
Scary Monster Beneath the Mysterious Island

Under the bright morning sun, a group of people was gathering on the beach. However, the group separated into two teams, one with few members and one with many members.

"Vann, please convey my words to Gio." Elysia crouched down and stroked the white cat's head and the brown tortoise.

"Yes, master." Vanessa nodded and closed her eyes. She almost purred when her chin was stroked by her master.

"Gio, we're going to go away for a while to check out the mysterious island over there. As the strongest, please protect our group from any harm, okay? Also, please don't let anyone off this island until we get back. Can you do that?" Elysia made her request while looking into the little tortoise's brown eyes.

"Mew, meoaw, rawr, rarr--" Vanessa translated her master's command into rawr language.

"Rawr!" Gio nodded repeatedly. He felt proud to be called the strongest servant.
