
Light and Dark

Slowly she got away from the window and walked towards a dark corner of the cave. After she chanted a spell aloud, a small door on the wall appeared and opened with a creak. 

She placed a hand laced with long black nails over it and pushed it open further before stepping in. The inside was all dark but there was an illuminated glass tube in the middle that was twice the size of a regular human body. 

There was a figure suspended inside it hanging in the thin air without any visible support holding it. A red smoke was surrounding the glass tube but it was faint and thin allowing to see the face of the prisoner's face. His eyes were closed in a deep slumber. 

Slowly she walked over and lifted her hand up in the air, penetrating it through the smoke to touch the glass. A sick evil smile caused her black lips to stretch long and thin. 

"It's time I use you to lure her in here." 
