
Chapter 2 Love isnt my thing

All those shows on tv show high school as a place of peace and occasional bullies and detention. Although, this is not the case, the new students like me are constantly picked on and treated horribly.. I once had three tall kids try to beat me up, keyword is try, they couldn't even touch me i dodged them so effortlessly it was hilarious, but amidst the bullies you have occasional, and rare, truely kind kids, one of them if my friend Terrence, he showed me around the school, he didnt have to, but he wanted to. He is very, very kind. I once saw him give a bully $10... like jeez...

Your probably wondering how the first day went, and I'll tell you.

After my alarm clock goes off I get up with a smile and fill a bucket of water. I then walk straight into Gils room and... Hes sitting in a chair with a cup of coffee and is wearing his Fluffy bunny slippers and superman pajamas. He smiles and Wags his finger at me and I turn around with a sigh. I hear him get out of the chair and he locks the door and says, "So was the bucket of water for the plants or did you have something funny planned?" I sigh and say with a muttering voice, "Just open the door.." he unlocks it and I poor the water down into the sink.

Me and Gil get dressed, and then head to class, I enter my classroom and see Terrence smiling and 3 girls staring at me. Terrence says in a excited voice, "There he is The prince of the Gods!" I walk over and say quietly, "Um... where do I sit?" He smiles "I mean anyone would be happy to give you thei.." hes cut off by a Boy with Dark brown hair, From my universal knowledge his name is Mason, Mason says in a cocky tone, "Heh, You think we'd give our seats for one of your kind? You may be a GoD, but your not any better than me, infact you look weak!" I remain silent and say, "You may be right, or wrong, but whats sure is your terrible puberty voice crack." I take a seat next to Terrence as the class starts to laugh.

Class goes by slowly and when its finally over Mason is outside the classroom waiting for me, He laughs and says, "Bring it, If your so bad then prove it!" he and his friend's surround me and Mason says, You cant dodge us all." They all go to punch and I stop time, Pants them, Take $10 from each of them and resume time. The knock each other out and I walk away with $30. Not bad.

I move onto my next class and once again im stared at, but this time its more fear. And to be honest, im kind of enjoying it. My teacher smiles and says, "Welcome Arcinon to Literature!" I shrug and go over to my seat. The teacher babbles on for a bit about something, then she passes out our homework, I have mine done in less than 2 minutes and a girl calls me over to her.

The girls name is Isabella, She smiles at me and says, "Hey... could you please help me with this?" I smile and look around and snap my fingers and its completed. She smiles and says, "Im is.." I cut her off, "Im a God, i know what your name is, but thanks for going to tell me anyways, Isabella." She smiles and I turn her paper in for her. She then says, "So whats it like being a god? Is it fun what can you do?" I shrug and say, "Eh being a god sucks, most gods have one power but im the son of the God king so I have them all. Being a god means treating everyone as an equal even when its hard... And to be honest, I wish I was normal." she smiles and moves seats to sit next to me.

Class finally ended and It was time for P.E, which lets face it, this is going to be the quickest pass ive ever had.

I walk in and the Teacher smiles, "Your in P.E?" I nod and he says, "I could just let you pass, if you want." I shake my head and say, "My dads finally letting me be a God, Im happy to show these kids up." He laughs and says, "Ok Arcinon, if you want to attend you can." I walk to the bleachers and sit down. 12 kids slide away and 3 slide towards me 2 are girls, one is Terrence. Luckily one of the Girls is Isabella. Terrence and Isabella are happy to see me and they say with a smile and in unison, "Hi Arcinon, wait you know Arcinon? Yeah.." they finally arent in synce Terrence says, "Yeah, I met him the day before, i showed him around." and Isabella says, "Yeah, I know him from my Literature class, He 'helped' me with my homework."

The teacher then Says, "Glad three of you Like Arcinon!" then I hear a girl say, "Hes kinda cute... Is he single." I nod and say, "And gonna stay that way, Sorry, but im a god not a love story." I hear multiple Sighs, and I smile. Terrence then says, "You could have at least given them hope." I laugh and say, "Nope. neber gonna happen, Im not marriage material. Im happy to help others, but getting married... yeah thats not gonna happen." The teacher then says, "Anyways... Today we are going to jog around the school gym 20 laps... wheres Arcino..." I reappear, "Done." He then frowns and says, "Can you at least try to do it like a human?" I sigh and nod.

After the most boring jog of my life we were done for the day. my Next class was my Srt, I entered and I see a Guy with a Pug t-shirt, and glasses and I know who Im sitting with. As i sit down next to him he just smiles. Then Mason walks in and screams "Ahhh, what is he doing here?!?" All the girls turn to me and smile and I know im about to have a lot of love letters... The kid with the pug shirt smiles at me and says, "My names Greg, I see you scare my bully. What exactly did you do?" I look at him and say "He tried to beat me up with two other guys, and instead I walked away with $30 and the funniest Mental picture ill ever take." He then smiles and the Mason says with a voice crack, "You took my $10?!? i thought Rob straight jacked it! Dang... I owe him an apology..." The whole classroom laughs as Terrence walks in and sighs, he then hands Mason $10 and says, "Im sorry my friend mugged you.." he then glares at me and I look down.

After a while of doing nothing but staring at the wall and wishes I had something to do, class was finally over, and I walked straight to my dorm. Terrence followed me, and so did Greg, as I entered they asked If they could come in and I said yeah.

As I enter Gil is watching tv in his underwear and says in a calm manner, "So... you brought company?" I nod and Greg and Terrence walk up to Gil and start to ask him questions. After about 20 minutes they were all aquainted and I kindly asked them to leave. Then Gil says, "So... meet and cute girls?" I sigh and say, "You know im not intetested in love." He smiles, "Yet, but maybe one day. Maybe. Just maybe." I shake my head and after a bit of teasing Gil finally went to his room. And I have the rest of the day to myself.
