
2751 Heading to the Undead World

"So they really were connected." Shi Feng gave a big sigh after hearing the system notification. This expansion pack made it difficult for those with towns and cities in level 100+ neutral maps, as the monsters that would attack them become stronger whenever they do a town or city assault. Also the dark forces hiding in those maps will become bolder and plan to take those towns and cities. But the worst of all is the Chaos beings that will soon enter the continent. The Chaos world is similar to the Undead World and those that reside in it are ridiculously strong. Zero Wing should be fine as they have the Knight Division and high ranking personnel guards, not including his the guild has 95 tier 4 personal guards and over 100 members of the knight division reached tier 4 as well. "

Just to be safe lets recruit more personal guards."

Phoenix Rain and Aqua have been gathering up plenty of injured NPCs on both continents and Shi Feng has over 700 water of life drops. He also saved up five fruits of life and three seven colored fruits, if he gives those to the dark gold guards and they become epic guards, protecting the guild will be child's play. As Shi Feng continued his business all the powers invited to the candlelight chamber of commerce auction were gathering their funds especially first rate powers and below. While they didn't expect to get the temporary residence the other potential items can elevate their strength. Zero Wing leaked some potential auction items and while no one can confirm it, better safe than sorry. Some of the leaks included a batch of bronze combat puppets, some soul crystals, and even a fruit of life.

These leaks are all true, Shi Feng wanted this auction to be a memorable one so the guild's future auctions will gather much more attention. But more importantly he needed funds. Burning Abyss and the rest finished dismantling the rock nest fortress but he's still missing over 30% of the needed materials for his mobile fortress. He will also needs funds for his future ancient war fortress once he gets the full design, that's why he is being so generous with this auction. After three days of nonstop forging and building, Shi Feng, melancholic, and the rest of the life style players managed to create 11 secret silver combat puppets, three shooting light airships, and 92 tier 4 moon strider sets. Shi Feng became level 140 back in the Chaos Storms dungeon and now he is close to level 141 after three days of work.

"Guild Leader everyone's ready. The main force and Dark Gods legion are all waiting at the Shining fortress." Aqua Rose said to Shi Feng

"Okay then, I'll be there in a minute." Shi Feng then stored one of the shooting light airships and three of the secret silver combat puppets and made his way to the Shining fortress. In the castle hall 2000 players were waiting and chatting. Over 400 were tier 4 players and the rest were tier 3 and fully unlocked their mana bodies. This was the guilds main force, dark gods legion, and internal members. When Shi Feng looked at this line up happiness filled his heart. After their training not counting other core members over 400 members of the dark gods legion and internal members entered the refinement realm and flowing water realm, with a few reaching the void realm. The rest are in the half step refinement realm. Shi Feng didn't expect such a result from only eight days of training. Now Zero Wing has 677 refinement realm experts, 492 flowing water realm experts and 138 void realm experts. Unfortunately the Lucid World is becoming weaker and the effects of training there are becoming less effective. But this is more than satisfactory, now if the Dark Wing legion members can have similar results then Zero Wing will be one step closer to becoming a super guild.

"Rain, are you sure you will be alright, Aqua and I can stay behind if you want." Snow said to Rain. She was worried that Phoenix Rain would overwork herself while they were gone. Zero Wing wasn't the best when it came to management.

"You guys don't have to worry it's only going to be a few weeks, go and have fun. I'll take care of things here." Phoenix Rain said with a reassuring smile. She was left in charge of both continents while they were gone but in reality she only had to worry about the west as Youlan and Melancholic will take care of most things in the east. The only downside is that they can't travel between continents as easily with Shi Feng and the space pen gone, having to ask Azure chamber of commerce for help with that. With everyone saying their goodbyes Shi Feng finished the magic arrays that were controlling the teleportation orb at the top of the room. The liquid orb then descended on the army and with a silver light they all disappeared from the room.

In the Fire Dragon Empire in Mythology's residence top floor sat two people watching the sunset as Fire Dragon City gets ready for the night. This was Cold Shadow and Swelling Light.

"Here these are the details you need to know about the operation. You don't really have to do much, Lu Zhangwang did almost everything for us." Cold Shadow said as she handed the man next to her a stack of documents.

"Thanks. By the way you set us up. Building that town in the lost light plains cost a lot of resources, the guild wanted to use it as a main base but now Black Flame destroyed it, how are you going to pay us back?"

Swelling Light said a little angry. He really didn't want that town destroyed, it was a gold mine after all. And while he did expect Zero Wing to retaliate he didn't think they would do it so soon and with so few people.

"What do you have to be angry about. Even though you lost blue times town we got Zero Wing to destroy Starlink for us while we take control of their territories and treasures. Besides Black Flame shouldn't have made such a big show now he has all the other superpowers antsy and scared. 'Zero Wing doesn't even care about great super guilds, so they definitely won't care about us'. That's the thought process these guys are having right now and it frightens them." Cold Shadow said as she sipped on her drink.

Swelling Light paused and laughed "and we use that fear to move on with our plans! Shadow your one wicked woman!"

"Exactly. And please I'm not that evil, I'm just playing the game like everyone else."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. But we have one problem, Zero Wings strength is too great. They destroyed our town with just eleven people and made our experts look like children, without a true monster leading the charge we can suffer heavy losses."

Zero Wings' recent display has shaken Gods Domain once again. Everything from effortlessly destroying a town protected by a great superguild to destroying a super power in Starlink made people realize how frightening they could be.

"The guild's strength is great but we don't need to act directly. With a little enticement other powers will try to suppress them. And while that won't be enough once the demon god operation commences Zero Wing will just be an afterthought."

The five great super guilds were seen as invincible. Only a few transcendental powers like the Secret Pavilion can stand against them, but now another has appeared in Zero Wing. These superpowers won't sit back as they allow a guild with no background lord over them.

Swelling Light glanced at Cold Shadow "you say that but why do I see the feeling of defeat in your eyes?" He asked.

Cold Shadow looked at him then back to her drink and didn't say anything.

"Whatever as long as you give your all for the goal I don't care." Swelling Light got up and snapped his finger and in the next instant he disappeared.

Cold Shadow looked at the sunset from her chair as she played with her straw and sighed. "It's not defeat but I have a feeling. Hall master Shi I wonder what you'll do to save your guild this time."

In the meantime the candlelight chamber of commerce auction has reached its final stage. This auction was the most intense one yet, as the items on display were heavily bided for. Zero Wing started by auctioning off four frontier breaker sets and revaluation breaker sets, all level 120-135 dark gold sets, even super guilds will go crazy for those. Next the guild auctioned large socks of all rounded devices, elvin silver, exotic stamina potions, a few blood refining stones, and a couple soul crystals and many more. The guilds went crazy and the best part was not all items had to be bought with coins or magic crystals, candlelight was also accepting rare materials as well. The auction went even crazier when a Crimson dragon airship went up for auction. The Secret Pavilion spent 1,025,000 magic crystals just to get it. Shi Feng didn't mind selling one airship, after all he now can make better ones and already has plenty airships, and the people in this auction weren't hostile to his guild and funds for his future project was what was important. Finally the temporary residence in the Shining fortress was left.

"I'm sure you all know the value of this residence. We will start the bid at 300,000 gold with increments of 5000 gold. Now do I here 300,000!" The auctioneer announced.

"The Sacred Temple bids 320,000 gold"

"Kings Return bids 350,000 gold!"

"Ha! The Secret Pavilion bids 400,000 gold!"

"What cheapskates. Nature Hall bids 500,000 gold!"

The auction hall became intense as only the superpowers were continuously bidding. In the end Frost Heaven won the residence for 1,720,000 gold. With that the auction came to an end and Zero Wing became one of the wealthiest guilds in the game in the eyes of many but in reality the guild will soon be poor as Shi Feng plans to spend all this wealth as soon as he returns.
