
It begins

Theresa just cries harder when she see the two, Hector and Zeolite stares at each other first, Zeolite shrugs as Hector look annoyed by what he responded, "Shhh…it's okay." Ashley said softly to make her calm down. She glares at the two, she mouthed, 'do something! Don't just stand there!' Zeolite got the signs and proceed to put his sword back at it case first, while Hector walks in, Arkus jump off of his shoulder, snuggling his head at Theresa hand.

"Don't be sad." Arkus whimper sadly snuggling his head, Theresa sniffles, wiping her tears, while patting his head. "Please don't be sad, I can't handle it…" Hector whimper like a puppy on the floor, "hehe…I'm sorry." Theresa tries to laugh it off sniffing afterwards. "Drink?" Zeolite ask offering her a glass of water. "Thanks." Theresa smile.

"So Theresa! I want to ask you something!" Ashley said trying to ease of her worries. But no reply was given. "Theresa?" Ashley ask shaking her shoulder, "wait, she faint again?!" She yelled shocked. Theresa lose her consciousness with a sitting position.

"This is bad." Zeolite muttered frowning, Hector stands up, to pick Theresa up, and goes up to her room. "Ashley go fetch Celine, to guard her." Zeolite said, Ashley nod and runs out the door to her house.

"Cries, worries, and sad. Collapsed 1 time…she won't last long." Zeolite muttered trying to clear his clouded mind. "Got her!" Ashley cheered, holding a tired girl, looks like she was just wake up. "What's wrong?" Celine ask rubbing her eyes, yawning.

Hector then returned from upstairs. "Oh, Celine." He said a little surprised, "Arkus, do you want to stay here and guard Theresa with Celine?" Zeolite ask staring at him, "sure! I will whack those who dares to lay a finger on Theresa!" Arkus said with full confidence. "Alright! Ashley, Zeolite, let's go!" He said with full determine, since he can't lose another person in his life "Mhm. Please do a great job, we'll be going." Zeolite said before closing the door.

[Plaza, 6 PM]

"So here we are?" Senjou ask staring to the wall. "If this is a prank. I will not agree to help you guys ever again." Senov said staring coldly at Ashley. "Where is Akane?" Hector ask, "She's somewhere taking care of something." Senjou said.

"I'm sure! I'll show you!" Ashley said before touching the wall, her face brighten when she touch the very middle of the wall, and falls inside the wall.

"Ashley!" Senjou yelled worried. "What?" Ashley ask poking her head out the wall, "what the hell? Get in! That's scary!" Senov yelped, "let's go." Zeolite said walking in the wall. Shortly the three do the same. What is this? I didn't remember something like this happens…" Ashley said mouth agape, terrified, in front of them is a pool of blood with the granny body In the middle of it.

"My god…this is awful…" Senjou said putting her hands in front of her mouth, "what is this? Who would do something like this?" Senov said in pure disgust. "We should search around." Zeolite said unfazed, not even a bit. This kind of things is somehow common to him. "Yea. After this we can bury her…" Hector said kneeling a bit, to prays for her soul.

"…No magic dispels…" Akane muttered, she was making sure no magic dispels around, and she didn't find any. Akane then feels someone presence. "Well, well, well. Fancy to see you here. Ranked 2." Blake giggles behind her, "oh? Who are you?" Akane ask standing up. "Blake. 4th place Commander in our Lord Zosce, beloved place, Verdenia." Blake said introducing herself.

"Hmph, 4th? Why'd you come here?" Akane ask her hands stuffed inside her pockets. "Don't get cocky Ranked 2." Blake said glaring at her, "you're not letting me go away easily, right?" Akane ask crossing her arms, "of course. I won't let you off that easily." Blake smirks, giggling afterwards. "Oh wait. There's a rock on my shoes." Akane said kicking her shoes a couple times. As Blake stares in disbelief, how could someone had time to do that while enemy is standing right in front of her.

"Alright, I'm done. Show me what you got." Akane smirks forming swords on both hands. "I expect a good show, Ranked 2." Blake said, she swipes her right hand down, as thunder strikes down on Akane position, Akane quickly leaps backwards to avoid the thunder. "So close." She said a little relief, "Seems like I can't underestimate this one." She smirks, dusting her clothes. "You shouldn't underestimate me in the first time." Blake said another thunder strikes down.

"Wait. Keep finding, I'll be back." Hector said running outside the shop. "Senjou, assist him. We'll catch up later." Senov said who is examining the granny body. "Alright." Senjou nod before going off to after Hector.

Hector jumps from rooftop to rooftop, following two cloaked figures. Until the cloaked figures jump down to alleyways, Hector does the same when they already a little far from him. The two cloaked figures stop, as Hector take cover behind a craters.

"The necklace should active in a few minutes." One of them said, "And there's about 8 people's that we should be careful at." The other cloaked person said. "The Ranked 2 is there dude. What should we do?" Cloaked figure 1 said completely scared, "you loser, mistress Blake is here with us! Even sir Xander! There's no reason for us to be scares at all!" Cloaked figure 2 said trying to comfort him.

"Psst." Senjou whisper beside Hector, "Ga-" Hector was about to shout, but Senjou cover his mouth. Putting her index finger on her lips. "Did you hear that?" Cloaked figure 1 ask, "hear what? You whining? Yes." Cloaked figure 2 said making an annoyed face, "Shut up punk!" Cloaked figure 1 shout, "shut up, stop wasting time, we should go." Cloaked figure 2 said walking away.

When the two cloaked figures away from them, Senjou let go of Hector mouth, He take a long breath, due to lacks oxygen he inhales before, "what the heck? Don't go around scaring people!" He said pissed. "Sorry, sorry. Anyway we should after them." Senjou said smiling, "Tsk, yea. Where's the other?" Hector ask dusting his clothes. "Still at the shop." Senjou reply. "Alright. Let's go." Hector said before runs to follow them.

I'm a little confused on how should I address two strangers talking to each other. Please leave some advice on how to make it more understandable. For now, I'll do what I can!

Awuchicreators' thoughts