
Hospital ( Rewritten)

Eric sat in the bed thinking about Sarah. She was his girlfriend for the past year and he slowly developed feelings for her. She was a beautiful girl and a good one. Honestly, he joked that he didn't deserve her which would result in a fight with Eric on the losing team.

As he remembers her smiling face, tears begin to flow on his face.

One hour later he managed to calm down his feelings and strengthen his resolve. He would live his life for both of them.

Slowly he got up from the bed and dragged his body towards the door. When he opened the door, Eric saw that the hallway was empty, nothing was seen, at first, he thought that he was abandoned or that all of that was a dream, but when he began to hear gunshots being fired, he knew that the people that saved him were still here. He slowly made his way towards the noises. When he arrived there, Eric saw Paul firing his M4 Carbine at a group of zombies. Eric knew that Paul would remain soon without ammo for his gun. His body is too weak to help Paul, which led him to the last option…Blocking the entrance.

"Sir, we should block the entrance."

Paul was startled by Eric's sudden appearance, but he didn't let that slow his shooting. He looked back inside the hospital entrance for a short while before he turned his head back at the zombies.

"Kid, can you get that vending machine here?"

Eric looked at the vending machine before he responds.

"I will try. I don't promise that I can do much with my body as it is right now."

"Shout for help, Ellen and Gale should be around."

Eric didn't hesitate at all and begin to shout for help.

One minute later, the two women arrived in front of him. Seeing that both women were here, Eric told them that he need help to bring that vending machine to block the door. Both women helped him and five minutes later all four of them, were safe inside the hospital.

"Thanks, kid. You saved my ass there."

"Don't mention it. You guys saved my life and god knows how many people you saved in the last four weeks."

When they heard the second part, the three adults looked at the ground ashamed of their unsuccessful.

"We didn't save ...anyone. All of them died before we could have done something." Said Ellen. I could hear how sad she was and how she blame herself for that.

Seeing that he made the situation worse than it was, Eric decided to speak about what he knows about the usual zombie apocalypse.

"Even if you guys tried to help them, the virus would have killed them, at least that's how it happens in most of the zombie games and movies."

" At least we did our job. Eric Jarl, you are a smart kid and from what we heard from your girlfriend, a great friend and boyfriend. Nice to meet you, I'm Gale Macones, the young lady here is Ellen Porter while the soldier is Paul Carter. We are the last people left in the hospital, at least the last people awake or alive."

Eric caught a slight pause in Gale's sentence.

"That means that there is someone still in a coma?"

"Exactly, but we should be able to take care of him as long as the infected don't enter the hospital and overrun our defenses. In that case, we would seal the stairs that lead to the entrance and abandon the hospital through the fire exit."

"I'm really curious. Why would you three risk your lives for us, the patients? You could have let us die and leave this shithole a long time ago."

"A matter of hearth kid. I'm a soldier, but that doesn't make me an emotionless killing machine. I know that you guys need help and I decided to remain behind. Even if that costs my life. Same for the two ladies here."

"Enough with the drama, you, young man, need some rest and a good meal, even if we can't provide you with the best meal, you can eat some soup and after that, I will see if we can make something easy for your stomach. That should put you back on your feet. "Said Ellen while trying to divert the topic to a happier subject.

The rest of the day passed without any incidents. Paul taught me how to aim with a rifle, in case we found another one or he drops his and I get hold of it. Better safe than sorry he said. I know how to shoot with a pistol, but a bigger gun doesn't mean just a bigger bullet. If you aren't careful you will injure yourself if you don't know how to hold a rifle. As I already know how to use a knife or an ax without cutting myself, Paul didn't teach me anything related to CQC(Close-Quarter-Combat), but he pointed that I should aim at the head if I would be in a position where I have to fight a zombie. I knew that in the future I would need to kill if I want to survive, but the simple thought of taking a life would make me want to puke. I don't know if killing a zombie would be better, but at least they are dead and honestly I hope I don't have any remorse for killing a zombie that wants to kill me. I may be a big guy, but I'm still a teenager that didn't fight once in his life, at least not with enemies.

Three days passed without any major incidents. Paul brought me with him after I was able to walk somewhat normally to clear the zombies that tried to enter, and boy oh boy, how bad that was. When he let me kill a zombie, I puke so much after I killed one, that made Paul laugh for ten minutes when he saw my face. The first few times weren't as bad as the first one, which saved me from embarrassment. As I killed more and more zombies, I begin to get used to it which surprised me. I wasn't a battle maniac or a bloodthirsty man before the apocalypse, but now, the fact that I get used to such things, proves me wrong, or in the worst case maybe I was enjoying killing?

After that, we managed to clear the whole entrance of any zombie, but we didn't unblock it. You can't be sure when a group can appear out of nowhere.

Ellen and Gale took care of Rick's wound and from what Gale said, Rick may wake up soon.

Unfortunately for him, at the end of the fifth week, the zombies managed to slip past the defense and forced us to leave, but before they could have overrun us, Gale and Paul sealed the hallway that led towards the entrance, hoping that this may save Rick life if he would ever wake up.
