
Volume 5 Episode 20: Homeland

The name, 'Lin Hamill', once again resounded throughout Korea. But this time, it was because of a rumour that was circulating around the destruction of the Sanata Dam in Nubia.

It was said that Lin Hamill was responsible for the attack on Nubian soil! 

The champion of the Evantel Tournament, and the supposed snitch, had apparently annihilated countless Nubian soldiers and slaughtered Jack Craven, the ruthless mercenary.

Rumour or not, the death of Jack Craven further paved the way in adding on to the infamy of the 'legendary' youth, Lin Hamill.

Lin's status in Korea became an extremely sensitive topic. This character that was venerated by countless commoners as a heaven-defying genius who had been forced out of the country by the government because of a failed attempt at controlling him, was on the contrary, hated immensely by the government officials.
