
A Warning

"Alright." Dia's eyes blinked at him, as clear and as emotionless. Arthur wondered if she was like this toward everything. She approached everything in a cold, logical, calculating manner.

"Is there something else?" Arthur puckered his lips in amusement when she didn't leave.

"Just a little bit more." Dia smiled and turned to the door, squinting.

"Stop right there!" Gala suddenly barged in, rolled on the rug, and raised her palm in an 'I caught you motion' gesture. "Ho ho, you think you can do such things behind my back? A sneaky move from you, princess."

"Gala, what are you talking about?" Arthur tilted his head in a confused manner. "Nothing happened."

"What? Oh," Gala paused, looked around the room and at the two before standing up. "Ahem. Sorry, wrong room." She began backing away as if time would reverse itself.

"Wait," Arthur smiled. "Did you try manipulating Dia into doing this?" He understood what was going on.
