
Unnecessary Guilt

Newest Chapter For Highest Tier (August 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


King Oberon addressed Sloth with his lips curling in rage, "Aren't you satisfied with what you have done to my daughter, Ghoul Prince?"

Sloth was slow to face the Summer King and he  simply shrugged, "No, I'm not satisfied. I want the Summer Princess to be hogtied with heavy stones attached to her neck and throw her into the river to die."

King Oberon slapped her Familiar so hard that his digits had left a dark red mark on Sloth's pale cheekbones.

Luna gasped at the Summer King, not expecting that this stone-faced male Fae would lose control. 

"Served him right." Queen Titania muttered along with a smirk.

Every spectator in the Colosseum cheered, marveling at the royal drama unfolding in front of their eyes.

