
Come with us

After the party, which was organised solely for us by Antoinette, we came to our respective rooms. The party went on for almost all night, I think I could even see light at the horizon. I told Margaret and Ken my plans of staying back and how Oliver is going to follow 'Virginia' from next day. She was skeptical of Oliver at first but she decided to trust him eventually, since he was the reason why we could come this far.

The next morning after Oliver left I didn't know what to do, so I just spent my time lying around. I was still pretty careful about closing my eyes, who knew what flashback would I get this time.

After almost an hour I heard knocks on my door, I opened to find Ken there, smiling as usual.

"Hey, what are you doing all by yourself?" He asked me casually as he put his hand in the pockets.

"Trying to pass my time. I'm really anxious about what will Oliver find out, at the same time I'm too scared to close my eyes, you know why, so I guess I'm spending my time by freaking out about what will happen in my future." I sigh once I finish. I spoke really fast this time. If I were human, I would need to breathe properly and would need to drink some water right now.

He stared at me for a moment blankly before saying "Okay... I was just simply bored."

"Why? where is Margaret? She went to her 'friend' Antoinette?" I raised my eyebrows and folded my hands while I leaned on the door.

"No, she actually went with Oliver." He shrugged.

"What!?" I straightened myself immediately after hearing that. "I thought she wanted to stay away as far as possible from Oliver. Is she Bipolar?" I asked him, my eyebrows scrunched.

"No? I honestly don't know." he made his way inside the room and I closed the door as I followed him to the table and sat do with down opposite to him. "She didn't exactly go with Oliver, she wanted to follow Timothy so she just accompanied him to their house." he explained me.

"Oh yeah, she was quiet suspicious of him." I mumble. "Not that I blame her, he could be dangerous too, you know. Even though reading about him felt different." I say out loud.

He shrugged. " Even if he is innocent, tagging along with him can reveal important details of your past. He seems really significant from your human life." he then went on to mumble. " Maybe that's why they call it significant other."

I chuckled at his response, before I heard knocks again on the door. I looked at Ken and he looked with the same amount of curiosity. Who could it be?I decided to open the door and found Jeanine, from that party, smiling.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked us enthusiastically.

"Um...we were just chatting." I told her.

"And?" She raised one eyebrow at me. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Are you guys doing something besides chatting? Or do have plans for doing something?" She asked me properly this time.

"Not really, no" I shook my head awkwardly.

"That's wonderful!" She raised her pitch gleefully. Meanwhile I just stared at her, wondering whats so wonderful about not having to do anything. "Why don't you two come with us? Bring your friends along to if you want to." She suggested.

"Actually, they are not here, they had some... urgent business to attend to. As for us I'm not so sure if that's a good idea." I told her awkwardly

"Why not?" She asked me, her smile morphed into a frown.

"Well, I was actually waiting for them to come back, I kind of have something important to discuss with them. Besides, you guys are such a cute couple we will hate to intrude." I tried to make excuses.

"Don't be silly, it's not like we are newlyweds, we have been together for years. We always enjoy other people's company. When will your friends come back?"

"By the end of the day hopefully." I shrugged.

"And you are going to stay here all day just waiting for them to come back?" She looked at me unamused. "I don't know what important thing you have to discuss, but if you stay here and just wait, time will pass even more slowly, and you will get more anxious." She patted my shoulder while she tried to convince me.

I tried my best not to flinch away from her touch, I was already rejecting her offer I did not want to come off as too rude. I wonder why I don't like people touching me, it always bothers me.

"Fine, we will come with you." I shrugged at her. " Ken, is that okay?" I turned around and asked him. He nodded in response which I passed along to Jeanine.

"Great! I will get my husband. Meet me at the lobby within ten minutes." she said and left before I could ask her where were we going actually. I leave the room with Ken hoping that we will be back before those two get here.

We meet them in the lobby as decided. "Hey I'm so glad you could join us." The husband, Zachary smiled at us.

"Same here, Mr. Smith." Ken smiled at him.

"Oh god, Mr Smith sounds so formal. What are we business associates? Call me Zach." He gave us a smile. "Let's get going, shall we?" He raised his eyebrows before he started walking.

"By the way, where are we going?"I ask them quickly, before we left the lobby.

"You will see, don't worry we won't be kidnapping you or something." He laughed at his own joke along with his wife.

He was very weird, but so was his wife, which I guess made them perfect for each other. Even though it was awkward going out with strangers, they were really nice which made me feel comfortable enough. I just wherever we are going, we just don't run into that imposter evil wench!

Hello my lovelies!!

I wanted to ask, shall I do POV of other charecters?

I have been going from only one point of view but I think I can explore the charecters better with their point of view...

Anyways..what are your thoughts on this new couple? Any ideas where they are taking them?

PS: If you're liking the story so far... add it to the library, don't miss my updates!!

Also, Give me powerstone if you can and motivate me to write more!

sillymlkcreators' thoughts