
Father's Legacy

Time passed, Elysia and the others used their time to talk lightly about many things, especially about their future plans.

Yuuki was the one who asked the most questions because of her curiosity about the world. After all, she would get a ticket to travel the world on a noble task without worrying about her extreme ice-cold ability running out of control when she was unstable.

'Ely, please open the portal for me. I want to have an evening conversation with Lifa. Rhea will sleep there too. Look at this cute baby. She is fast asleep and snuggles up to me. Are we mothers now, hm-mm?' Elena stood up and walked away.

'All right, Nell will be here to look after me.' Elysia opened the portal for an instant. Elena switched realms in just a matter of nanoseconds, and it made Yuuki shocked and frightened.
