
Metro 2 -Volatile Encounter

Olivia: I can get used to it. This place is nice.

Lee: Yeah, it was a good idea to take this place.

Private (I'll name him Ace, he deserves a name): Hidden underground, little to no zombies and with electricity working we could live here, but it has a problem. We don't have water and I'm sure that he won't be able to turn the water on

Eric: Maybe we could use the river?

Paul: No, it will be infected or it will have some disease from the zombies.

Olivia: We can store the water in barrels?

Eric: We can do that. The only problem is where to find water and barrels. We also need to fix the toilets.

Paul: I think Andrew can help you with that. He may know how to use the river for the toilets.

Lee: Small pipes from the river to the station. It would be hard to finish this project.

Ace: We also need to reinforce the metal fence and build a guard post near the fence for a better response in case of an attack.

Eric: We have a lot of things to do. Paul, call your brother, tell him that we will move completely into the station at the end of the week.

Paul: Why at the end of the week?

Eric: Well, we need to clear the streets a little and bring some supplies here and furniture. Tell Andrew that the Humvee will return tomorrow morning. Paul; you and Lee will return to Andrew's house and bring two people. You guys will repeat this schedule until Andrew's house is empty of any person or anything that can help us. Is this ok with you guys?

Paul: I don't have a problem, Lee?

Lee: Neither do I . I'm ok with this. I rather drive a car than fighting a horde of zombies.

Eric: Don't worry about the zombies; we will have enough fights with them.

Lee: Not helping.

As I was speaking with Lee, Olivia gets herself behind me and hugged me.

Olivia: Now, big boy. We need to sleep. Tomorrow we will need to search the tunnel.

Olivia is scary. She dragged me to a wall where she put two sleeping bags. Looking at the sleeping bags, I didn't know what to say or do. So, Olivia forced me to pick one and slept there while she will use me as her pillow.

As scary as she is, Olivia is a beauty and quite young, I may say. At just 30 years, she was a leader of the squad, and even more than that she has Spec Ops training. I found that she likes to show off her achievements from before the apocalypse. She's like a violent big sister, how will make you're her slave.

The night passed without any incidents.

In the morning, Paul and Lee took with them some food and water and left the tunnel in the Humvee.

After the duo left, I and Olivia decided to continue searching the tunnel while Ace will remain at the Station, and in case of a problem, he will call us through our walkie-talkie...

When we left the safety of the station, we begin to hear zombies in the distance which means that the other station was compromised. We will have to get the generator working and close the gates to ensure that our station will remain safe. I'm sure that the zombie won't be able to destroy a steel gate, but they will be able to block the tunnel if they gather near a gate.

Eric: We may have to deal with some zombies.

Olivia: I heard them too. The real question is how many?

Eric: Enough to matter.

We walked for half an hour before we arrived at the next station. Along the way, we killed some zombies that were lost from the horde.

Unfortunately for us, the station was packed with zombies. The bad part about the zombies was the fact that a small number of zombies looked strange.

The strange zombies are broad-shouldered and slightly taller than the average Biter. These strange zombies were also nude and have exposed bones and muscles and a mandible jaw.

Both of us took a step back when we saw the zombies. Just as we were about to escape, we heard a high pitch scream.

Without wasting any time, I grabbed Olivia and run as fast as I could. Unfortunately for us, the strange zombies were just as fast as me or even faster and after five minutes, they were almost on us.

I know that fighting these abominations will be hard, but I have to fight them and kill them before the rest of the horde shows up. I don't know how good Olivia is at CQC, but I'll trust her and risk my life for a chance of survival.

These abominations seem to be stronger than your average zombie, so, without wasting any second, I take the handle of my ax and activate the electricity. In the next second the head is surrounded by electricity. This beautiful sight was as dangerous as any woman. With my new ax upgrade, I know that I could deal with one strange zombie, but against a pack of five… I stood n chance. Not even with Olivia's help.

I looked at Olivia and I saw her carbine into one of these zombies, while it barely injured the zombie, the zombie was pushed back three or four meters. With Olivia dealing with that zombie, I had to fight four of them at the same time.

I used my shield to push one zombie while the other three tried to circle me, only for one of them to meet my new ax in the face. Now, I know that this ax was powerful, but when the zombie's face caught on fire something even crazier happens. The four zombies that were left slowly back away from the burning body. Seeing that they retreated, I grabbed Olivia and run towards our gate.

Ace was already there waiting for us.

Five minutes later the gate closed while we managed to survive the fight of our lives.

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I also created a patr eon page where I'll post advanced chapters .If any of you want to support this poor meat bun you can check my patr eon page for advanced chapters . Stay safe!

https://www.patr eon.com/meatbunkun

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