
Love Letters

Once most of the envelopes fell out, Rena pushed the remaining ones out of her locker, into the dustbin which revealed her school shoes that were previously covered by them

The second I saw all those envelopes, around 30-40 of them, I understood that they were all envelopes a person gives to their beloved ones, envelopes which contained a message of love and affection for their receivers- Basically love letters and a lot of them

It was really easy to find out that all of them were love letters, as the envelopes were in different colours and had Rena's name neatly written in the front as if the sender wanted her to notice it

Or I could be entirely wrong and they could be letters of challenge for Rena which it's most likely not

"Wow…You're pretty popular aren't you" I sarcastically told Rena who was staring at the heap of letters with a irritated look on her face. She then looked at me and said in a vexxed tone

"Do I really look like I'm enjoying this type of popularity?"

"You're not?"

"Of course I'm not! Why would I be!"

"Well wouldn't most girls be happy if they got this many love letters? No leave girls aside, wouldn't anyone would be over the moon in this type of situation?" I said to which Rena glared at me with a exasperated expression on her face and exclaimed

"Oh, then you're saying that if this thing happened to you on a daily basis, you wouldn't be annoyed at all?!"

"Daily!? You get this many letters daily!?" I said in surprise

"Yes! Yes I do! The chickens that are roaming around in this school who don't have the guts to say something to me in person, just stuff all these annoying letters into my locker through the slit on the top and make me have to throw all of them everyday single day like I did now! It's so damn annoying!" Exclaimed Rena with a angry look on her face. "And this is actually a smaller number of letters I get then usual. Normally it would fill the whole trashcan up"

Is she trying to flex on me or something with the number of letters she gets?

"Now, do you still think that I'm happy about my situation?!"

Well judging by her tone and expression I'm pretty sure she's irritated beyond the limit because of this, but if you ask me I would still be happy if I get this many letters

Not only does it make me feel like a celebrity who gets letters from his fans, it also means a lot of people are interested in me and want to form relationships with me which is something I've desired since I was a kid but never really got

But I also understand that it would be fun at first to get the letters but then it would get really annoying as the days goes by like a celebrity getting recognised in public. And to a person like Rena who seems to despise others, she would be furious. I replied saying

"No, I won't think so. But why don't you just do something to stop them from putting them inside by blocking that slit or covering it with something"

"HUH! Do you really think I haven't thought of that method?" Exclaimed Rena in a annoyed tone. "I've already tried that by sealing the opening with clay but somehow the letters still came through. I even came early one day and placed a paper on my locker saying to not put anything inside it but one hour later when I came to check it, the paper was gone and there were twice the number of letters! I don't know if they're so dumb that they can't understand what I'm trying to say or they're just doing this to annoy me"

Looking at the exhausted expression on her face I said "You've been through a lot of trouble haven't you" To which she gave me look of admiration as if she saw someone carrying her same pain and said

"Finally someone that can understand my pain and can sympathise with!"

Who?! Me?! Does she really think I can relate to her in this situation?

I'm far from what you call a popular person who gets everyone's admiration in school. In fact I'm the opposite of it. It's foolish of her to actually think that I can relate with her. The only letters I've got from my classmates are 'those' type of letters and all I can say is that I'm not fond of them and hope I never get them again

"Well leaving the sympathizing aside, what do you do with the letters? Do you just throw them away?"

"Well mostly I would just throw them away but sometimes I would get bored and pick a few of them up to read which I would instantly regret since they would be filled with cringey poems about me and what not. Oh! And I also use the letters to make paper rockets and throw them from the class window. That was the only fun part from this whole thing"

So she's basically sending out love letters in the form of rockets to random people. I wonder how their reactions would be if they read it

Rena then took out her shoes and closed her locker while I continued to search for my locker. After she put the shoes she asked

"Are you searching for your locker?"

"Yeah, I can't seem to find it"

"Let me help you search for it"

"Thanks, that would really help. You take that side and I'll do this side"

Rena then went to the left side of the locker compartment and started searching for my locker. But as she looked all over the place to find it, she continuously mumbled in a low voice "Yuuto…Yuuto…Yuuto…" As she passed each locker which immediately caught my attention

I know that finding a name would be easier if you repeated it while searching and that's what she was doing but the issue was that the way she was saying my name was quite erotic and suggestive

Since she was saying it in a really low tone, it was as if she was whispering my name into my ear which made me feel really ticklish

It was kinda like one of those sexy ASMR vidoes where the girl tells some dirty stuff in a soft voice which turns a lot of people on but in my situation she was just telling my name and it felt lewd. Just imagine how it would be if she actually said some lewd stuff…

Rena noticed me leering at her and said while furrowing her eyebrows

"I don't know why but I feel like you're thinking about something really perverted stuff right now"

She found out?! I did not expect that. But I gotta say, a women's intuition is amazing

I replied saying "Come on! Do you really think I would think about perverted stuff or look at you in a lewd way? Do you only have that little trust in me?" To which she replied with a straight face "Yes, Yes you most definetely would"

"Well you thought correctly!" I said while grinning. "I was just thinking how nice it would be if you whispered some dirty stuff into my ear like you were saying my name just now". I then took a step forward towards Rena and and bent down and whispered in her ear in a low tone "You know, just like this~"

Rena immediately pushed me away and took a step back while she blushed profusely, covering the ear which I whispered in with her hands as if she was protecting it from me. She then glared at me with a embarrassed look on her face and exclaimed

"B-Baka! What are you thinking about when I'm trying to help you out!?! And don't whisper in my ear like that you pervert! I'm sensitive there!"

Oh! So she's sensitive there. Point noted. How foolish of her to actually reveal that to me. Now I'm just going to use that against her to tease her in the future. It's like she's providing ammunition to the enemy while they are in war with each other

"W-What are smiling at!" She exclaimed in anger. "If you're going to act like that then search for your locker yourself! I'm not helping! Hmph!" She said as she folded her arms and looked away from me

I thought I would have some trouble in teasing her from how confident she acted before but I guess she's still the easily embarrassed and gullible girl I met yesterday
