
Put your faith in us!

Mishi was scared upon hearing those words. "Shut up! How dare you say such things about a married woman?" Mishi angrily asked him. 

The person chuckled from the other side. "My love, I do not want to take your precious time anymore. So, I will explain you things very quick. I will tell only once and then you have to call me to confirm that. Your husband, Xian Zhang will lose everything soon in these 2 days. You all will come at the road. Don't think that you can ask others to help you because no one can help you except me. 

You see Xian has built the company with so much hard work. It will come to an end in just two days. I also found that you two have adopted a son and Xian loves him a lot. I saw in the party how happy he was with him. His future will be at stake because of this bankruptcy. 
