
Spooky Dresser

It was as if Severus heels were on fire. He was walking so fast and swift as if he was roaming in the empty streets. Unlike earlier vigilance, now he wasn't as careful. He tugged and pushed her while dragging her along the way. She felt like she was his sword which was glued to him all the way.

Desella knew that Severus' heart was in turmoil thus she cooperated quietly. Although she felt annoyed while following his leads and there were several instances when she wanted to just shout at him but whenever she brought herself up for a scolding, Severus expressionless face made her swallow her words. 

If Severus was smart when he smiled then he was a cold beauty when he was expressionless. His Purple iris was shining alternatively, combed with his jet black fringes which were covering his forehead, all in all, Severus looked breathtaking.

Somewhere deep in her heart, she was grateful that Melanie was not able to see Severus again. 
