
Moby Dick

After a few minutes of silence, Blue had been awkwardly thinking. "Hey, so...if, if i'm- what if-" he cleared his throat. "You said I'm just living with you now?" 


"Yeah?" Coconut glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes.


"Um. Well, what if we suddenly...break up or something?" 


Coconut tensed up. "Well… I mean… I wouldn't kick you out immediately, unless you did something really bad, but I don't want to think about things like that. Okay, Angel?"


"Really bad? What kind of really bad things do you think I would do?"


Coconut shook his head. "I don't think you could do anything that was bad enough for me to straight kick you out of my house, not that I can think of."


"Nevermind. I'm only saying that most couples don't live together exactly for this reason. What if… what if living together is a bad idea because it'll hurt so much when we break up." 


"Wh-When we break up?" Coconut asked shakily.


"What? Oh god, no. I meant if. Sorry. If." He looked out the window with a red face and pulled on his shirt collar.


"Ei-Ei-Either way… you're doing the what if thing again…" Coconut pulled up to the dorm and stopped the car, looking down and fiddling with the keys.


"Again? I've what if-ed before?" Blue looked at him, unbuckling his seat. "And...I'm sorry, I was just saying...it might not be a good idea to stay...in a house together like we're married because we're not." 


Coconut clenched his fists and sighed. "You did it during our… argument. And I'm not trying to sound… needy or attention seeking, but… I can't sleep without you anymore."


"You can't? Oh, that's right, that's your reason for keeping me in your bed." Blue sighed. "That's not going to be a good enough explanation." 


"Wh-What?" Coconut looked up at Blue, hurt. "What does that mean?"


"I mean…" Blue sighed and put his hand to his forehead like he had a headache. "We can't hide like this from my family forever. My parents are going to find out. And not only are the extremely homophobic, but they wouldnt be too proud about me sleeping with you every night. It's unhealthy…" He quoted his dad.


"H-How's it unhealthy? When you left for the first night after we started dating… that night terror was one of the worst so far. And they'll only get worse. I-It's scary to be alone when I wake up, Blue. That's why I needed you there."


"You really need me, Coconut?" He turned around on him again. 


"Of course I do." Coconut met his gaze with his head tilted down.


"Like….just me?" He asked. "You still had night terrors with one-night stands?" 


"Why wouldn't I? I always made sure they left before I fell asleep because I didn't want to burden them with my issues."


Blue stared at him in surprise for a few seconds. "Oh…" He thought of something and blinked a lot before saying, "ok well then what if...what if we don't break up. And then...what if we…" His entire body heated. "What if then we lived together? I mean, because then it would be okay. At least a little more okay for my parents to accept." 


"Wait… what? Are you… are you saying you're going to break up with me?" Coconut whimpered quietly, shrinking back in his seat.


"What? No! Where did you get that from?" He looked at him with surprised concern.


"It's just… you said what if we don't break up… which I thought meant you were breaking up with me and us staying together was only a fantasy…" Coconut looked away and his shoulders slumped. "...sorry."


"No, the- the what if we break up was just the small fear I had. The what if we got married was the preposition." 


"Huh? When did you say what if we got married?" Coconut looked back at him in confusion.


"I-" Blue's face reddened. "I didn't exactly say it because I thought you knew what I meant! I left a pause because…" Blue sighed. "Ok, forget it. Nevermind. I was just saying...what if we got married. Then it wouldn't be difficult to be together because we would be sleeping together every night." 


Coconut looked at him for a long moment. "You want to get married?"


Blue gasped as his face burned with a blush. "N-Th-I-" He sputtered and instead of answering, stepped out of the car. Cursing himself for suggesting something. 


Coconut quickly followed after him. "Wait, Blue! Do you really want to?"


Blue put his hands behind his head, rubbing his neck while walking into the dorm blushing madly. 


Coconut growled lowly and grabbed Blue's wrist, pulling back outside the dorm and shutting the door before pushing him up against it. "Do you want to get married, Blue?"


Blue breathed fast and deeply, flicking his tongue nervously over his lips again. In embarrassment, he avoided Coconut's question. "I-I think that's a big decision. I was only...suggesting." 


Coconut slammed a hand next to Blue's head on the door and stared into his eyes with a fire. "Marry me." His voice was entirely and utterly serious.


Surprised, Blue furrowed his brow at him. "You-" He almost accepted but controlled himself even though his heart was pounding in his ears. He angrily pushed Coconut away. "You're out of your damn mind! We only just started dating!" He turned around and opened the door.


Coconut flinched backward and sighed sadly, rubbing the back of his neck. "...okay."


Blue stormed into Coconut's room while shaking his head angrily and in embarrassment. "Can't believe he...can't believe I.." Muttering to himself, he forgot why he was pacing around the room with his fingers flying through his hair. 


Coconut followed after him more sadly, hesitating to step in his room.


Blue felt like he was going crazy with all the emotions flowing through him. He grabbed his face and breathed deeply while he reminded himself what he was doing. He found his phone and checked it, seeing messages from his parents and sighing. They were exactly who he was trying to forget about but here they were trying to grab hold of him as if they knew he was trying to escape them. He sat on the bed with his phone, noticing Coconut at the door. "I'm sorry." He said quietly. "Your question scared me." 


Coconut shook his head and closed the door behind him after he walked in then leaned against it. "No… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stress you out like that…"


"You know that marriage isn't even on my list of to-do's yet, right? At least not until I graduate or get close to graduating." 


"Yeah… sorry." Coconut sounded sad and disappointed, despite understanding.


Blue wanted desperately to accept his proposal and just get it over with already. He wanted to skip the coming years and jump straight into the fantasy he'd had since he was in middle school. "It's not that I don't want to. It's that I don't think it- it's too fast." For my parents. 


"It's alright. You don't have to explain to me, Blue." Coconut gave him a sad smile. "If you want to wait, then I will too."


"Wha-" his face was confused/sorrowed as it could be. "Why are you so upset then?" He squeezed his phone. 


Coconut looked away guiltily. "...Just because I'm willing to wait doesn't mean I want to, love."


Blue grit his teeth and looked back at his phone, opening his phone angrily and swiping through his phone as a frustrated fidget. "Do you remember last night when you said I was that person for you?" 


"The person who listens and comforts me? Yeah." Coconut looked a little confused.


"Well." Blue put his phone on the bed. "That made me think...I could be that person for you for...for forever. And then I started thinking...what if we did get married now? But obviously that's too fast." 


"It's not too fast for me, but if it's too fast for you, it's alright Angel. We don't have to talk about this anymore." Coconut gave him another smile, this one not revealing any emotions.


Blue frowned and sighed, returning to his phone and reading his parents messages. "The thing is, it's not too fast for me. But it definitely would be for my parents."


"Why do you care if it's too fast for your parents? They would have to deal with it, love." Coconut pushed off from the door and walked over to Blue and sat beside him, putting an arm around his waist. "I wish things weren't so hard for us."


"Yeah, me too." Blue laid his head on Coconut's shoulder and relaxed into him. "It's ok though. We'll be ok. And things will only get better." He was sure.


"I really hope so," Coconut whispered.


Blue furrowed his brow and looked up at him. "They will. I promise. I'm not going to leave you." He said firmly. 


"Thank you." Coconut smiled softly and kissed his forehead.


Blue smiled back and closed his eyes as he kissed him. "My parents are coming to pick me up at 7:00." 


"What time is it now?" Coconut pouted at him.


Blue shrugged as he checked. "12:30. We've got plenty of time, don't worry. We can do whatever you want once I finish my project." Blue walked around the bed, throwing away the empty pizza box and then grabbing his laptop and sitting on the bed with it. 


Coconut smiled and crawled onto the bed after him, leaning against the pillows before pulling Blue into his lap and wrapping his arms around his midsection. He hummed and rested his chin on his shoulder, watching what Blue was doing.


Blue was only two minutes into typing when he froze and asked hesitantly, "Do you really want to marry me?" 


"Do you really think I would joke about that?" He asked back, smiling against Blue's neck. "Marrying you is second on my list of things I want to do more than anything."


"What's the first?" He asked quietly, already touched.


"Having a family with you." Coconut closed his eyes and breathed softly into his neck. "I want you more than anything."


Blue's heart melted. His laptop slid off his lap as he turned around to hug Coconut, pushing him against the backboard as he kissed him happily. "You kind of have to marry me first to do that." 


"I plan on it," he replied before kissing him gently again.


Blue kissed him until he was satisfied and then ducked his head to rest it on his collarbone. "Now I don't want to do homework. I only want to cuddle and love you. And that's very out of character for me." 


"You should do your work. I don't want you to fail your assignment because of me."


Blue whined and rubbed his hips back and forth as he straddled him. "But I don't want to." Blue sighed. "It's not as fun as kissing you." He lifted his head and kissed him again. 


Coconut sighed and kissed back, holding Blue's hips lightly.


Blue rolled his hips again, suddenly horny. He whined into the kiss. 


Coconut tightened the grip he had on his hips and stopped his movements, breaking the kiss. "Watch it, Angel. I fucked you pretty hard last night, are you sure you want it to happen again when you have so many things to do today?"


Blue nipped and tugged on Coconut's bottom lip while bouncing up and down gently on his crotch, feeling him grow larger beneath him. "I'm not very sore anymore. It's mostly worn off." Then he leaned forward and whispered politely in his ear, "May I sit on your dxxx while I do homework?" 


Coconut moaned loudly. "Holy fuck…" He bit his lip and nodded with a lustful gaze.


Blue chuckled in his ear and leaned back, smiling widely as he pulled his shirt over his head. 


Coconut hummed and licked his lips while he watched Blue strip on top of him.


Blue raised his eyebrows and bit his lip. He hung his arms on his shoulders, leaning toward Coconut and pinched the sensitive skin just below his ear at the edge of his collarbone between his teeth. 


Coconut hissed in pleasure and turned his head to the side a little so that Blue has easier access.


Blue moaned and rocked his hips again, his kissing hardened, and he sucked hard on his skin, leaving a hickey. 


Coconut muffled a moan and his breathing became a tiny bit heavier. "I thought you were going to sit on my dxxx."


Blue slowly pulled away with a sneaky smirk and kneeled while shuffling off his jeans. "They're too tight." Blue winced, pretending he was having trouble while practically waving his crotch around in front of Coconut. "Can you help me?" 


Coconut whined a moan and grabbed the waistband of his jeans, yanking them down without hesitation.


Blue smiled again. "Thanks," he sighed and then turned around, settling on his lap again and picking up his computer. As Blue logged back on, he rocked his boxers over the sweatpants covering Coconut's crotch. His legs kneeling on either side of his waist. It was uncomfortable to work like that so he leaned forward on his hands and balanced the computer on Coconut's legs while he rocked and logged on. 


Coconut groaned huskily and gripped Blue's hips tightly. 


"Yuno." Blue made sure to make his whine as sexy as possible. "Not so rough please, I'm trying to work." He typed a line or two, hardly paying attention to what he was writing. 


"Hu-Hurry up… I want to fuck you so badly…" Coconut whined and whimpered as Blue grinded on top of him.


"Then do it. What's stopping you?" Blue teased while smirking. 


Coconut huffed. "Fine, scoot forward off my legs."


"Why?" Blue rotated his hips in a circular motion, pressing hard with his ass. 


"So I can fuck you better."


"Mm. Why can't you just do it like this?" 


"Because it's uncomfortable."


"Not for me." Blue folded his laptop and set it aside. "You said you didn't want me to fail my assignment." He raised, straightening his back and dropping his hips on to his crotch. 


Coconut growled lowly and put a hand on Blue's shoulder blades, shoving him back into his former position. "Then keep doing your homework." 


Blue squeaked in surprise. "Hey, don't get demanding with me." Blue growled warningly.


"I'll get as demanding as I want," he replied dangerously. Coconut lifted his hips and shoved his sweatpants and boxers down so that his hard length jumped out. He then grabbed and pulled Blue's boxers down and reached to the nightstand to grab the lube.


"No, you won't. Not with me." Blue growled again, his ears red and his own length stretching.


"Hmph. Fine." Coconut squeezed some of the liquid onto his fingers and immediately pushed two inside of Blue.


"AaH!" Blue lurched forward, away from Coconut. "Cold!" He gasped. 


Coconut ignored his complaint and entered another finger, almost right after. "Start writing again."


Blue moaned. "No." He gripped the bed covers beneath him. 


"Yes," Coconut snarled. "I'll stop completely if you don't." He reached a hand around to grab Blue's length and started pumping it, beginning to thrust his fingers in and out as well.


Blue inhaled and exhaled quickly and loudly. Ignoring his demands, Blue "mmmed" through his tightly shut lips, afraid if he was too loud, others would hear. 


Coconut curled his lips. "No one else is here." He stroked Blue's length faster and was tempted to add a fourth finger, but he held himself back and settled for stretching his fingers instead.


"Aaah!" Blue cried in painful pleasure. "Just put it in already." He begged.


"Not until you start your assignment again."


Blue groaned but rolled his eyes and opened his laptop again, falling onto his stomach and putting his legs down to lay comfortably flat as he returned to typing. Blue hadn't expected Coconut's fingers to feel so amazing especially in this position. He breathed heavily.


Coconut slipped out from underneath Blue and sat on his knees between his legs. He pulled his fingers out and let go of Blue to instead grab his hips and lift them up so his ass was in the air.


"Hey, I can't type in this position." He complained and wiggled out of his grasp, falling flatly on his stomach again. 


Coconut growled again and pulled his hips back up, so that his crotch was the only thing off the bed, and forced him to stay there. "Yes you can."


Blue growled lowly back. "Watch it, Yuno. Be glad I'm letting you do this in the first place." He glared over his shoulder, balancing himself on his elbows. 


"Would you rather me stop?" Coconut asked with a smirk, grinding his length against Blue's entrance.


Blue moaned loudly and yanked his hips away. "I don't know, If you continue to act like a jackass, maybe." 


"I could just leave you here with your boner, all by yourself."


"Well, if it'll mean you'll stop treating me this way, maybe you should." He pretended to sound like he didn't care. Knowing Coconut wasn't going to just let him go.


Coconut smirked and let go of Blue's hips, letting his crotch hit the bed with a bounce and backing off. "As you wish."


Blue snapped his head toward him with a heavy glare. "Hey!" 


"What? You wanted me to stop." Coconut shrugged with a smug smile.


Blue squinted at him for a few seconds and then turned his erotically red cheeks away and returned to typing angrily, focusing on his work and ignoring the burning sensation shooting through his rod.


Coconut hummed and tilted his head. He didn't think Blue would actually let him do that. He rolled his eyes and pulled his boxers and pants back up then leaned back on the pillows, pulling out his phone.


Blue looked over his shoulder at him to see what he was doing and narrowed his eyes again. "You better not take any pictures of me or I'll sue you, I swear." He threatened. 


"I mean, the thought hadn't crossed my mind, but that's not a bad idea," Coconut teased with a smirk, before looking down at his phone and scoffing.


Blue angrily scoffed back and quickly sat up, picking up the red shirt he had on and throwing it back on in a hurry. Same for his boxers. Blue glared at him and sat cross legged with his laptop on his thighs. 


Coconut chuckled and looked up at him with an amused smile. "I wasn't actually going to take a picture, you know. I'm not into that kind of thing. It's weird to have nudes on your phone."


"I don't trust you." Blue said high and mightily while typing.


Coconut huffed. "I don't even have my camera activated. Rivet wouldn't stop taking my fucking phone and sending nudes to Alex just to piss me off. Then Alex would send nudes back. It was annoying as all hell." Coconut rolled his eyes as he thought about it. "Rivet only stopped after I threw my phone at him and broke it on his head."


"Oh my god." Blue snickered. He paused his typing and gave Coconut a look, "So you're saying it would be annoying to have pictures of me naked on your phone?" He rolled his eyes and returned to working while muttering, "Geez, I know my body is unappealing but not by that much." 


Coconut frowned at him. "No, I just don't want anyone but me seeing you. People always get into my phone somehow… I don't know if it's because my passcodes are weak or what, but my stuff is never safe." Coconut put his phone down on the nightstand and pulled Blue's laptop away from him, setting it down and then forcing Blue into his lap. "And your body is not unappealing."


"Hm. It isn't, you say?" Blue fished for a compliment. "So neither is it appealing or unappealing, it's just...neither?" Blue had just got a grip on his boner but now it roared to life. 


Coconut snorted. "Your body is delicious to look at." Coconut leaned closer and gripped his waist. "Every part of you is absolutely gorgeous."


"Hmmm." Blue smiled and rubbed his head against Coconut's. "Not as much as yours." 


"Yeah." Coconut said completely bland of emotion, his tone was nothing but serious. "Yours is way beyond mine."


Blue giggled. "No it's not." He kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear. "Hey, you're distracting me from my project." 


"Hmph." Coconut looked away and set Blue back on the bed and went back to his phone. "Then hurry up and finish it so I can love on you more."


"I'm trying, I'm trying. Quit distracting me. You should have just fucked me when you had the chance." Blue dragged his laptop back into his lap, working faster now. "This is going to take me twenty minutes at least." 


"Then we have a few hours to fuck. See? Aren't I smart?" Coconut smirked and played a game on his phone while he waited.


Blue rolled his eyes and blushed. Blue worked in a silent buzzing of a thought process as he worked for the next twenty minutes. His back was growing sore from sitting hunched over his laptop for so long. "Don't you have a desk or something?" He complained. Seeing none, he groany quietly and stretched out on his stomach again.


"I told you, I finish most of my work in class or out in the common room." Coconut bit his lip lightly and stared at Blue's ass.


Unaware of Coconut's naughty eyes, he huffed. "Well, it's been twenty minutes. Apparently, I lied. It looks like this is going to take longer. Like...the rest of the hour. At least. I didn't realize how absorbed I would be in it." His fingers flew across the keyboard as he had a thought of inspiration.


Coconut looked at Blue with an unimpressed look. "You should just finish it up. We have a limited amount of time to spend together until you have to leave. I want to use it wisely."


Blue scoffed. "Just finish it up?" He laughed. "My father would slap you." Blue continued working.


"Your father hit you?" Coconut asked worriedly.


"In times of necessary discipline of course." Blue raised an eyebrow at him. 


"But… it's never necessary to slap your kids…" 


"I would never slap my kids if that's what you're worried about." 


"No, I'm worried about you, Blue."


"You shouldn't be. I don't misbehave anymore." He bit a nail as he scrolled over his paper to read through it for the tenth time. 


"So… he would still hit you if you did something wrong?"


"Um...I mean...Well when you put it that way…" Blue looked down at his hand on the keyboard's touchpad. "It wasn't child abuse. Just...an older style of raising kids." 


"Blue…" Coconut started, looking at him in concern. "That is child abuse."


"No." He sounded slightly uncertain. He hadn't thought about it much. "Just strict scolding." 


"That's what you've been told, love." Coconut put his phone down again and scooted next to Blue, putting a hand on his back and rubbing it comfortingly. 


"N-Wh-" His cheeks reddened as he sputtered and sifted through childhood memories. "No. My parents are not abusers." He stated in order to regain his composure, a hard expression on his face as he distractedly scrolled up and down his paper; a nervous fidget.


"I didn't say that, Angel. All I'm trying to tell you is your father shouldn't have treated you like that." Coconut leaned down and kissed his head.


"I don't know, Coconut. If you had seen me for the brat I was as a kid, you might think otherwise. My mom says I was asking for it all the time." 


Coconut sighed. "Even if you were a brat, you couldn't have been bad enough to be slapped. At most you should have gotten a punishment, like being grounded." Coconut looked up from Blue and at the wall. "I'm not calling out your parents or anything… but them saying you were asking for it, seems like an excuse… to make you obey… and fear them. Trust me. I know."


"You know?" Blue was deeply concerned, turning on him with a look that said so.


Coconut chuckled lightly, but it was not humorous. "Yeah. Mine was a bit more… serious... than yours though…"


"What are you talking about?" Blue furrowed his eyebrows. Wanting to know.


"It was Kal…" Coconut looked away and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.


Blue's gaze hardened and he put an arm over his back. "That jerk can't hurt you anymore. Don't worry, it's over and you're with me now." 


"He can still hurt me. I don't know how he does it, but he finds a way. I have so many scars from him." Coconut rubbed the back of his neck with a pained face. "Mentally and physically."


"Is it better talking about it or not talking about it? Tell me what to do and I'll do it. And not just for talking about it or not, I'll do anything." 


Coconut shook his head. "It doesn't matter either way. It would take a lot more than that to fix the things Kal did to me."


"How much more? Geez, we've got a long life ahead of us, surely this can be worked out. I don't want you to be afraid anymore."


"I don't… think it can be worked out." Coconut twiddled his thumbs. "I'll be scared of him for the rest of my life, probably. In one way or another, at least. The best thing would be keeping him as far away as possible."


"Well Shit. That sucks." Blue said angrily and turned back to his computer. "What a monster." 


Coconut nodded quietly. "Yeah." His hand migrated to the back of his neck again, where he felt over the small dents in his skin.


Blue typed a line but the air between them didn't feel right and it made him sick. He sighed. "I love you, Coconut. And that means I want you to be happy. So whatever it takes for you to be happy…" 


Coconut pulled his hand away from his neck and smiled. "Thanks, Blue. The same goes for you."


"I'm happier than I could ever be, Coconut. Seriously. I mean, the day I was free from my parent's hellhole, was one I began to be happy. But meeting you...and dating you…and kissing you and…" He was breathing quickly with his head bowed just thinking about it. "I'm so happy." He closed his eyes as he frowned delightfully before the tears came. "Even though this week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me....I never thought I would be with someone like you. And now it's finally happening. I love you so much. And I want to keep you." 


Coconut pulled Blue close and hugged him. "I love you too. More than anyone. And I mean it. You've helped me more in the past week than a therapist ever could. I'm happier than I've been in months and I've never relied on someone more. If you were to leave me… I don't think I'd make it. I want to marry you and have a family with you. I want to grow old with you. We've been dating for only a few days… but I can easily say all these things because I truly love you. I'd do anything for you, no matter how it affected me. You're my Angel. I love you. So fucking much."


Blue had never imagined himself crying wearing only a shirt and boxers in the arms of a smoking hot romantic softy he was in love with while in the middle of homework. "Me though?" Blue was having trouble getting over it was him who was in Coconut's arms. 


"Who else?" Coconut cuddled into him and breathed in the soft scent of his hair, loving the warmth that was spreading through him.


"What if…" Blue sniffed sadly. "What if Elliot said all of those nice things and helped you get through your night terrors? Would it be him you would want to marry then?"


Coconut sighed. "Love, you're doing the what if thing again." He ran a hand through Blue's hair. "Angel, I do love Ellie. But in the same way you love Char. As a best friend. He's helped me with night terrors before and he's said these things to me before, just not as romantic. But I'm not with him. Ellie and I are only best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less."


Blue sighed. Believing him. Because obviously he would be dating him by now if he did have feelings for him. "Ok." 


"I could never be with Ellie anyway. He's such a needy bitch." Coconut didn't mean that seriously, of course, but Elliot and him had a long track record of calling eachother very mean names. They never meant it.


Blue rolled his eyes. "Look who's talking. You're a little needy too you know." Blue smiled and rubbed his cheek against his, cursing his glasses for getting in the way.


"Hmph. But Ellie's just an attention whore." As soon as he said it, his phone pinged with the notificated of a text message. Coconut glanced at it. "Ah." It was a text from Elliot. 

Stfu I know ur talking shit about me again

Stupid slut

Coconut rolled his eyes at Elliots texts. "Yeah."


Blue had caught sight of his texts. "Geez louise, he's mean! Let me give him a piece of my mind." Blue growled, reaching for Coconut's phone.


Coconut grabbed his hand and laughed softly. "It's fine, love. Ellie and I just mess around like that. They're mean insults, sure, but for us they're fond nicknames for each other. However weird that might be." Coconut shrugged.


"Ok, if you say so. I wouldn't be able to stand that." Blue wiped a few tears off his keyboard and sat up, out of Coconut's arms and continued typing. "Sorry this is taking forever." 


"It's fine, love. I don't mind. Sort of."


Blue chuckled and then groaned. "Ugh, it's so uncomfortable sitting here. I need a chair. Or something to lean against." 


"You can lean against my chest." Coconut made room for him and patted the spot between his legs.


Blue gave him a look. "Fine, but don't get a boner." Blue moved in between his legs, bringing his laptop and settled it on his lap, leaning against Coconut satisfactorily and getting back to work.


Coconut made sure he didn't bother him when he rested his chin on Blue's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his waist. He read over what he could see of Blue's paper while he typed. "You used the wrong you are, right there," Coconut pointed out.


Blue, highly annoyed by his editing eye, didn't say anything as he fixed it and typed on, making sure his spelling errors were nonexistent.


Coconut continued to help by pointing out the smallest details, like a missing comma or an extra word. He even told Blue he should replace one word with a more complex one.


"Coconut, I swear. If you point out one more mistake, or make one more suggestion…" He grumbled even though he accepted all of his point outs and pieces of advice silently. 


Coconut only hummed. "I'm just trying to help, love. I'm very good with editing."


Blue grit his teeth and rolled his eyes. "I can tell." He said, in an overly nice and highly annoyed tone. "I'm almost done. Besides, you helping me is technically cheating." 


"How so? It's using your resources."


"But I'm not doing the work myself. So." 


"But you'll repay me later," Coconut purred with a smirk. "And trust me, you'll be doing a lot of work then."


Blue rolled his eyes massively again with a small smile, catching himself chuckling quietly. It took him ten minutes longer to finish and by then it was 2:20. Blue closed his laptop after submitting the assignment and then cracked his back while he stretched. "Oh, that took longer than I thought it would." 


"Are you done now? Do I get all your attention?" Coconut asked like an excited puppy. You could practically see his tail wagging.


Blue chuckled. "You sure do." Blue fell against him and slid down his chest, staring up at him. 


"Then… what do you want to do?"


"I'm starving." He was still smiling up at him.


"I'll make us lunch. Would that make you happy?" Coconut smiled back down at him.




Coconut smiled and kissed his head before he got off the bed and walked out of his room into the kitchen. "What do you want, Angel?"


"Anything." He said as he followed him, still smiling. Blue didn't have any ideas.


"Hm… I'll make pasta then. Sound good?" Coconut smiled at him over his shoulder.


"Lovely." Blue smiled, charmed. He waited for him at the table again. "Where is everyone?" 


"Classes," Coconut answered simply. He began gathering the ingredients he needed.


Blue nodded and then left the table and walked into the kitchen, turning on a radio he had spied. He turned around on Coconut and smiled when a song he liked turned on. He leaned against the sink and watched Coconut prepare to cook.


Coconut washed his hands before he got started and began to follow a recipe he had memorized.


Blue slowly inched toward Coconut from behind and shyly put his hands on his hips and kissed his cheek. 


Coconut hummed and turned his head to kiss Blue's lips softly, pulling away with a smile then going back to cooking.


Blue continued to watch Coconut cook, showing his affection through kisses and light touches. "I'm starving." He whined in a whisper. "When are we going to eat?" He brushed his lips over Coconut's ear.


"In a few minutes." Coconut pushed his hips back into Blue's, grinding his ass against his boyfriend's crotch, reversing their usual roles.


"Aaah." Blue moaned in his ear and moved his hips away. Already hard again.


Coconut hummed and pushed his hips back farther while continuing to cook.


Blue let a surprised moan slip from him again. "Coconut, quit teasing me." He smiled. "You were mean enough for not finishing what we started on the bed earlier." 


"You weren't listening, love." Coconut smirked and chuckled quietly.


"I wasn't listening to your demands?" Blue rolled his eyes with a smile. "I wonder why." 


"Because you're disobedient." Coconut grinded his ass on Blue again. 


Blue grunted. "Ah…Shut up and cook, slave. No fooling around with your master. Or you get punishment." He joked and let go of Coconut's waist, walking around the counter to sit on the other side. 


"Mm… I thought I was your pet." Coconut swayed his hips teasingly while he finished up.


Blue smiled and didn't say anything, sitting on the stool across from him. "I'm growing impatient." He cocked his head.


"Better be careful, master, or I might just misbehave," Coconut smirked at him seductively and put their lunch on two plates, letting it cool off a little while he cleaned up some of the cooking ware.


Blue rubbed his bulge between his thighs and bit his lip as he watched Coconut with longing eyes.


Coconut hummed as he got everything put up and grabbed their plates, walking over and sitting by Blue, sliding him his plate, along with handing him a fork.


"Thanks. This is great." Blue smiled at him and took the plate and fork without removing his gaze.


"Anything for you, Angel." Coconut gave him a charming smile.


Blue blushed and ate his pasta, giving Coconut cute happy looks every now and then, rubbing his leg with his toe. 


Coconut smiled softly and reached a hand down to caress Blue's thigh.


Blue blushed while eating, having to regain his breath to calm himself down so he could swallow. He was embarrassed that his boner was so apparent, he was only wearing boxers and a t-shirt after all. 


Coconut continued eating while he slid his hand closer to Blue's crotch, struggling to hide his smirk.


Blue shot him a red stern look but didn't object. 


Coconut purred quietly, moving his hand over Blue's bulge and suddenly palming his boner hard.


Blue quited the moan escaping his throat by shoving a mouthful of food in his mouth. 


Coconut chuckled quietly and slipped his hand into Blue's boxers and began to stroke his length.


Blue swallowed and put his fork down, pushing his plate away and ducking his head, looking down at his crotch in embarrassment. 


Coconut kept eating, wrapping his occupied hand around Blue and starting to pump him in his hand.


"Coconut, quit it…" Blue grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away. 


Coconut tightened his grip and refused to let go, his smirk finally breaking through his facade.


"Coconut, stop." Blue moaned. 


Coconut didn't listen, only increasing his pace and taking another bite of pasta.


The door opened at that moment, with Winx and Crypt stepping in and laughing about something. 

Blue grabbed Yuno's hand and yanked it out of his underwear with a blazing face.


Coconut growled under his breath and muttered angrily.


Blue wiggled on the stool as he tucked his shirt beneath him to hide his boner and boxers as Winx and Crypt passed them and into Winx's room. Crypt whispering something in his ear and completely ignoring Coconut and Blue. 


Coconut quickly finished shoveling his food into his mouth and grabbed both their plates, practically throwing them in the sink then picking Blue up and retreating to his room.


"Coconut." Blue squirmed, not liking being picked up and carried off at all. 


"Yes, love?" Coconut asked, nudging the door open with his foot and closing it behind them.


"Nothing. Just...quit starting things like this, it's annoying." He complained with a blush.


Coconut huffed. "You love it. Can't convince me otherwise." Coconut threw Blue onto the bed and crawled on top of him, tearing off his boxers and pushing up his shirt.


Blue didn't deny that fact, instead raising his knee and rubbing it into Coconut's crotch. "Well now that my secret's out, there's no point in hiding it." He folded his arms behind his head. "I command you to pleasure me." 


Coconut smirked and chuckled. "Trust me. You don't need to command me to make me do it." 


"Then what's taking you so long?" Blue pulled off his shirt from where he was laying on his back, revealing his soft pale chest and pink nipples.


Coconut bit his lip and leaned down over him. "Just making sure you're comfortable, love." He cupped his cheek and rubbed a thumb over his lips.


Blue sighed in arousal then smiled. "I'm comfortable. Now ravage me already." 


"Or would you rather ravage me?" Coconut asked confidently, sliding a hand down Blue's stomach and grabbing his length.


"You want me to give being dominant a try?" He said it like it was a joke even though he knew he was serious. 


"If you want to," Coconut purred.


Blue smiled mischievously and sat up, leaning on his hands and tilting his head to the side. "You'd just overpower me anyway. We both know you're stronger than I am." 


"Well, if you want to top, I can dial it back." Coconut winked.


Blue smiled and slid his arms around his back and nuzzled into his neck lovingly.


"So… how about it, love?"


Blue chuckled in his ear and grabbed his hand, pulling him closer onto the bed. "Just kiss me first. Then I'll treat you." 


Coconut smiled and did as he was told, pressing his lips to Blue's adoringly. "God, I love you."


"Mhm." He moaned. When he ended the kiss, he grabbed Coconut's shoulders and turned him around, pushing him onto the bed with a smile. "Now dial back." 


"Hm… as you wish, master." Coconut relaxed into the bed and let Blue have his way.


Blue pulled off his clothes and straddled him with his hands pressed to Coconut's chest, sighing as he rubbed him up and down, hands gliding across his chest and abs. He smiled into his face. "You're strong." He whispered romantically. 


"Mm, thanks, love." Coconut ran his hands over Blue's body.


Blue leaned his head down and kissed Coconut's lips as he curled his hands around his rod and pumped him. "Should I do what you did to me? To stretch me I mean?" 


"Y-Yeah…" a blush started to make its way across his face.


Blue smirked. "Ok then." He said with a strange sweetness to it like he had something planned. "Turned around for me then." He slid off of Coconut, letting go of his standing length. 


Coconut turned around so he was facing away from Blue and was on his hands and knees.


Blue's crotch was suddenly throbbing at the sight of him. A smile stretched across his face as he grabbed Coconut's hips and kneeled behind him, pressing his throbbing hot self against his cheeks and letting a pleasured sigh escape him.


Coconut whimpered hotly. "C-Can you st-stretch me first?" His voice was becoming more nervous.


"Mm. Don't worry, I was planning to." He leaned back and slowly, cautiously, inserted the tip of his finger.


"A-Ah! Pl-Please use the lube," Coconut yelped, gripping the bed sheets in fear.


"Oh. Right. Where is it?" Blue said in embarrassment. "Sorry." He chuckled.


"N-Nightstand. Probably."


Blue stepped off the bed and retrieved it, rubbing his hands as he positioned himself behind him again, making sure it was warm for him. Then he tried again, his finger slipping farther than he meant to. 


Coconut bit his lip hard to muffle a loud moan and pushed his hips back instinctively.


"Damn, Coconut." Blue added another finger, not knowing when he would be ready for another. 


Coconut sucked in a breath and whined, presenting himself to Blue and pushing his chest into the bed.


Blue's length reddened and stretched, face heating as well. He tested different speeds while he twisted and rubbed back and forth, then added another figure, paying close attention to Coconut's behavior and sounds so he knew what did what. 


Coconut began to pant harshly, his eyes closing and his grip on the sheets tightening. He moaned loudly and arched his back, pushing his hips toward Blue. "M-More… p-please…"


"Are you ready for this yet?" He asked quizzically, pulling his fingers out and pressing the tip of his hot dxxx to his entrance.


Coconut hesitantly nodded his head. "Just be… be gentle… okay?"


"Coconut…" Blue said sympathetically. "You should know I will be." He ran his hands up his sides as he rubbed against him. 


Coconut sighed and relaxed in his hold. "Okay… I trust you."


Blue smiled and every so slowly-painfully slowly  inserted himself. "Ok?" Blue breathed, his grip on Coconut's hips firm.


"Ye-Yeah." Coconut's breathing was heavy and he squeezed around Blue tightly.


"Uuh." Blue hadn't experienced this before and didn't think he would. He inched himself farther in. "Tell me when you want me to move back and forth." His voice was lustful. 


Coconut moaned loudly. "Oh! Please! Move!" He bucked his hips back.


Blue felt a wild exhilaration run through him as he bucked his hips forward roughly, not realizing his own strength, he slowed down. 


"A-Again," Coconut whimpered, looking over his shoulder pleadingly. 


Blue smiled and grabbed Coconut's shoulders, readying himself for the pleasure. He rocked his hips forward, grunting in pleasure, throwing his hips harder against him. 


Coconut eyes widened and he cried out, twisting and heaving. He started shoving his hips back to meet Blue's, whining in pleasure.


Blue moaned loudly, gripping Coconut's shoulders. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around his abdomen pulling him closer onto his length and squeezing him as he thrusted quickly. "I like this, Coconut." Blue rasped just behind his ear, resting his chin into his shoulder blade. "It feels good."


"I-It does…" Coconut pushed into Blue. "You feel so good…"


Blue breathed hot air onto his neck while he moved his hands to his dxxx. Softly stroking him while he other hand squeezed his balls. Shoving himself deeper into Coconut. 


Coconut shuddered violently and he moaned loudly while dropping his head and suddenly was able to see what Blue was doing to him. He sobbed in pleasure as tears started to well in his eyes. He clenched tightly around Blue and arched his back instinctively.


Blue increased his actions roughly. He bit into Coconut's shoulder and thrusted wildly into him, delirious from pleasure. He rubbed Coconut's length furiously.


"A-Ah!" Coconut cried, throwing his head back. His hair was stuck to his sweaty forehead and his arms trembled wildly before they gave out and he fell into his chest once more. Tears of pleasure ran down his red cheeks and his breathing was high and feminine.


Blue continued jerking Coconut and biting into his shoulder while bucking rhythmically, panting in Coconut's ear. "Can I come inside?" He grit his teeth, his actions taking a lot of strength and energy out of him. 


"Y-Yeah…" Coconut whispered, too out of breath from moaning to utter anything else.


Blue numbly rode his high into him quickly, pounding fiercely while he bit his lip. As he dug deeper, he straightened his back and grabbed Coconut's hips, ramming inside of him at full speed, growling grunts.


Coconut couldn't hold back his release anymore and nearly screamed as he came onto the bed.


Blue groaned as an erotic pleasurable adrenaline raced through him, he shot his own releasing in to Coconut and slowly rocked into him, moving his hips into him rythmically and strongly, rocking the bed with them. He moaned as the alien like pleasure overwhelmed him. 


Coconut gasped out a moan at the heat inside of him and went limp on the bed, tired out.


Blue slipped out slowly and rubbed himself in pleasure as he panted. "Coconut, I don't think I ever want to bottom anymore. That was too good." He smiled.


Coconut tried to growl. "Don't get too cocky. This is going to be a rare occasion."


"Ha. I don't think so." Blue sat on the bed and then laid on his back as he sighed in relief. "We're doing that again. A lot more often too." Blue thought there was no way he could stand being submissive to Coconut anymore. 


"Nope." Coconut shifted onto his back painfully and pulled Blue close to him. "It won't be happening again until our anniversary or another special day."


"What?" Blue whined, throwing his arms around him and hugging tightly. "But I like being top." He pouted. 


"Yeah, me too."


"Did you not enjoy that?" He asked in concern. "I didn't hurt you, did I? I kind of lost control of myself." 


Coconut smiled and kissed his head. "No, I loved it. I just still prefer being top." He chuckled into Blue's hair. "Trust me, this isn't going to be the last time I bottom for you, alright?"


Blue smiled back. "Alright. It better not be." Blue nipped and bit lightly on Coconut's neck happily.


"I'd never lie to you." Coconut hummed and nuzzled into him.


"Let's take a shower together." Blue kissed his lips. "And then we're free for an hour or two before I have to pack." 


"Okay." Coconut kissed him again and sat up painfully.


"Are you sure you're okay?" He sat up too. Blue noticed his signs of discomfort. 


"Yeah. Just haven't bottomed in a while."


"At least you know my pain now." Blue jumped off the soiled bed and walked happily into the bathroom, turning on the light and starting the shower. Then he looked at himself in the mirror for a long time after putting his glasses on the sink. 


Coconut slowly followed after and wrapped his arms around Blue's waist making eye contact with him in the mirror while he kissed his ear. "What are you looking at, love?"


"You think we're really going to be together long enough to have anniversaries?" 


"Of course." Coconut smiled at him in the mirror. "That would be a dream come true."


Blue smiled back at him and then turned his head so he could really look at him and not just his reflection. "I want to get married." He lovingly kissed his cheek. "But I want you to propose first. And it better be classically romantic. If I don't think it's good enough, the deal's off." He joked. 


Coconut pouted. "But what if it's adorable? You wouldn't be able to resist then, would you?"


"How can you make a proposal adorable? What do you even mean by that?" 


Coconut only smiled at him. "You'll know when the time comes."


"Mhm. Yeah well just don't blow it until then." He joked while smiling with narrowed amused eyes. He patted his cheek and wiggled out of his hold, stepping into the shower. 


"Mm, I won't." Coconut grinned at him and entered the shower after him. He embraced Blue again and rested his chin on his shoulder. "I love you."


"I know you do." Blue rubbed body wash onto himself. "Do you know that I love you?" 


"Duh." Coconut kissed his shoulder and up his neck.


Blue laughed and shrugged away from Coconut's tickling lips. "Stop, I'm trying to shower." He stepped away so he could pour shampoo on his hands. 


Coconut pouted again and grabbed the body wash, dumping some in his hands and starting to wash himself.


Blue finished scrubbing his hair and rinsed, backing into Coconut to do so. "You know, you could come with me to my parent's wedding, I could say you're a friend that I wanted to bring."


"No, I think I have a company meeting or address coming up." Coconut sighed and ran his hands through his hair with some shampoo. "Unfortunately." 


Blue's smile dropped into a frown. "Oh." 


"I'm sorry, love. I wish I could go, but I have to take care of the company. Plus, it might not be a good idea to go anyway." Coconut smiled and put his hands on Blue's hips. "You know I can't keep my hands to myself."


Blue blushed. "Yeah." he rolled his eyes then stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself. He left the bathroom to retrieve his razor from his suitcase and got started in the bathroom. He tightened the towel around his waist and leaned over the sink to have a closer inspection as he shaved. 


Coconut stayed in the shower a little longer, cleaning out his ass with his fingers carefully, biting his lip the whole time so he wasn't too loud.


Blue was oblivious to his small sounds, the sound of the showering blocking his ears, but he did find it odd Coconut had been in there for a while. "You alright in there?" 


"Y-Yeah…" Coconut let out a small moan.


Blue froze at the sound. "Uh...what are you doing?" He asked, a little concerned, stopping mid shave.


"Same thing you had to do last night," Coconut answered, embarrassed to say it.


Blue thought back to last night but still didn't understand. "Are you jacking off or something because that's what it sounds like. And thats extremely offensive you know sine we just had sex and every thing." 


"What? Wh-Why would I jack off if...if you're right here?" Coconut was still breathing a little heavy. "I-I meant… a-after we had sex…"


"That's what I want to know!" Blue yelled over the shower but mostly in angry confusion. He slammed down his razor and whisked the curtain away, staring in embarrassment at what Coconut was doing. He understood then but didn't look away. 


Coconut blushed and turned his head. "H-Happy?"


A slow smile spread across Blue as he stifled a chuckle. "Very." He was glad someone was sharing his embarrassment and pain. He continued to watch him. 


Coconut didn't look at Blue while he finished cleaning himself. "I'm never letting you come inside me again," he grumbled out of spite.


"Oh, that's rich." Blue laughed angrily. "Tell you what, I won't come inside if you don't come inside." 


Coconut stared at him. "No." He walked past Blue and grabbed a towel to dry off with.


"What?" Blue gawked outrageously. "That's-that's-that's the most unfair thing that anyone could do!" He yanked the towel from out of Coconut's hands. 


Coconut turned his hardened gaze to him. "Deal with it, love." He put his hand out for the towel while water slid down his muscular form.


Blue blushed and opened the cupboards, taking all the towels and running out of the bathroom. "No!" 


Coconut groaned loudly and didn't even bother chasing after him. "Angel, stop."


"Don't come in my ass!" He yelled, not caring how loud he was even though it was around the time classes had ended and everyone should be filing back into their dorms. 


Coconut just decided to let Blue embarrass himself. He knew most of his dorm mates would be coming back around that time. "No. I'll come wherever I please."


"No. You. Won't!" Blue threw the towels down angrily, accidentally dropping his own and then pulled it back around him with a blush. He angrily and loudly dressed into a purple shirt with a white tracing of a hawaain flower on it and then a pair of ugly tan khakis. He left the room fuming- hair atrociously crazy and unkempt. 


Coconut rolled his eyes and picked up a towel to finish drying off. Once he was no longer wet, he pulled on some boxers and a pair of sweatpants. Then he tugged a gray sweatshirt over his head that said "Moby Dick? More like suck my dick." He walked out of his room after Blue. 


Blue was sitting with his arms folded on the couch, watching something he had randomly switched through the channels for. He landed on the most mind numbingly boring program he was sure only viewed by ancient people. People auctioning antiques and getting measurements for their coffins. "I'm not talking to you." He sensed Coconut's presence and glared at the tv host's smiling wrinkly face. 


Coconut hopped over the couch and plopped down next to Blue, throwing an arm around his shoulders. He didn't say anything, only watched the show.


Blue shoved his arm off and scooted away from him, groaning in annoyance. Some of their roommates were in the kitchen and passing through the lounge room behind them. All busy with their own lives at the moment. 


Coconut huffed and pouted, but still didn't say anything.


After a few minutes of watching old people jibber jabber, Blue couldn't believe Coconut still wasn't trying to butter him up so he kicked him hard and looked away like nothing happened- still glowering. 


Coconut whined loudly after he yelped in pain, but still didn't utter a word to Blue, only looking at him like a kicked puppy, which he basically was.


Blue rolled his eyes and left the couch, trying to find something to do. Char and Jackie were in a heated makeout session against the fridge. Blue walked past them and started on the dishes.


Coconut followed after him silently, sparing only a glance to Jackie and Char.


"Go away, Coconut. Come back when you can control yourself." His actions quickened, hurriedly placing dishes into the washer.


Coconut whimpered and sulked back off to his room like a scolded dog. When he got to his room, he slammed the door shut and flopped onto his bed, moping.


"What's wrong?" Char said, pulling off of Jackie's lips.

Blue shook his head. "It's sensitive." 

Char had only been teasing. She snickered. "We all heard you, Blue. I know what's wrong." 

Blue angrily shoved a cup into the washer and then stomped off toward Coconut's room and opened the door, slamming it shut too. "Damn it, Coconut, they heard me." He said in embarrassment. 


"I know." Coconut's voice was muffled in the mattress.


Blue's face was resembling a tomato. He marched to the bed and crawled toward Coconut. "Hey. I'm sorry already." He pushed on his shoulder. "I want to make up and cuddle. But only if you promise not to...well, you know." 


Coconut looked up from the mattress. "To what?"


"I'm not going to say it again." He blushed and rolled him over so he could straddle him. Then his sweatshirt caught his eye and he stared at it, his face reddened and then he burst into a laugh. 


"What? Is something funny?" Coconut tilted his head.


"Your sweatshirt is so stupid." He laughed, still staring at it.


Coconut chuckled. "Yeah. Most of them are like this."


As Blue laughed, he grabbed the hood of Coconut's sweatshirt and pulled it over his head playfully. "You better take that off when my parents come. They would be mortified." 


Coconut wiggled out of his sweatshirt and smiled at him. "I'll do my best not to disappoint."


Blue blushed again and snorted with an eyeroll. He felt his abs up and down happily. 


"You really love my muscles, don't you, love?" Coconut asked teasingly, rubbing Blue's hips lovingly.


"I do." Blue admitted, looking into his eyes with an embarrassed smile. 


Coconut chuckled and pulled Blue down to his chest. "Snuggle with me."


Blue wrapped his arms around him. He sighed and after a few seconds, he sternly whispered in his ear, "don't come in my ass." 


Coconut narrowed his eyes and whispered back, "I'll come in your ass all I want."


Blue growled and tried a different tactic instead of running away. He bit Coconut's neck and then whispered, "not if we never have sex again." 


Coconut scoffed. "Yeah, right. You wouldn't last a week."


I wouldn't last a day. Blue was surprised Coconut could overestimate him like that. "Yes I would. I'll show you." 


"Uh-huh. Sure." Coconut smirked at him.


Blue kneed him in the crotch but not hard enough to deal too much damage. He rolled off of him, angry again. "Quit making me so angry at you." 


Coconut curled inward slightly, groaning in pain. "I'm not trying to," he whined.


Blue sat up and folded his arms, staring at the blank tv. He reached for the remote and turned it on. 


Coconut sat up and pouted, crossing his arms.


Blue turned on a romance and after they watched 15 minutes into it in silence, Blue grumbled, "look at how nice and charming that guy is...bet he wouldn't come in her ass." 


Coconut grumbled an insult under his breath.


Blue knew he was grumbling but ignored him. "We've got two hours until my parents arrive to pick me up." Blue slid off the bed to start packing. 


"Yeah, and you're mad at meeeee," Coconut whined, practically melting into the bed.


"Maybe you should make me unmad at you before I leave." He stuffed a few clothes into the suitcase. 


"Hooooow?" Coconut sprawled himself over the bed and watched Blue pack.


"I don't know, maybe by not coming inside of me." He sounded like a brat while he went into the bathroom and retrieved his toothbrush, razor, and the perfume.


"But I like coming inside of you." Coconut rolled off of the bed.


"Well. I. Don't. So I guess I'm still mad at you." Blue finished packing and locked his suitcase. 


"Well, you let me do it," Coconut protested.


"What? What do you mean I let you do it? How in the world can I stop you from doing that to me while you have complete control over me?" He yelled angrily at him, holding his suitcase-hair still as messy as could be.


Coconut frowned. "Please don't be mad. I just want to love you for the next two hours."


Blue huffed. "Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine." He dropped his suitcase and searched for his shoes. 


"Snuggles?" Coconut asked excitedly.


Blue glared at him and rolled his eyes. "Fine." He couldn't resist Coconut's adorable puppy-like behavior. Especially when he wasn't wearing a shirt. Blue returned to his arms. 


Coconut smiled brightly and pulled Blue into his chest and fell onto his side while hugging him. "I wuv you," he mumbled into Blue's shoulder.


Blue grumbled but hugged back. "I love you too." 


Coconut smiled into his shoulder.


Blue kissed Coconut's chest, which was what his face was buried into. "You're smothering me." But he didn't mind.


Coconut just sighed happily into him, nuzzling into his neck and placing soft kisses over it.


Blue rolled his eyes, the tv caught his eye so he scooted out from under Coconut into a sitting position against the pillows.


Coconut whined again and chased after him, wrapping his arms around Blue's midsection and snuggling into his chest lovingly.


Blue chuckled and ran his fingers lovingly through his still damp waves. "You act like such a pet." Blue checked the time on his phone. 5:15. 


"Mm… but I'm your pet." Coconut closed his eyes and laid his head against Blue's chest.


"And don't forget it." Blue massaged his shoulders. 


Coconut hummed and smiled. "I won't. I could never."


Blue smiled back. "Hop up, I want a kiss." 


Coconut whined and tilted his head upward. "But I like it right here."


Blue snorted and tried tickling his sides, but remembered that had no effect on him. 


Coconut raised his eyebrows and smirked. "You want a tickle battle?"


"Damn it, no I don't! That would be a one way torture for me. You aren't even ticklish!" He tried kicking him away. 


Coconut sat on his legs and smiled down at him evilly. "I know."


Blue tried sitting up and shoving Coconut off but he was too heavy. "I beg you, please!" 


"Hmm… should I though?" Coconut pretended to be thinking about it.


"Please! I won't be able to take it! I'd rather you fuck me instead." He rubbed his pecs as he pushed. 


Coconut put his hands on Blue's sides and smirked.


"No, please! Coconut, I'm warning you!" Blue's merciful expression darkened. 


"Warning me of what?" Coconut's smirk widened.


Blue blushed. "Get off!" He pushed. 


Coconut laughed evilly. "Haha! Nope!" He started tickling Blue nonstop.


Blue yelled and squealed, twisting and thrashing as he guffawed and laughed. "Stop!" He gasped for air. 


"No!" Coconut shouted, smiling widely.


"AAAH! HELP! PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP ME!" Blue cried in panicked laughter. 

Then there was a loud rapping on the door. Blue thought someone had answered his plea for help. 


Coconut didn't let up his assault for a moment. "What do you want?"


"Blue!" It was Char and she sounded urgent. "He should get out here like right now!" She had to yell over Blue's loud laughing which could be heard through the entire dorm. 


"What? Why?" Coconut sat back and looked at the door worriedly. "Is something wrong?"


Blue lay panting beneath Coconut, unable to speak, his face a bright red as he panted from pleasured exhaustion. 

"Blue's parents are here! Is he packed and ready to go? They're waiting at the door." Char was hoping they hadn't been in the middle of something embarrassing. 

"What?!" Blue shouted in alarm. 


Coconut hurriedly got off of Blue, muttering curses. "You need to get your stuff." Coconut grabbed a random sweatshirt from the floor and tugged it on.


Blue jumped off the bed, tucking his shirt into his pants even though nothing he was wearing was decent enough for that to matter. He grabbed his suit case and opened the door in a hurry, face still red and still panting, his hair a mess as well. "Where are they?" 

"On the porch." Char looked concerned for him. "I think they want to come inside." 

Blue looked around at the dorm, Rivet and Alex were kissing on the couch while Winx and Crypt were making suspicious sounds from in another room. "That's not good. Definitely not good." Blue began to panic. "Tell them i'm in the shower." 

"I already did." 

"Um. I'll be a little bit, then. I need to find my shoes. Don't tell them that, tell them I'm still showering, um. Keep them in the kitchen if they want to come in. Um. Get Rivet and Alex out of there too. Just don't let anyone in the common room while they're here." 


Coconut overheard him and stomped over to Rivet and Alex. "Take this to your room, Blue's parents are coming inside."

Alex pulled away from Rivet and glared up at him. "How is that our problem?"

Coconut gave him a warning look that screamed danger. Alex shivered and got off of Rivet, pulling him to their room. "Geez, fine…"


"Thank you." Blue said to Coconut before closing the door, "Distract them or something, Char." He ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower, leaving it running while he searched for his shoes.


Coconut followed after him. "Hey, do you need help with anything, Angel?"


"Um. I can't find my shoes. Also, you should probably go help Char talk to my parents while they wait for me. Make sure to talk about my fake girlfriend a lot. They'll probably talk a lot about that anyway." 


"Alright, Angel." Coconut took a few strides toward him and pulled him into a quick kiss. "I love you."


"I love you too." Blue looked sad. 

Char opened the door for Blue's parents with a big smile. "Hi, Mrs. and Mr. Angelite, it's been awhile." 

"Charlene!" Blue's mom looked ecstatic to see her, she opened her arms in a big warm hug which Char awkwardly accepted, hating it when people used her full name instead of her nickname. "It's so good to see you!" She patted her on the back as if she were her daughter, which Char got the feeling sometimes that she wished she had one. 

"Where's Andrew?" Blue's father was his seriously grim self as always. 

"He's still showering, but come in, please, he wasn't expecting you to come so early." Char showed them through the dorm and sat down at the table with them. Blue's father was looking around skeptically. Blue's mother joked, "For college students, you sure clean up after yourselves far better than Blue's old roommates. Why did he switch dorms, after all? It was a shock when we received the email from Daisy." 

Blue's father brought up in a suspicious tone, "apparently his old roommates were far too distracting." He gave Char a raise of his eyebrows. 

"Not because of me, I assure you. That's why I transferred with him, I keep him organized."  


Coconut popped up behind Char, and sat down beside her. "Hello! You must be Blue's parents. It's a pleasure to meet my future in-laws," Coconut said with a charming smile fit for a prince. "Call me Coconut, everyone else does."


"Coconut? Really? That's such a funny nickname." Blue's mother giggled and shook his hand energetically. 

"Mm." Blue's father only looked at him with narrowed eyes. "You're related to Andrew's new friend, Luna, I assume." 


"Yes, she's my younger sister." Coconut answered Blue's father's question first before looking at said man's wife with a sad smile. "Yeah. It's my middle name. My late mother chose it."


Picking up on his sadness, Blue's mother held onto his hand kindly. "Oh, I'm so sorry, forgive me. It's lovely, really." 

Blue's father gruffly grunted. "Did our son always take this long to present himself to his own parents?" 

"Derek." Blue's mother gave him a look. 

"It's been months, Shelby, I haven't seen the boy in months. He doesn't call, he doesn't respond to your messages, it's like he doesn't want to see us." He grumbled angrily, looking at Char and Coconut sternly. 

"No, don't say that." His wife tsked. 

"He does want to see you, I can assure you." Char said politely, Blue's father squinted at her. 


Coconut nodded with a smile. "Yeah." But in the back of his mind he was straining to keep his temper together. 


There was a small pause of timid silence and then Blue's parents looked up in confusion when they heard a distant aroused sounding grunt which belonged to Crypt from a room in the sleeping hall. 

Char cleared her throat and stood up. "Crypt is working out his arms, I better help him so he doesn't strain something." She hurried off and knocked on Crypt's door in anger. Crypt wasn't happy about opening the door for her to, in a hushed voice, scold him, but that's what happened while Coconut sat in awkward silence with Blue's parents- Blue's father staring skeptically at him. Blue's shower turned off.

Blue's mother broke the silence. "So, Blue's father and I were wondering if the real reason why Blue might have switched dorms was because of Luna's living here?" 


Coconut shook his head. "No, he really did switch dorms because of his roommates. My sister lives a bit away from here, actually. She's an assistant biologist at a nearby zoo. She goes to college across the country too, but we were lucky to have her land by me for her field experience."


Blue's father's eyes looked slim beneath his bushy white eyebrows which matched his small white moustache. The immense amount of stress in his early life caused his quick aging. He was younger than he looked. "She sounds made up to me." He muttered, staring at Coconut.

"Oh, Derek, you're so funny." Blue's mother laughed, grabbing her husband's hand and squeezing it sternly. With a forced smile she said to Coconut, "He's just joking. Do you mind showing us Blue's room? We haven't seen it since it's a new dorm and all." 


Coconut was silent for a moment while he thought up an excuse, smiling as convincingly as he could. "Actually, he's sharing a room with me at the moment. None of us have had time to make the arrangements we planned so we're doing them over spring break."


Blue's parents' eyebrows were raised in- hilariously- almost the exact expression Blue made when he was shocked, surprised, or worried. 


Coconut noticed their shock and tilted his head. "Is… there a problem?"


Blue's mother's face slowly stretched into a smile that twitched as she struggled to remain calm. Blue's father glared, heaving a sigh.

Blue stepped into the room at that moment, hair combed nicely wearing a worried smile. "Hi, mom. Dad." He gripped the handle of his suitcase. 

"Blue! My baby! How are you?" His dad cooed lol just kidding. His mom jumped from the table and wrapped him in a giant hug. 

"A-Andrew, your hair!" His father looked shocked. 

"Oh. I dyed it." Blue didn't bother to apologize. 

"I'm so happy to see you." His mother kissed his cheek and gushed over him as if she hadn't just seen him a day or so ago. 


Coconut shifted awkwardly, feeling a little out of place during the small reunion.


Blue met Coconut's gaze and he said timidly while avoiding his father's angry eyes. "You guys met Yuno?" 

Blue's father's memory sparked but he couldn't quite place the name on a face as he thought Coconut suddenly looked familiar. 

"Yes, he's lovely. Come show me your room, Blue." 

"Uh- um, ok. Sure." He looked at Coconut again and then showed his mother the room he was sharing with Coconut. A few sweatshirts and items of clothing were spread over the floor. 

"I'm surprised, normally you keep your room in shape. Why is the bed so...large?" 

"Uh, I don't know. The room just came with it. Nice, huh?" 

"Mhm. I'll bet." She didn't mention anything about what Coconut had said about sharing a room, instinctively picking up on something between the two. 

Blue's father stood from the table, looking at Coconut harshly. "How long have you and Blue known each other?" 


Oh shit, Coconut thought in a panic, rushing in his head to come up with a feasible lie. "For a month or two."


"Strange that he never mentioned you." His eyes narrowed, looking Coconut up and down.


"We didn't know each other very well." 


"And now you suddenly do enough to share a room?" 


"Well I'm the only person he knew in this dorm, other than Char."


"M." The awkward tension was lessened once Blue and his mother came back. 

"It was very nice meeting you, Coconut. We'll be off now." Blue's mother grabbed her husband's arm and ripped his angry gaze from Coconut. 

As Blue followed behind them out the door, he sadly looked at Coconut, not wanting to leave. "I- I'll call you when I get home." He said quietly. 


"Don't worry about it." Coconut made sure Blue's parents were out of sight and quickly walked over to him to give him a fast hug. "You only have to call me when you go to bed."


"That's probably how late it will be by the time I get a chance. We live fairly far from here." Blue's voice was constricting as he held together like a faulty water dam.


"Alright. I'll miss you, Angel." Coconut smiled sadly.


"I won't be gone very long you big baby," He said as his breathing shuddered. 


"I know." Coconut checked for Blue's parents again and kissed his forehead softly. "I love you, Blue."


"I love you too." He stared at him with tearful eyes as his lip quivered. "I have to go now." He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and turned around, carrying his suitcase out the door with his head down. 


"Bye, Blue." Coconut smiled at him lovingly.


Blue heard him and turned his head, returning his goodbye, not bothering to smile. When putting his suitcase in the trunk of the car, he looked back again, opening the back passenger door and sliding into the car. 


Coconut waited at the door until he couldn't see Blue anymore, which is when he sighed and closed the door sadly.

