
Dripping (slightly explicit)

Feng Dingbang


Satrya once Dingbang's perfect secretary who had even kept a dragoness' at bay and everything in perfect order before she left, now...the one he hired after was basic in comparison.

he had felt such a huge loss because of a pathetic dragon's that refused to know her place!

His mother also loved her, of course, Satrya was a lovable person; she had a limited tolerance, knew how to make him smile, longing for her even though he knew that at that time having her would bring her death, though now was different. Satrya will be his future queen and mate. Surrounded by her special scent of bubble gum filling his nostrils forcing Dingbang's dragon to peer through his eyes. 

Dingbang's heart thrummed in his chest from pure excitement, while the ogre who was by her side bending down to whisper apologies in her ears as the vice president of their company, and her boss... Isn't it pure embarrassment to be caught in public like this? 
