
chapter nineteen: Ace's secret

No one's POV

"Jaxon! What's your problem! I told you they were our adoptive siblings!" Mia yells at him. "Yes but you didn't say that he is the one who made you loose your virginity!" He yells back at him.

Everybody got quiet and looks shocked. Ace is sitting on the ground against the wall, he looks up at Jaxon with guilt in his eyes.

He looks down at the ground in shame. "How did you know?!" Mia asks confused. "His wolf told mine" Jaxon says.

Mia starts to get tears in her eyes out of guilt. She starts sobbing and runs upstairs. Jaxon sighs but runs after her.

Everybody else in the living room keeps quiet, not knowing what to say or do. Ace is still looking at the ground, a tear falls from his eyes but he keeps himself in. "I'm sorry" He says.

The once happy ambiance is now tensed and awkward. The girls look at each other confused.

"I didn't know Mia's first was Ace" Chiara says. "Me neither" Leilani says. "I just wanted to help her, the pain seemed so unbearable and I had so much pity with her that I suggested it to her and I just-" He says and sighs.

"It's okay" Leilani says. "No it's not, it feels like I.. forced her" He says. "But you didn't" Leilani says but you can hear doubt in her voice.

The other guys, including his own brothers tense up. "You should have controlled yourself better" Oliver says angry.

He gives a last glance at him and shakes his head. "Can you show our rooms? We still have to put our bags there" He says and picks up his bag from the ground.

"Sure, Juan where can they stay?" Chelsea says. "Follow me" He says and walks upstairs with the rest following.


Mia walks through the centre of her pack. She walks home from school. The town hall is very busy, probably some Alpha that arrived for another meeting. That happens every week.

She looks unbothered by it and walks away towards her house. Not everyone is home yet when she arrives.

She walks upstairs towards her room. "Hey where are mom and dad?" She asks Ace when she passes his room. "Dad is still at work and mom is buying groceries" Ace says. She nods.

"Hey" She says to her little sister Yasmine when she passes her room. "Hey" Yasmine answers her back. They can fin dit really well.

Sometimes even better than with her biological sisters. They start talking in Yasmine's room about school and laughing.

Then Mia feels a sharp pain in her stomach. "Not again" She thinks by herself. "I remember that I still have to do some homework" She says. Yasmine nods and doesn't think much of it.

Mia gets off her bed and goes to her own room. She closes the door behind her and starts crying as quiet as possible.

But Ace still hears it. He opens her door carefully. "Hey what's wrong?" He asks with a frown. "It started again" She says while still crying on her bed.

He gets inside her room and closes the door. "What started again?" He asks confused. "The same pain I had last month" She says.

"Oh that" He says. "Can you please help me again?" She asks him. "I think you should go looking for your mate so he can help you, or otherwise you will be in pain for the rest of your life" He says.

"But where? I don't know where he is! It just started happening out of nowhere" She says. "I don't know, walk around the pack, you will smell him and know it is him" Ace says.

"But what if he is not here?" She says. Ace keeps quiet because he doesn't know what to say to that. "I promise I will search form y mate if you help me now" She says. He sighs.

Just like last time he just touches her arm, nothing special. But this time they started kissing and went too far.

Clarification: They see each other as friends because they used to be friends before they got adopted. And they always have been treated as the daughters of the friends of their parents. That's also because Joseph and his wife couldn't really deal with the fact that their friends died. So they see each other as friends, not siblings. Except for Yasmine and the girls because Yasmine wasn't born yet and they grew up with her, knowing her as a baby.

End of flashback...

Mia's POV

I run towards my room. Suddenly I feel 2 arms behind me. I turn around and see Jaxon. I start crying in his arms. He just holds me tight and comforts me.

"I feel so guilty, but the pain-" "I know you already told me" He interrupts me and strokes my hair. We stare into each others eyes and automatically kiss each other. Before I knew it we're laying on our bed. Jaxon stops the kiss. "You sure you want to do it?" He asks me carefully. I nod and he starts kissing me again.


Leilani/Lainie's POV

"Hey" I say and stand in the door opening of one of the guest rooms. Ace is laying in bed and stares at the ceiling. "Mia told us" I say to him.

After an hour she came back downstairs and explained everything. She wasn't said because he forced her as I originally thought, she felt guilty that she did it and that she didn't tell anyone about it. She wasn't forced at all, she asked him herself to do it.

"You didn't force her" I say. "I know but I still feel guilty" He says. "You don't have to feel guilty" I say. He keeps quiet.

I walk towards him and pull him by his arm. He looks questioning at me. "Let's go downstairs it's dinner time" I say. He sighs and gets up. We both walk downstairs towards the dinning room.

He looks at everyone to see their reaction, which I expected him to do. But no one seems bothered at all. Everybody is smiling and laughing. Oliver and Asher are telling stories about the past.

"Spiders are scary! Many people are afraid of spiders, at least I'm not afraid of butterflies like him" Oliver says and points at Ace.

"Well you used to be afraid of your own shadow!" He says. "That was because of that horror film okay!" Oliver defends himself. Ace start talking and laughing with the rest like nothing happened.

Then Jace and Jesse walk in with food. "Steak!" The boys yell excited. "I asked them to make your favourite dinner" I say to Ace. "Thank you" He says and start having an eating competition with his brothers.

Comment what you think of the story! ^-^

beautifulwolfeyecreators' thoughts