was speechless, all she could do was look into Mylo sincere and serious eyes with bewilderment.

" Madam Milia, we will be seeing you know. Could you please present yourself at the reception desk."


"I think they are calling for you."


With a flustered look she rushed towards the receiption desk, but suddenly stopped and looked behind her.


"What is it?"

"H-How many time will you be coming here?"


"… just curious."

"I'll be coming here every week days and rest during the weekends."

"I see… then I'll see you later!"

Milia quickly rushed away from Mylo after saying so.



"…yes! I'm coming."


After paying his annual membership and training for an hour. Mylo left the gym, went grocery shopping and ate out. His current goal was to eat 3000 calories a day. But his stomach was way too small to fit it all those solid nutriments. So he had to drink protein shake in order to supplement his body with enough nutriments and calories, since it was the most efficient way to do so.

"Ah~, I'm so full."

"Now that I think about it. I haven't slept for a few days. I've been resting in the capsule and gaming at the same time. My body can't keep up with this kind of rest, I should do it the natural way. "

Mylo slept for a good eight hours, after waking up he washed himself off the filth he accumulated during his sleep and ate a good amount of nutriments.

"Time to log in."

[Welcome back to Second Chronicle's]



[Lovovo would like to add you as a friend. (YES/NO)]

"She's fast. We never even talked before today…anyway. It would be disrespectful if I refused."


[You have added 'Lovovo' as a friend]

[Lovovo: Offline]

"Time to keep moving."


Sorry for the short chapter. Been busy lately with other things. il make sure to do longer chapter next time.

MonarchXDcreators' thoughts